Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999

Mary Agoritsas
Raymond C. Richer Elementary School
Marlborough, Massachusetts
First Grade Teacher
625 bags decorated
While looking through my April "Copy Cat Press" magazine, I found the
address of your wonderful web site and some great "hands on" activities
for designing the paper bags. It was a perfect project that could be
done ahead of time, as we were on vacation the week of Earth Day. The
rest of the teaching staff was very enthusiastic and the idea caught on
right away. Victory Supermarket in Marlborough gave us the bags to
decorate and distributed them on Earth Day. Manager Jim Guercio said he
was very pleased with the great artwork from our first, second, and
third graders. Many children made a special trip to the supermarket to
get a decorated bag that they could recycle. We had a great time with
this project. Check out our pictures of some of the artists from Karen
Murphy's third grade.
Kay Halloran
Bresnahan, Brown, Kelley, Nock Middle Schools
Newburyport, MA. USA
Bags decorated: 1200
Comments: Students on our "Green Teams" at the Bresnahan, Brown, and Kelley Elementary Schools painted and decorated bags that were distributed at Market Basket and Shaw's Supermarket. The Nock Middle School"Green Team" decorated also and brought the bags to the stores. The bags were beautiful and many supermarket customers commented on how great they were. Next year we hope to increase our numbers to go over the 1200 count.
Heather Billings
Meetinghouse School
Westminster, MA
Bags decorated: 199
Comments: On short notice this year, the students decorated 199 grocery bags for distribution at the Star Market. At our Earth Day Celebration we displayed the bags and entered each participant's name into drawings (by grade) for gift certificates to Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary. We have such fun doing this project each year. Thank you.
We participated in your Earth Day project. We are from Dracut High School,
in Dracut, Massachusetts. Our Environmental Science Club coordinated this
project. Computer Science, Environmental Science and Art classes designed
the paper bags for Market Basket. This was a great project, and the students
enjoyed working on the bags the day before our school vacation.
Thank you for the great idea.
Susan McGregor
Computer Science teacher
Forest Avenue School
Forest Avenue
Hudson, MA
Bags decorated: 73
We are the Fuller IRTP. of Boston. We made 60 bags for the Stop & Shop in
Brookline as part of the EarthDay Project.
Marilyn Burke, lead teacher
Sally Avitabile
Nathaniel Morton Elementary School
Plymouth, MA
516 bags decorated
Our small suburban school of 326 students participated for the first time
this year. Each student decorated a bag to spread the awareness of Earth Day
issues. It was a wonderful way for the school to do an environmental project
together. We delivered over 300 bags to Shaw's Supermarket in Dartmouth, MA.
Submitted by Connie Sweeney,
4th Grade Teacher.
Chris Stanvick
Robinson Elementary
Westford, MA
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: Well, all bags were enthusiastically decorated by the children and distributed to local consumers. This project coincided with our multiple intelligence unit on recycling. What a simple yet creative and age-appropriate project this has been! I appreciate how you set up the project clearly and how you made so many resources available to us (such as ideas of what to write and draw, templates of the earth, etc.) Our students, teachers, and parents are sold on this activity, and I'm sure you can count on our participation again next year. Thank you for the great idea!
Margaret Nolan
Miles River Middle School
Hamilton, MA 01982 U.S.A.
Bags decorated: 200
Comments: This was a great project which our students enjoyed! Thanks for the idea!
L Short
Brookwood School
Manchester By The Sea, MA
Bags decorated: 178
Happy Earth Day!
As Fine Arts Curriculum Facilitator (and former science teacher for over
twenty years), I coordinated the three schools efforts of decorating bags for
Earth Day. I got a grocery store and a hardware store in Hull to donate a
total of 1000 bags which have been decorated by students from grades 1 - 12
for the event!
We look forward to doing this again next year!
Joseph C. Doniger,
Fine Arts Curriculum Facilitator
Hull School Department
Hull, MA
Bags decorated: 954
Comments: This project was done in two of our member schools. The enthusiasm of the children was overwhelming. We hope to be expanding the project next year. Thank you to our local markets for helping.
Faye E. Manyak
The Learning Network
Blackstone Valley Collaborative, Massachesetts,USA
I have just heard from another school in our collaborative. Please add
another 500 bags to our total.
Bags decorated: 470
This is our first year participating in the program. We hope to continue our involvement next year.
