Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999

Mrs. Dalgarn's and Mrs. Sheridan's first grade classes at Tussing Elementary in Pickerington, Ohio (a Columbus suburb) got involved in Earth Day 1999 by decorating bags from a local Kroger store. Part of a week long Earth Day Unit, this awareness campaign resulted in Trash Sculptures and a room recycling program instituted by the children. Many extended their school explorations and initiated recycling regimens at home. Earth Day extended into Arbor Day as one first grade class planted two trees on school grounds to celebrate and impact the future. As second graders, the students at Tussing Elementary will explore an extended Earth Day Unit. Thank you for including these pictures on your web site and linking the students at Tussing Elementary to global posterity.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Jacquie Hurwitz
Student Teacher with Mrs. Dalgarn's First Grade
The pictures are representative of bags from both classes.
Denise French
Twin Valley South Elementary
West Alexandria, Ohio/USA
Bags decorated: 414
Comments: This is the first year that the elementary has participated in decorating bags for Earth Day. The kindergarten, first, third, fourth and fifth grades participated. The guidance counselor also worked with the students and discussed responsibility and recycling. The fifth grade students wrote questions on their bags and had the middle school students research the answers. We got our bags from two local grocery stores, Marsh IGA and Krogers. We hope to continue our participation next year.

Vicki Rathbun
Lincoln Elem.
Bryan City Schools
Bryan, Ohio
Bags decorated: 215
Judy Morgan
Scioto Elem. School
Commercial Point, Ohio USA
Bags decorated: 415
Comments: The second graders at Scioto Elementary School were
very concerned about the environment. We wanted to
do something to make the community around us more
aware of our concerns. Then, we happened upon the
Earth Day Bags project on the internet. We contacted
Joel Albanese, the owner of the Ashville I.G.A, and he was
happy to special order the bags for us to decorate. The
whole school joined us, and we ended up sending 415 bags
over to the store to pass out. We were written up in the
paper, and received a lot of nice comments from our
community about this project. Now we feel real good about
ourselves, thanks to your fabulous internet project.
2nd Graders
Scioto Elem. School
Comm. Pt., Ohio
Happy Earth Day 1999! Our school ( grades K-6) was truly
excited about this. We teamed up with Giant Eagle grocery store for
this project. We decorated over 350 bags. We look forward to
participating next year.
From Central School- Kent ,Ohio
Mrs. Ball - Grade 2
Student's at AB Hart Middle School, located at 3901 E. 74th Street in Cleveland, Ohio participated in the Earth
Day Groceries Project to help educate the public on the event.
The local Finast market donated bags to decorate, and Terry, the stores manager, displayed the finished art work
around the store the week prior to Earth Day. They were then taken down and distributed to customers the week
of the celebration.
The project was taken on in science classrooms, as well as in several art classes. Student's also viewed a video
on recycling and read about recycling and the difficulties of this industry. Some alternative ideas were discussed,
mentioning ways to further reduce consumer waste.
This was a very enjoyable and educational experience.
C. Hardman
Orchard School of Science
Cleveland OH USA
Bags decorated: 550
This was a very worthwhile project for all of our students in grades PreK- 5. The art teachers integrated science
science and art. The bags were delivered to Giant Eagle.
Grace Lawson
Conneaut Elementary School
Bowling Green, Ohio
Bags decorated: 24
Comments: The kindergarten class enjoyed decorating the bags donated by the Bowling Green Kroger store. The pictures showed how to recycle, pick up litter and how to save energy and water. The children learned a great deal about taking care of the earth and were eager to share their new knowlegde with others.
Twin Valley South Middle
W. Alex. ,Ohio
Bags decorated: 150
This was our first year to participate in this project. Millers IGA donated the bags and our seventh and eighth grade decorated them. We hope to involve other grades next year.
