Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2005

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Judith Naugle
George Washington Intermediate Primary School
New Castle, PA USA

We decorated 220 bags!

About our project: Several bags were received and brought in to the school with notes of thanks. The Giant Eagle Store was most helpful and people enjoyed receiving them!

submitted on 5/8/2005

Patricia Rutt
DeFranco Elementary
Bangor, PA USA

We decorated 273 bags!

About our project: This is our second year of participating in the Earth Day Grocery Bags Project. Eleven classes of fourth and fifth graders decorated 273 bags for a local food market. The message is getting out to take care of our Earth!

submitted on 5/1/2005

Ellen Raieta
Marshall Street and Whitehall
Norristown, PA USA

We decorated 600 bags!

About our project: This year, students at Marshall Street and Whitehall Elementary Schools in Norristown, PA, worked together across all grades, K-5, to decorate more than 600 bags. These were distributed and displayed at the local Genuardi's Supermarket. Last year we decorated 100 bags, so the increase is huge. Teachers and students enjoyed this activity immensely.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/29/2005

Joann T. Stabinski
St. Ambrose School
Schuylkill Haven, PA USA

We decorated 175 bags!

About our project: This was the first year that our school participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project, and it was an excellent way to promote environmental awareness. All grades (K to 8) designed a grocery bag, so 175 students were able to share Earth Day messages with the community! Their creativity and environmental concerns were very impressive. Giant Food Stores of Cressona (PA) cooperated with our school in this fun and worthwhile project. We plan on making this a part of our annual Earth Day lessons and celebration.

submitted on 4/27/2005

Kristina Laurenzo
Radnor Elementary School
Radnor, PA USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: For Earth Day the Kindergarten and first graders at Radnor Elementary school decorated the bags. We did it over three days! It takes a while! They came out beautiful and the kids loved them!

submitted on 4/26/2005
