Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2003

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Theresa Bahnsen
Valentine Elementary
Valentine, NE USA

We decorated 125 bags!

About our project: Having only 14 students didn't stop my class from decorating 125 bags!! They really enjoyed the project! I have participated in this project since it began and have had a lot of positive comments. In fact, the clerks at the grocery store were excited when I walked in with our pile of decorated bags!!

submitted on 4/30/2003

Marie Rourke
Kennedy School at Mills
Omaha, NE USA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: The students are decorating bags in every grade. Most classes decorate their bags after sharing books with an Earth Day theme. The students are very excited about people in the community carrying home their groceries in bags they decorated. The best part is that they are doing something to celebrate Earth Day even though they don't have classes that day.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/13/2003