Catherine M.S. Cepress
Shawnee Elementary School
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lakota School District
Bags decorated: 100
Comments: Shawnee Elementary held its fifth annual school wide science fair on Earth Day! The building was beaming with science projects from grades kindergarten through sixth! 440 students participated in the event! To celebrate Earth Day we had several hands on activities in the cafetorium. These activities included your national "Earth Day Bag Project", pond life study using microscopes, soil study using tree logs/soil from our nature trail, tree ring study, "MAKE AND TAKE"-recycling common items into toys, and our very own Butler County Parks director, Miss Mary and her owl. Our bags for the "Earth Day Grocery Bag Project" were lent by our local grocery store, Munafo's Jubilee Foods. We are proud to be part of this very important awareness project. We hope to repeat this next year!
Chalita Sadler
Lincoln Park Elementary
Columbus Ohio
Bags decorated: 350
Our school had a great time with this activites. All grade levels participated and the fourth graders got to be teachers for a hour. My class went to all the other classes and helped them with thier bags. They got to expalin what it was we were doing and why. The kids loved it. Thank you so much for the idea.
From everyone at our school to yours Happy Earth Day every day!!!!!
We are from the YMCA in Columbus, Ohio. We participated in the Earth
Day grocery bag project with our latchkey children. We decorated and
returned 100+ bags to our area Big Bear store. Thought you would like
to have us in your tally. If possible could you send us the final
count. Thank you for you time. -YMCA Latchkey staff
Judith Hearing
Mrs. Slattery
St. Mary of the Assumption School
Mentor, OH, USA
Bags decorated: 160
St. Mary's in Mentor Ohio, both of 4th and 5th
graders took part in Earth Day by coloring grocery
bags from "Finast". Both grades colored a total of 80
bags each. Each student wrote a little environmental
message on the bag.Thanks for the idea. We hope this
will help others to start taking a part to help save
their world.
Students of St. Mary's of the
Mentor Ohio
Donna Close
Wilbur Wright Middle School
Cleveland, Ohio USA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: I visited the Westown Finast Grocery Store just two blocks away from our school at the end of March. They were excited about this project and the prospect of helping educate both our students and the public. They gave us a bundle of five hundred bags. I disseminated them among the science teachers in our middle school. We brainstormed messages we wanted the public to know about the Earth and saving our environment. Then our sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students had a great time decorating the bags. We returned them to the Westown Finast with a banner that read "HAPPY EARTH DAY 1999!" We also included many photos of the students hard at work and of their finished products. The managers at Finast made a huge display across the front windows of their store. It was beautiful!
We thank the Westown Finast of Cleveland for their co-operation and enthusiasm in helping us with this project.
Jeanne West
Reynolds Elementary School
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Bags decorated: 260
We received a very positive response from many teachers in our building about this project. Students really enjoyed
doing this "random act of kindness". The stores
reported very positive customer response also.
Andrew Conrad
Liberty Center
Liberty Center, Ohio
Bags decorated: 115
Trish Padley
Conrad Elementary School
Newark, OH
Bags decorated: 350
Our school of just over 300 students decorated grocery bags for the local
store, Jamboree. We learned about the earth and how we need to take care
of it. We did a litter walk throughout the neighborhood of the school
and collected 40 bags of litter.
Mrs. Rita
Normandy school
Centerville, Ohio
Bags decorated: 23
It was a fun project.
Tammy Ruehrwein
Lloyd Mann Primary in Loveland City Schools
Loveland, Ohio
Bags decorated: 750
Comments: This was a GREAT idea! Our kindergarteners and first graders were very excited about decorting the grocery bags.
Each of the 750 students in our building decorated the grocery bags for our local Loveland Kroger Store. For our
building we wanted the bags to carry the environmental message "Don't Litter". Students used the theme to help
them decorate the bags for distribution. We also helped raise environmental awareness through our local paper
and WCPO News. Both presented Lloyd Mann's participation in the Earth Day Groceries Project. We are pleased
and proud to be a part of this effort that is growing rapidly. Thanks for the idea and your individual efforts to make
this internet project a HUGE success. Pictures of some of the bags will follow.
