Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2004

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Nellie Johnston
Jane Phillips elementary
Bartlesville, OK USA

We decorated 319 bags!

About our project: I did not know about this project until Monday afternoon. I was looking for some ideas for me to use while substituting on Earth Day. I knew that I would be subbing at Jane Phillips Elementary for some fifth grade students. I saw this and called the principal, Toby Sissons, and asked him about it. He looked up the website and said that if I could get the bags, then he would have the entire student body participate in the project. There is only one grocery store that uses paper bags. I called them and they gladly let us borrow the bags. I called the local radio stations and they mentioned it over the air throughout the day to support the students. After school I took a few more over and they had already used what had been turn in to them. They were so excited that they chose the best of 4 grade categories, according to age. I will be sending in those bags to you for your use on this site, if you choose. It was a total success and we are looking forward to doing this again next year. Some students were absent or we would have had 100% participation. I may have some pictures also.

submitted on 4/22/2004

Peggy Spencer
Robert E. Lee
Durant, OK USA

We decorated 50 bags!

About our project: Robert E. Lee’s 1st grade students in Mrs. Spencer & Mrs. Schreier classrooms participated in Earth Day Groceries Project. The students loved the activity. We talked about what Earth Day is and the importance of it. The students listened as we read them books on the subject. We even watched a video about recycling!!! This was a wonderful activity that really got the students pumped about recycling!

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/22/2004