Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2005

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Patricia Messersmith
Matteson School District 162
Matteson, IL USA

We decorated 850 bags!

About our project: I came acrss this project on the Internet and thought it sounded like a wonderful, authentic connection for the students between themselves and their communities. Our school district draws from several communities in the area, so we were able to solicit participation for the project from 4 different grocey store chains. The staff at the stores were very happy to participate and very generous with their grocery bags. Three schools in our district participated with students from kindergarten to 8th grade making beautiful Earth Day grocery bags. One of the things that is best about this project is that students from all grades can participate. Students included the name of their school on the grocery bags, so the people of our communities would know that the students participated in an important Earth Day activity.

submitted on 4/26/2005

Lucy Gray
The University of Chicago Lab Schools
Chicago, IL USA

We decorated 440 bags!

About our project: We are very proud to have decorated 100 more bags than we did last year. It was also gratifying to see the beautiful art work of students from a wide range of grade levels. Our cooperating food store also supported Earth Day awareness by sponsoring a separate coloring contest.

submitted on 4/19/2005

Darlene Naglich
St. Thomas More School
Elgin, IL USA

We decorated 234 bags!

About our project: We had over eighty percent participation in this Earth Day project. Students were eager to share their Earth Day messages with the Elgin community. I was very impressed with the way they used their artistic gifts to inform others of this worthy cause.

submitted on 4/18/2005

Alicia Lapp
Simon Elementary
Winnebago, IL USA

We decorated 333 bags!

About our project: As a part of our college requirements we were supposed to come up with an All School Project. I found this website and the idea and I thought it was a really neat idea. It gets all the students involoved as well as making the community aware of Earth Day.

submitted on 4/18/2005