Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2003

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Johanna Broyles
Central Elementary School
Elizabeth City, NC USA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: We decorated 200 bags! My students were very pleased with the result of this project. They wrote messages in English and Spanish. They had so much FUN doing this activity and never realized they were learning new vocabulary, using grammar structures and creating art at the same time. This is a great idea to integrate different disciplines in one project! Thanks!!!! Happy Earth Day!

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/27/2004

Melissa Austin
Heritage Elementary
Wake Forest, NC USA

We decorated 300 bags!

About our project: We had an Earth Week Celebration which ended with a day of Earth Day activities based on this year's theme, "Water for Life." Students in kindergarten, first, and second grades decorated the bags as their final activity using information they had learned by participating in the day's activities. They seemed to enjoy the activity and came up with some great messages for their bags. In the future (this was our first year) I might give them more direct instruction for decorating their bags because some bags were not what I had expected. The art teacher is also going to assist me next year. I also had to get older kids to add to the bags because some of the k-2 students had left their bags pretty bare. The older kids really enjoyed the activity as well, and I plan on including them in next year's grocery bag project. The messages on the bags were a great way for me to see what students had learned by participating our Earth Day celebration. It was a great informal assessment. We all enjoyed participating.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/14/2003

Cindy Eller
Daisy Scout Troop 790
Drexel, NC USA

We decorated 100 bags!

About our project: This is to announce the participation of Girl Scout Daisy Troop 790, at Drexel First Baptist Church, in the tenth annual Earth Day Groceries Project! The scouts in our troop have decorated paper grocery bags with environmental messages. On Earth Day, April 22, these bags were passed out (full of groceries) to shoppers at the Bi-Lo Grocery Store in Morganton. Besides carrying an environmental message, each bag had the name of our Girl Scout Troop and some wonderful artwork by our Daisies. The people in our neighborhood will get a very clear and positive message that our area Daisy Scouts at Drexel First Baptist Church care about their environment. This is the tenth year that this international educational effort has been coordinated on the Internet. This is one of the largest and most well established educational projects on the Internet. It is a nonprofit, grassroots effort. The project started in 1994, with 43 schools reporting the decoration and distribution of 13,000 Earth Day Grocery Bags. In 1999, the number of schools reporting in reached nearly 1,200, with students decorating almost 400,000 Earth Day Grocery Bags! Every report from all the previous years is on the website. There are also pictures of schools from around the world involved in this project. Please see the project website at: for complete information. A report from our troop will soon be added to the website, so others will know about the effort of our Scout Troop. We are pleased and proud to be a part of this effort and invite you to contact your school or local Girl Scout Organization to find out more about the specific activities at our schools and the commitment that our students and scouts have concerning the issue of environmental education.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 5/3/2003

Rebecca Marshall
H. M. Arndt Middle
Hickory, NC USA

We decorated 328 bags!

About our project: We celebrated Earth Day early by having a mini-theme unit where one of the activities was to decorate the bags in order for Winn-Dixie to pass them out on Earth Day. Other classes read Dr. Seuss' The Lorax and played environmental computer games on the Internet. We also picked up trash around our school and graphed the types of trash that was collected.

submitted on 4/25/2003

Lisa Langley
Liberty Elementary
Liberty, NC USA

We decorated 498 bags!

About our project: Our kids had fun and enjoyed doing the bags. Also, it surprised me to learn how much they knew about taking care of our earth.

submitted on 4/17/2003
