Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2000

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Sharon Coppola
Lenox Elementary School
Pompton Lakes, NJUSA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: About our project: This was the first year that we participated in the program. The Lenox School students did a beautiful job decorating the bags. The project really made them think what Earthday was all about. Our local Pompton Lakes A&P generously donated the grocery bags. The children decorated 200 bags. The completed bags were returned to A&P for distribution to the shoppers. The children really enjoyed this project! We hope to increase our numbers next year.

submitted on 10/29/2001

Andrea Stein
Bret Harte Elementary School
Cherry Hill, NJUSA

We decorated 42 bags!

About our project: We studied conservation and natural resources. As a culminating activity, we decorated the bags and also wrote articles about the project for the school's monthly newsletter. We included other helpful tips using the 3R's of conservation.

submitted on 12/18/2000

Christine Pelcak
Hillside Intermediate School
Bridgewater, NJUSA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: The first Earth Day Groceries Project for Hillside Intermediate School was a wonderful success! Fourth and fifth grade students from the Hillside Environmental Club decorated paper bags donated by the local A&P. Children decorated the bags with colorful drawings and tips for recycling. A presentation of the completed bags was made to the A&P in Bridgewater, New Jersey.

submitted on 9/22/2000

Chris Sienkielewski
Pilgrim Covenant Church Learning Center
South Plainfield, NJUSA

We decorated 125 bags!

About our project: We had contacted three area stores and only one small store agreed to participate in the project. They gave us about 125 bags and the children decorated them after learning about recycling, Earth Day and other projects they could understand. It was remarkable that the children knew so much about the kinds of items that could be recycled and why it was inmportant to recycle items. In fact we had a speaker form the Recycling Authority in our county come to speak to the children and they were impressed with the children's knowledge and understanding of the issues.

submitted on 7/31/2000

Ruth Cohenson
Leeds Avenue School
Pleasantville, NJUSA

We decorated 600 bags!

About our project: This was the first year we participated in the project. Each child did his or her own original artwork. A variety of materials were used, including crayons, markers, paints, sponge painting, printing, and even some collaging with torn paper! It was a great success, and I'm looking forward to next year!

submitted on 7/9/2000
