Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2005

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Andy Lester-Niles
Brunson Elementary School
Winston-Salem, NC USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: We get so many kind words from customers. The store reports back that patrons say they look forward to the event evey year. One customer still has the artwork hanging on display in her house from previous year.

submitted on 3/20/2007

Beth Gilbert
Lindley Elementary School
Greensboro, NC USA

We decorated 275 bags!

About our project: The teachers and students at Lindley Elementary were very enthusiastic about participating for the second year in a row in the Earth Day Groceries Project. This community service activity was a part of a school-wide week long Earth Day celebration. Last year the school received the Greensboro Beautiful Clean Campus Award for all of Guilford County as a result of their campus clean-up and community Earth Day/environmental awareness campaigns including the grocery project. They hope to continue the tradition every year.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 2/28/2006

Colleen Helton
Charlotte, NC USA

We decorated 10 bags!

About our project: We received this assignment after April 22nd from our homeschool academy. I work part time at a preschool, so we made the bags out of lunch bags and put treats in them for the kids there.

submitted on 5/20/2005

Nell Cordones
Maureen Joy Charter School
Durham, NC USA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: The enthusiasm of the students really came through in their artwork and although our local grocery stores were reluctant participants this year, they were thrilled with the bags when I delivered them.I expect they will be happy to participate next year! We culminated the project with an Earth Day Fair at our school where students planted flowers, made recycled paper and bird feeders, and much more. Next year we plan to invite a neighboring school to join us in this celebration and double the number of bags we create!

submitted on 5/13/2005

Cindy Fleming
Pickett Primary School
Lexington, NC USA

We decorated 50 bags!

About our project: With the help of Ms. Lin Hulvey(Guidance Counselor), first grade students decorated and delivered bags to a local grocery store (Conrad and Hinkle). On the day of delivery, the local newspaper featured an article about the grocery bag project.

submitted on 4/28/2005