Theresa D'Amato
Parmenter Elementary School
Franklin, MA 02038, USA
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: We held our annual Earth Day event at the Woburn Mall on Saturday April 17th from 10-2. We had 2 dozen displays with one of them being the grocery bag table. The bags were provided by Market Basket in the mall. We had kids of all ages decorating the bags, in all we had 300 decorated. These were turned over to Market Basket by 2:15 for distribution to their customers.
Paul A Medeiros
Woburn Recycling Committee
Woburn,MA 01801 USA
I just received my April copy of Science and Children and was delighted to
read your article re earth day bags.I didn't realize there was an organized
effort. I had heard of the this project (don't remember where though) at
least several years ago but had not implemented it until this year. An
Acton Earth Day committee member and I sat down in the late fall and
decided this was a good project to do in Acton (Massachusetts) with our 5
elementary schools. I am the K-12 Art Director and worked with the
elementary art staff to do the project. Acton's E.D. celebration is May 1
since we are on spring break next week. All of the elementary staff
received about 100 or so bags (500 - 600 total) that will go back to 3
Acton area supermarkets on April 26 to be used for the week preceding
Acton's celebration. The AED committee did the legwork securing the bags
and will handle getting them back to the markets.
We did our drawings with markers. Art teachers were free to do this as a
challenge activity or to do it with an entire class as a design problem. I
wish I had your article and the accompanying poster several months ago.
Actually I was just jotting down notes for a possible article about Acton's
process and results for one of the art education magazines. Also would like
to see this develop into a unit that will become part of the APS art
curriculum probably at grade 3 or 4.
I just checked out your web site too - great resource. Have you done this
as a presentation for NSTA? If not it would be a great idea - especially
appealing as an interdisciplinary unit. I'm an art teacher who loves
science - I have one foot in NSTA the other in NAEA.
Diana Adams Woodruff
Visual Arts Director K-12
Acton Public and Acton-Boxborough Regional Schools
16 Charter Road
Acton, MA 01720
Bags decorated: 350
Children in seven of our eight locatioins took part in decorating the Earth Day Grocerie Bags.
The bags were tied in to discussions of Earth Day and what it means; also how to take care of our
own environment on a daily basis. There are children from Kindergarten through Fifth grade that
participate in our program and each site provide services to between 20-34 children daily from
Monday through Friday. This is our first year of particiaption and we are really pleased with the
response from our children. We will be looking forward to doing this again next year. We also want
to thank our local Super Stop and Shop on Newport Ave. in North Quincy for giving us the bags
to decorate and being willing to use them to bag the groceries on Earth Day. The manager of the
store was very gracious in being willing to participate with Quincy After School Child Care.
Judith Brams
Quincy After School Child Care
Quincy, MA. 02170
The students and staff of the Claypit Hill Elementary School in Wayland,
Massachusetts would like to report that we decorated 575 bags this year,
our third year in the project. This year, we had the generous support
of Nature's Heartland Market of Wayland. They will distribute our bags
on Earth Day. Many of our students and families are planning on doing
some shopping that day! Thanks for the great project and the chance to
help our Earth. Happy Earth Day!
Charlene Griffin
We at Chapin Street School in Ludlow, Massachusetts have taken on the
earthday bag event. We decorated 200 bags for the Big-Y Grocery store
in our town. Thanks for the wonderful ideas. We had fun with this.
Betsy Koscher
Thank you for thinking of this project! Our third grade classes here
at the Grace Farrar Cole School in Norwell, Massachusetts loved
decorating the bags.
Our total was 183 decorated bags which we returned today, Fri. the
16th to Star Market.
We are studying ways we can make a difference and this project really
fit in well!
Linda C. Joy
3rd Grade Teacher, Cole School, Norwell, MA
Bags decorated: 1000
We are a K - 8 school in northern Massachusetts, about 30 miles from Boston. This is our first year with the Earth Day Groceries Project, but our students have really enjoyed getting involved. All of the C.G.S. students will be looking forward to shopping at our local Market Basket during the week of Earth Day. We are grateful to Market Basket for agreeing to take on this project with us. We expect to make this an annual school-wide event!
Kim Cochrane Cosgrove
Comprehensive Grammar School
Methuen, MA 01844
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Thanks for the great idea. The students really enjoyed decorating the bags. Although Earth Day is during our vacation, the children know that they will be building community awareness on April 22nd! Thanks again for the opportunity!
Susan Teixeira
Worcester Arts Magnet School
Worcester, MA
Hi, this is our third year and this time we are decorating 800 bags
with the help of our local Victory Supermarket. The kids love it and
have looked forward to it this year.