Western Row Elementary School
Mason, Ohio
4th Grade Teacher -- Steve Golembiewski
# of bags decorated -- 500
WESTERN ROW ELEMENTARY students decorated 500 grocery bags for the Earth
Day Groceries Project!! With the help of Thriftway Grocery, our classes
were able to remind the community of Mason, Ohio, about the importance of
taking care of OUR earth. There were some very clever designs and
everyone was excited to be involved in this project. I'd like to thank
Thriftway Grocery for donating the grocery bags and all the teachers that
helped us reach 500 bags.
Thanks for the GREAT Earth Day idea!!
Lucie Collier
Mt. Washington Elementary School
Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Bags decorated: 502
Comments: Children in grades K - 6 participated with the help of the Mt. Washington Kroger store in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Kevin O'Connor
Notre Dame Elementary
Novelty, OH United States
Bags decorated: 50
Jennifer J. Ware
Roosevelt Elementary School
Euclid, Ohio, USA
Bags decorated: 496
Comments: We had a great time decorating bags. We are a K-4 school.
Even though I discovered the project just 10 days before
Earth Day, 26 classes signed up and participated. Some
classes worked together in teams or with buddies to decorate
the bags. Our third grade Student Council Representatives
walked to our local Finast store to deliver the bags.
The manager at the store gave each student an apple! Yum!
We even had parent volunteers. Everyone got involved!
Thanks so much for inspiring us! Jenny Ware :-)
Cheryl Curry
McKinley Elementary
Bags decorated: 465
McKinley students in every Kindergarten to grade 6 classroom decorated 465 bags to celebrate earth day! Remember, the earth is our home! Happy Earth Day from McKinley Elementary in Xenia, OH!
The fourth grade classes at Taylor Road Elementary School in
Reynoldsburg Ohio are proud to announce that they decorated over 200
bags for Earth Day with environmental messages and colorful pictures!
We participated with a local Kroger grocery store. Each class
discussed the importance of recycling, reusing saving Earth's
The fourth grade had their picture taken in front of Taylor Road School
with their decorated bags and classroom teachers have taken
photographs as well. The brown bags will be delivered to Kroger today,
in time to be used for Earth Day 99.
Next year we plan to make this project school wide and involve grades 1
through 4! We enjoyed participating!
Christine McGlumphy
Charlene Braun
Karen Dray
Bruce Johnston
Teachers, Grade 4 Taylor Road Elementary
Reynoldsburg, OHio 43068
Pamela Miller
Franklin Elementary/Jackson City Schools
Jackson, Ohio 45640
Bags decorated: 24
Comments: Our class really enjoyed this project. We hope to include our entire school next year. This is an excellent activity to include in Earth Day celebrations.
Bags decorated: 220
Our school has teamed up with FINAST grocery for this K-5 project. We picked up the bags last week.
Each class got together to determine how many bags each person wanted to decorate and thus how
many bags each class needed. The kindergarteners are responsible for the final count on Tuesday the 20th.
(We think we will have around 220 bags). Our principal and twelve children will deliver the decorated
bags to FINAST on Wednesday so that they can distribute them to patrons on Earth Day! One of the
messages that the second graders wrote on the bags was "Use durable cloth bags over, and over, and
over, and over again!" This was a great project! Thank you for your support!
Nancy Evans
Lake Ridge Academy
North Ridgeville, Ohio
Bags decorated: 250
Comments: Our school is located next to a grocery named Rulli Bros. They lent us 250 bags to decorate. On the 21st we presented them with the bags, a certificate, and a huge sign saying "Lynn Kirk first graders have recycling in the bag." What fun!
Sandra Metts
Lynn Kirk School
Austintown, Ohio 44515
Earthday Bags!
Our school located in New Lexington , Ohio is decorating bags for
Earth Day 1999. We have gotten 650 grocery bags from our local Kroger
store and we will be returning them to the store on Wed. for
distribution on Thursday. We are a small school in southern Ohio, we
are located in Perry County and would like to be included on your map.
My name is Janice Coleman.
Students in grades K-3 of Dumont Elementary School (Madeira City School
System) decorated 400 bags with Earth Day messages for the Madeira
Kroger Store. It was a fun project and the kids felt great about doing
something positive for the earth!
