Earth Day Groceries Reports, 2001

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Ellen Imdieke
Wayne Middle School
Wayne, NEUSA

We decorated 280 bags!

About our project: We always enjoy this fun yet effective project to help promote environmental stewardship. This year, for the first time, we received a personal thank you card from an impressed citizen. She said she was glad to see that we were reminding everyone of Earthday. She stated that she was an avid recycler and that our efforts will be appreciated and admired many times. Again, thank you for this fun and effective idea to promote saving our earth. Ellen Imdieke

submitted on 4/30/2001

Cheryl Suehl
Wayne Elementary
Wayne, NEUSA

We decorated 350 bags!

About our project: We had an author coming right before Earth Day. The author writes Native American stories. We tied our sacks in with the Native American culture. Nature and the importance of our earth were related to the Native American tribes that we studied.

submitted on 4/24/2001

Cory Reed
LaVista West Elementary
LaVista, NEUSA

We decorated 90 bags!

About our project: To make our community aware of Earth Day, we thought the "Earth Day Groceries Project" was a great idea! Our local Baker's Supermarket "loaned" us the bags to decorate and we returned them to be distributed throughout the weekend of April 20th. Thanks for the idea!

submitted on 4/22/2001

Linda Dillman
Benson West Elementary School
Omaha, NEUSA

We decorated 108 bags!

About our project: There were 4 classrooms and our Student Council involved in this activity. Those participating were introduced to the Earthday Grocery Project during their Computer Class. We visited the web site for information. Our objective was to make people realize that this one of the many ways to take care of Earth. The students shared the recycling procedures they used at home. We also discussed recycling and reusing the paper and ink cartridges used in our computer room. The grocery sacks were then distributed, beautifully decorated and displayed in our building. They were delivered to Bag 'N Save, Benson West's partners in our Adopt-A-School program. The decorated bags will be made available to their customers on April 22, 2001. This is the first year we have participated. We hope to involve more students next year!

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/21/2001

Mitzi Luedtke
Humphrey Public School
Humphrey, NEUSA

We decorated 200 bags!

About our project: As the Technology Coordinator, I was forwarded the information about Earth Day Bags. I got my teachers excited about this. We live in a small town and when I asked around about names on the bags, many of the community members said that they enjoy seeing the names on the bags so they could compliment the student on their work. The kids enjoyed researching different pictures that they might include on the bags. This went over well with the teachers and the students.

Look at our pictures!  

submitted on 4/17/2001