Kathy Harrity
Hudson Public Schools
Bags decorated: 420
We have been doing this for several years now-- we love the project! We are a large school, and many bags get out there in the public. Many positive comments come back to us. What a great learning experience for our students!!
Sheffield Ele.
Bags decorated: 33
Comments: Great site. It's good to know that kids are trying to help save the earth.
Theresa Nader
Russell Street School
Littleton, MA, USA
500 bags
Simon Paddock
Rockport Elementary School
Rockport, Massachusetts
We haven't yet completed the task, but we have planned to include all of our first graders and children involved in the multi-age program. This should be 375 children!
I received 300 bags from our local grocer and will try to get the additional 75 via recycling. (If not I'll send a request to the address you suggested) What a wonderful idea! This ties in beautifully with our multiple intelligence unit on recycling. Any suggestions or comments...please feel free to e-mail me. CWS
CHris Stanvick
Robinson Elementary
Westford, MA
Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
400 bags
-- Sheffield Elementary School
-- Turners Falls, MA
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
800 bags
-- Nessacus Middle School
-- Dalton, MA
Marilyn Burke
Fuller School
Boston, MA
Westminster, Massachusetts reports 464 grocery bags decorated by the students
from Meetinghouse School (K-2) and Westminster Elementary School (3-5). The bags were
provided and then distributed by the Westminster Star.
is the third year that we have participated in this project but our first time
reporting results to you. We have enjoyed your idea, thank you.
Heather Billings
Recycling Committee
We would like to report that we participated in the grocery bag
project. We are from the Claypit Hill Elementary School in Wayland,
Massachusetts. Almost all of the students in the school, grades K
through 5, took part in the project as part of a Student Council
sponsored monthly Spirit Day. We decorated 556 bags. They were
distributed by Donelan's Market, our local grocery store, and received
very favorable feedback from the people at the store and in town.
Thanks for this great project.
Charlene Griffin
Student Council Advisor
The numbers are in! Thirteen hundred grocery bags were decorated and
distributed in the town of Westborough. Two of our local stores,
Stop and Shop and Julio's Star Market participated in the project.
It has been a lot of fun. The artwork was outstanding and the
project added another dimension to our Earth Day festivities in
town. Thanks for a great project!
Kathy Martin (
Westborough, MA
Six classes from the White Brook Middle School participated in the
Earth Day bag project and colored 155 bas for distribution at the
Big E's in Easthampton, MA.
Kathie Stewart
Educational Technology Specialist
This is the second year that the Hudson Public Schools have
participated. This year four schools decorated 1200 bags. These were
distributed on Earth Day with the help of our local Victory
Supermarket. The students had a wonderful time with this project and
the store manager was very impressed with their work. Thanks for the
great idea.
Kathy Harrity
Hudson Public Schools
Hudson, MA
Just a brief note to report that our Earthday"98" program went off
without a hitch!
Our program was received very well by the administration and we had
400 Demoulas/Market Basket Bags decorated by the City of Woburns' 2nd grade classes in our 9
elementary schools. On the day of our Earthday program which was 4/18/98 we had
another 75 bags decorated by both children and adults.
These bags will be given to Market Basket on 4/20 for distribution to their
customers. Next year we are going to start earlier to get more participation
from our other grades and the other 2 supermarkets in our city. Well that is all for now,until next year, have a great year and good
See Ya
Paul A Medeiros
Woburns' 2nd grade elementary {9}schools
Woburn, MA
I found out about this project from
another staff member who found her
info on the web. Our local grocery store,
Shop-n-Save donated the grocery bags.
Children in my art classes, grades K-4,
decorated a total of 470 bags. We also
decorated a large banner to hang in the
grocery store that promoted the Earth
Day Grocery Bag project on Earth Day.
Sandra Waters (
Athol-Royalston Regional School System
Athol, Massachusetts
St. Mary's in Shrewsbury, MA participated by decorating 484 bags.
The bags were donated by the Stop and Shop Supermarket in Shrewsbury. The
students in grades 1- 8 ejoyed participating in this project.
April Walling (
St. Mary's School
Shrewsbury, MA
Cunningham School in Milton, MA participated by decorating over 600
bags. They were donated by The Fruit Center in Milton. This project
was coordinated by 5th grade teacher, Joanne Bonner.
This was the first time we participated in this project. It was a
great schoolwide project because all levels could participate
easily. We decorated 640 bags!