Submitted by: Fran Wilson
Dumont Elementary
7840 Thomas Drive
Madeira, OH 45243
Bags decorated: 250
Michelle Chapman
Chauncey Elementary
Athens, Ohio
The Welsh Hills School is a pre-K through 8th grade, private,
independent, preparatory school of 90 students, where community service
and outreach projects are built into its mission and philosophy.
This is our first year to participate in the Groceries Project. All of
our students participated in decorating the bags, over a two week period,
during our regularly scheduled community service time.
Total number of bags decorated: 100
Participating grocery stores: Granville IGA, Festival Foods, and Meijer
We look forward to making this an annual event, that coincides with our
Earth Week activities and celebrations.
Diane Warstler
Lower School Teacher
The Welsh Hills School
2610 Newark Granville Road
Granville, OH 43023
Children FIRST
Bags decorated: 522
Comments: This is our first year with the project. I saw the idea in a teacher magazine and loved it. Our school has grades k-5. We made this a school-wide actitiy. Thanks for the great idea.
Sara Stahler
Southeastern Elememtary School
Bellefontaine, Ohio , U.S.A.
Bags decorated: 31
Comments: Great project! My students loved it and we hope to involve the entire school next year!!!! My second grade students at St. Joan of Arc School in Canton, Ohio, decorated
31 grocery bags. They plan on recycling them by having their parents reuse
them on their next grocery store trip.
Sharon Ritchey
St. Joan of Arc
Canton, Ohio
Bags decorated: 385
Comments: 385 bags were decorated by Kdg. through 5th graders. Bags were donated by Finke's Pleasant Ridge IGA store.
Lynda Deuble
Woodford Paideia Elementary School
Cincinnati, Ohio USA
Bags decorated: 26
Comments: Our 2nd-3rd grade class decorated grocrey bags for Big Bear.
Most of us put a world on it. All of them are very colorful.
Almost all of them said save the earth. We are studying the
rain forest, so that taught us a lot of facts about trees.
We really got into the project.
Cheryl Rice
Norwich Elementary
Bags decorated: 312
Bags decorated: 20
Comments: We think that the Earth Day Grocery bag project is a very
good way to get people involved with Earth Day.We enjoyed
using your website to help give us ideas before decorating our bags.
Mr. Tuttle's Class
Noble Elementary School
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Bags decorated: 750
Comments: One of our fourth grade teachers suggested the project and
had students first write on a section of the grocery bag to
tell Earth facts or ways to care for our Earth. Then fourth
grade students collected the bags for an editing project.
Finally, the bags were returned to the classes for the
students to add their artwork. Therefore, when the bags are
taken to the grocery (Granville IGA) they will have written
messages and artwork.
Carolyn Gibson
Granville Elementary
Granville, OH
Bags decorated: 608
Dinah Wright
Scottish Corners Elementary
Dublin, Ohio
Bags decorated: 600
Comments: I am pleased to announce that North Elementary School in Youngstown, Ohio has decorated 600 grocery bags to be distributed at the Belmont Avenue Giant Eagle in Youngstown. The children and staff had a great time with the project. Giant Eagle will distribute the bags on Earth Day and will hang a giant Earth Day banner signed by all students and staff of North Elementary. We are proud to be a part of the Earth Day Groceries Project!
I just wanted to let you know
personally what a wonderful project this is. We recently combined the staff
and students of 2 closed elementary schools here in Youngstown,Ohio. Things
happened very fast...closings, packing, moving, new staff, new children,
moving 700 elementary kids (K-4) into an old highschool building. It's been
a rough year. But the students and staff really came together on this
project...mainly, I think, because it was"non-invasive" to the teachers. I
did the foot work, picked up the bags, distributed them and returned them to
the store...no problem...no muss! no fuss!
It also was a chance for the school to do a service in the community...much
needed here in Youngstown. I'd like to see our children do more next
year...your project has given me a few ideas on what I'd like to see done...
So, thanks once again...I've come to really use the Internet as a tremendous
resouce for my classroom and my teaching...will mark my calendar for next
year and hopefully involve more stores and perhaps invite the parents and
grandparents in for a bag decorating party !
