Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2001

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Joy Spears
Piedmont Elementary
Piedmont, OKUSA

We decorated 389 bags!

About our project: We used the Earth Day Bag idea to teach about Earth Day in three subject areas: Library, Art and Computers. The librarian read "The Great Trash Bash" by Loreen Leedy and had the students make a class book about how they could help the Earth. In computers, students got onto the Earth Day Bags website to look at bags decorated by other students. Finally, in Art, students learned about all of the different recycling symbols and what Reduce, Reuse, Recycle means. They decorated their grocery bags using these and other symbols relevant to Earth Day. Then we took the bags to our participating grocery store, Buy For Less.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/27/2001

Joy Spears
Piedmont Elementary
Piedmont, OKUSA

We decorated 389 bags!

About our project: We used the earth day bag web site to teach our students about earth day in several different areas of study. Students in Library read a story called "The Great Trash Bash" by Loreen Leedy. After reading the book they discused recycling and created a class book of how they could help the earth. Students in Computer Lab got onto the Earth Day Bag website and looked at bags decorated by students in other states and countries. Students discussed the different recycling symbols and what they mean. They discussed what reduce, reuse, and recycle means. Then they used the recycling symbols and their own creativity to decorate bags to take to Buy For Less on Earth Day. Shown are a picture from art, computers, and one from Buy For Less (the participating grocery store).

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/25/2001

Chauncey Reese
John Adams Elementary School
Lawton, OKUSA

We decorated 23 bags!

About our project: I found your website while perusing the Internet for Earth Day activities. I teach a split grade of second and third students. When our bags arrived I began to teach a unit on Earth Day. As a culminating activity we decorated the bags for distribution on Earth Day. The local merchant who agreed to join us in this effort is Country Mart. We completed the bags on April 17, 2001 and they will be distributed on Sunday (Earth Day). My students (kids) enjoyed the project and experienced citizenship and stewardship of this great planet by doing their part to keep America beautiful.

submitted on 4/18/2001

susan cartwright
Turner Elementary
Burneyville, OKUSA

We decorated 245 bags!

About our project: This project has been enthsiastically received by students and teachers alike. The students are excited about having their Earth Day drawings going home with diiferent people. They hope that it will have an impact on reminding people that we must take care of our earth. They are already looking forward to next year's project.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/11/2001