Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2000
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Donna Sefczek
St. Michaels School
Brattleboro, VTUSA
We decorated 400
About our project: Hi, The sixth grade class of St.Michael's school in Brattleboro Vermont welcomes you to share our experience with the Earth Day grocery bag project. We used this project as an opportunity for community service. The project was made possible by the efforts of our teacher Mrs. Nancy Sprague and the support of the Brattleboro Food Co-op. St. Michaels School has a long tradition of caring and this idea is incorporated into everything we learn. Mrs. Sprague extended this lesson of caring to include the environment in conjunction with Earth Day 2,000. The project had the full support of Principal Mr. Frank Vara and Assistant Principal Mrs. Betty Runge. The class visited the Co-op where Ms. Diane Fontaine and Ms. B.J. Davis served as our contacts. We were happy to find enthusiastic support for the idea. A full bale (400 grocery bags) were generously provided by the Co-op, which has a long history of providing earth friendly products and organically grown foods to our community. Then Mrs. Sprague enlisted the help of St. Michaels art instructor Ms. Brianna Gardner who incorporated the environmental message into the art curriculum. The bags were diligently decorated by students from K through 6 and the message of Earth Day and the concepts of Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse were discussed and then, designed and decorated onto the grocery bags. The sixth grade even developed it's own stamp sporting an angel and the saying "Lovingly made by St. Michael's Sixth Grade" . The sixth grade spent a great deal of time considering the goal of this service project and how they hoped to send a message to the community about the importance of preserving and protecting all that God has given us. Mrs. Sprague emphasized why the Earth Day message is such an important one and also that good stewardship of the planet and it's resources requires a little extra effort on all our parts. Mrs.Sprague led the class on a walk from the school, through our downtown and to the Food Co-op where the bags were graciously received and stacked for distribution to our community on Earth Day. The environment is a top priority here in Vermont and we hope that our project will remind people of the commitment that is needed to maintain the beautiful area we are so blessed to live in. We learned a great deal from this project including the importance of working together as a class, as a school, and as a community. We could not have done so much without the help of the other students of St. Michaels School. We required the partnership of the Brattleboro Food Co-op to supply and distribute the decorated bags and of course, we couldn't have done any of this without a teacher who cared enough to participate in this project. To everyone who helped us we want to say THANK YOU! Please check out our photographs and remember to keep the spirit of this project alive in your actions not just on Earth Day but all year.
submitted on 4/22/2000