Mrs. Arlene Scull,
Grade 1
North Elementary School,
YoungstownCity Schools
2724 Mariner Avenue
Youngstown, Ohio 44505
We have 4 first grades in our building and we have decorated 200 grocery bags for Earth Day. Rulli Brothers is the store and we are walking there on Earth Day to deliver the bags and tour the store.
Sandra Metts
Lynn Kirk Elementary School
Austintown, Ohio
Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
Hi! I'm the education coordinator for the Clinton County Solid Waste
District here in Wilmington, Ohio. For Earth Day 1998, I worked with three of
our elementary schools - Clinton Massie, Denver Place and Holmes School - to
organize an Earth Day Groceries project. We had three local grocery stores
donate bags. Overall we decorated about 2,000 bags. It was a wonderful activity
and we hope to have all nine of our elementary schools participate next year.
Thanks for a neat idea. We had a great response from the community and the
local newspaper covered the event.
Kimberly Wilson (ccswmd@erinet.com)
Clinton-Massie, Holmes, Denver Place
Wilmington, OH
Once again we took on the challenge of decorating a few hundred brown
paper bags to share the Earth Day message. We decorated 600 bags this year.
The shoppers loved them!
Julie Weaver (st_weaver@sceca.ohio.gov)
Fishcreek Elementary
Stow, OH
What a great Earth Day project! Our students at Market Street Elementary
School, Boardman, Ohio decorated a total of 444 grocery bags that were used
by our local Sparkle Market. We also made posters with Earth Day messages
to decorate the store and were lucky enough to have a local television
station report on our work. Thanks for sharing such a terrific idea with
Lisa Hughes, Judy Lipkovich
Science Coordinators Grades K-4
Hello! This is our first year with the Earth Day project.We really
had a great time with this project. We are a small school located
about 45 minutes southwest of Columbus, Ohio. We are a K-8 school with our Jr.
High and High school building attached. We have about 450 students in the
Elementary, offering both traditional and multiage classes.
This year the 6 multiage classes participated in the project. We decorated 123
bagsfor our local IGA store(Chet's IGA). We hope to have more classes
participate next year. Great project!!
Kelly Logan logank@mburg.woco.ohio.gov
1-2 multiage
Dohron Wilson Elementary
60 High St.
Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044
We had fun doing this. We hope you recycle. We like to recycle.
We decorated 20 bags from our class. It was fun!
marylou (ae624@seorf.ohiou.edu)
The Plains Elementary http://www.expage.com/page/kyleswebpage1997
The Plains, Ohio
Mr. Guarnieri, an Environmental Science Teacher, and Mr.
Degenaro, an Art Teacher, participated in a team effort to
design and distribute 800 shopping bags to Patton's Sparkle
Market of Hubbard, Ohio.
Anthony Guarnieri (THEACE1998@aol.com)
Hubbard High School
Hubbard, Ohio 44425
Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Our third grade organized the project. We picked up 150 bags from a
local IGA grocery. Some of my students shopped at the store Earth Day just to
see their bags being distributed. Store will welcome project next year. They
had many positive comments about the bags.
Janet Sowers mayor@compuserve.com
St. Mary's School
Marietta, Ohio
Hi! At Forest Park Christian School in Columbus, Ohio, we decorated
approximately 60 bags donated from the local Big Bear grocery store. The
children were in kindergarten and pre-school. They had a great time!!
Thanks for the wonderful idea!!
Lora L. Karcher
Hello from Kentucky School. We are an inner-city elementary school in
Cleveland, Ohio. We decorated about 250 bags from the local Finast. Thanks!
This is Elizabeth McLean reporting from Wilder Junior High in Piqua,
Ohio (on I-75 about 25 miles north of Dayton). We had a ball decorating
the grocery bags. What a wonderful idea! My high school environmental
club coordinated the bag decorating among all six of our elementaries
and the two junior highs so we did about 2800 bags!! We tried to vary
the messages to get away from the cliches by sending energy tips to all
the schools. Three grocery stores participated. Look forward to
joining you again next year! Thanks for sharing such a worthwhile
Elizabeth McLean emclean@wesnet.com
For Earth Day 1997,
182 sixth graders here at Gahanna Middle School East
decorated 300 bags. The bags are to be returned to
the local Big Bear grocery store and distributed this week.
