Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2003

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Mrs. Deborah Nickzad
Assumption School
Pittsburgh, PA USA

We decorated 500 bags!

About our project: will be participating again this year

submitted on 2/5/2004

Stephen Bagiatis
Greensburg, PA USA

We decorated 252 bags!

About our project: Great project... can't wait until next year!

submitted on 9/2/2003

Joyce McLane
Presentation BVM
Cheltenham, PA USA

We decorated 399 bags!

About our project: Presentation BVM School in Phila, PA participated for the first time in the Earth Day Groceries Project 2003. Students from Kdg-8th grade decorated 400 bags in art class for a paticipating grocery store, Pathmark. The students were very enthusiastic about the project and came up with great environmental messages which were decorated around the store. Thank you for a great art project and we look forward to Earth Day 2004!

submitted on 5/5/2003

Pamela Varga
Blackhawk Intermediate School
Beaver Falls, PA USA

We decorated 600 bags!

About our project: Students from our Blackhawk High School Recycling Club worked students in grades 3, 4, and 5 helping them to design their grocery bags. It's a great way for kids of different ages to work together on a worthwhile project.

submitted on 5/3/2003

Betty Satterley
Northampton Township Parks & Recreation
Richboro, PA USA

We decorated 180 bags!

About our project: On Sunday, April 27, Northampton Township Parks & recreation held its first Earth Day Celebration. As part of the festivites, we incorporated the Grocery Bag Project. Two weeks prior, flyers were sent throught the various elementary schools sking children to decorate grocery bags for reuse & recycle with their Earth Day ideas. Some classes did them as a group project, others, individually. On Earth Day at our celebration, a table was set up with stickers, markers, crayons, etc for the children to decorate with their Earth Day message. Local teenagers from the High School Ley Club were on hand to help the youngsters and also provide some fresh ideas. Bags were then delivered on the next Monday to Shop'N'Bag, Richboro for distribution to their customers. We thank them for their support.

submitted on 5/1/2003