William Zamora zamoraw@gahanna.k12.oh.us
Gahanna Middle School East
Gahanna, Ohio
Thanks for creating such a wonderful project. Our entire school
participated. We are a K-4 catholic elementary school. We would love to get
e-mail from you!
We decorated 140 grocery bags. We are returning them to the Giant Eagle
grocery store to have groceries packed in them on Earth Day.
Thanks again,
Mrs. Adria Musick adria1oh@aol.com
Computer Instructor
St. Pius X Elementary School
Warren, Ohio
url: http://www.grapevinenet.com/stpius
What a cool project! Since I only just discovered this project on
the evening of April 14, we were only able to do 430 bags. The bags were
decorated with pictures, slogans/messages, and a "Decorated by..." sticker. 50
students in 2 Multiage first/second grade classrooms participated. The local
newspaper even showed up this morning to take photos! We are looking forward
to participating again next year (and getting an earlier start!!) Personally,
I don't want to see another brown paper bag for a while!!!
Actually, I was planning on having the kids make paper bag vests to wear on
Earth Day with recycled bags.........We are also looking forward to getting the
final results of this project!
Cheers, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Miller, and kids!
Julie L. Weaver chin0803@aol.com
Fishcreek Elementary
Stow, Ohio
Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
Killbuck Elementary School in Killbuck, Ohio participated in the Earth Day
Grocery project for the third year. All 320+ students decorated bags that were
distributed in the local grocery store. We enjoy this project, as it
gives us a simple, meaningful way for each child to promote taking care
of our earth.
Sue Fullerman Killbuck Elementary School
216-276-2891 299 School St. Killbuck OH 44637
-----------------------------------------Keep Smiling! :-) :-) :-) :-) --
Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
Waterville Primary, a K - 4 school in Northwest, Ohio has had an enjoyable
time with the grocery bags. We passed them out on March 20. Classes did
an excellent job! We will be giving 366 finished bags back to Foodtown
Supermarket, in
Waterville. They have been very helpful in our project.
Thank you for providing this opportunity.
Jeff Schmidt
I am a first grade teacher at Olentangy Elementary School in
Delaware, Ohio. We are participating in the Earth Day grocery bag project.
Our elementary has decorated 800 bags for our local Big Bear Grocery store!
Just wanted to let you know!
Thank you.... Jo Anne Lane
Our school participated in your wonderful project for the second year.
It is a good experience for all of us. Thanks for all the time you
must spend working on and organizing it all so well.
We are a rural K-6 school in North Central Ohio. All 320 of our students
decorated bags this year. Our school is Killbuck Elementary School in
Killbuck, Ohio.
Sue Fullerman
Sue Fullerman, Kindergarten Teacher Killbuck Elementary School
216-276-2891 299 School St. Killbuck OH 44637
whol_fullerm@tccsa.ohio.gov "I touch the future. I teach."
Ohio Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1994
Thnaks for the great idea. The students in grades 4, 5, 6, & 8 in
my school decorated Earth Day Grocery bags. They completed 200 bags.
We could have done more but that's all the local grocer wanted.
The bags were beautiful and the messages very carefully thought
out. Anyone can tell be looking at these bags how much the kids care
about their planet and its preservation. Along with this project
the 8th graders had written Earth Day editorials in computer lab.
Some of these were selected to read over the PA each morning to
stimulate the students in their decorating efforts.
"It takes a whole village to educate a child." African proverb
Cathy Kerscher
Computer Lab Teacher
St. Joseph School, K-8
112. W. Broadway Email: Scimatec36@uoft02.utoledo.edu
Maumee, Ohio 43537
Our K-6 school in Killbuck, Ohio all made Earth Day bags -- 340 of them.
Thanks for a neat project. We look forward to hearing total.
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