Joanne Bonner
Cunningham School
Milton, MA
560 kindergarten children are participating this year for the first
time. Hope this helps to
increase your total. Good luck!
Nancy Brearley (
Davis Kindergarten
Brockton MA
127 Students from Sharon Middle School decorated two paper bags each to
be passed out to patrons at Shaw's supermarket on Earth Day.
T Terrell
Sharon Middle School
75 Mountain Street
Sharon, MA 02067
Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Please add our school to your 1997 list of participants. The children
at Mason Road School, grades K-1, decorated over 250 bags for Earth Day '97.
We're part of a regional school system and we hope to spread the word in 1998.
We'll get back to you then! Thanks so much!
LeeAnne Daley-Cooke (
Mason Road School
Our school is a large K-5 school. Over 500 students helped decorate
almost 1000 bags provided by Omni Foods at the Arsenal Mall in Watertown.
Students were so enthusiastic that some took bags home to decorate! In
addition, a brochure to adevertise the project was designed by students from my
4/5 class, along with posters and banners.
Some of our students ( it was vacation week) helped pack groceries in bags for
a few hours on Earth Day! We were fortunate to recieve coverage from both the
Boston Globe and The Boston Herald, along with local newspapers. Our class
appeared on the 6:00 News on WBZ-TV (Channel 4 in Boston).
The owners and staff of Omni Foods are dedicated to recycling/reusing ideas,
offering a credit for bringing their bags in for reuse by the customers. They
are hoping we will be able to expand the project next year.
Sharon Risso
Hosmer School
Watertown, Massachusetts
I was browsing and stumbled onto your website a few
weeks before Earth Day. Inspired, I contacted our
Principal, and we went to work. In all, we decorated
500 bags, and we could have done more. The staff
and children tackled this project with a high level of
enthusiasm and the results were wonderful.
Thanks so much for a great idea.
Kathleen Dyke,
Bancroft Parent BDYKE@TIAC.NET
Bancroft Elementary
Andover MA
Students at Salisbury Memorial School in grades 1 to 6 decorated 600
gracery bags. This was our first year and everyone had a good time. Market
Basket in Newburyport, Massachusetts and Shaws in Seabrook, NH and Newburyport,
MA gladly donated the bags to be used for bagging during the Week of April
22nd. Next year we hope to include kindergarten and townspeople. Good work
Patricia McGranahan
Memorial School
Salisbury. Massachusetts
I'm the LMC specialist and I've just checked into the e-mail and
discovered this message. Earth Day fell during our April vacation
week but we still participated! The school is Dighton Middle School,
Dighton, Massachusetts (we're in southeastern MA) - grades 5 through 8
with 372 students. The Art teacher, Judith Bertozzi, coordinated the
efforts and the students decorated 937 bags. Mrs. Bertozzi and a
group of students went to Shaw's grocery store in Taunton, MA, and
passed out the bags between 9 and 12. They enjoyed the day and
certainly raised the Earth Day awareness in the building. Next year
we'll be sure to be part of the internet project. Peace and Happy
Earth Day to you!
Lynn H. Ingram
From the White Brook Middle School in Easthampton, MA:
grades: 1-6th, 2-5th, 2- 7/8 teams
Teacher: Mrs. Gail Black
Total bags: 283
Kathie Stewart
White Brook Middle School
200 Park St.
Easthampton, MA 01027
The McGovern Elementary School in Medway Massachusetts decorated 525 bags
which were donated by the Stop and Shop in the local area. These bags were
then returned to the Stop and Shop for use on Earth Day.
Our school is comprised of grades K,1, and 2. This was a project in which
the whole school participated. Thank you for a great idea.
Margaret Maxwell
First Grade Teacher and Earth Day Coordinator
The students at Sacred Heart School,North Quincy,Ma.participated in this
project.Students from K through Gr. 8 had a great time decorating their
bags.We did 500 in all. Shaw's Market allowed us to do this and thought it
was a great idea.Thanks!!
Cynthia Riley
Sacred Heart School
Our campus is K-3, we have about 200 kids,
every classroom is doing the project, some as a take-home and
some in the classroom. We will return them all to the super-
markets by April 18 because our spring vacation is the next
week. we have a wall display and a box to put the completed
bags in. every kid who hands in a completed bag will fill
out a little bag-shaped sticker that we will hang on the wall
to count how many bags have been returned. We plan to keep a
school-wide tally.
This is our updated report: Two of our local supermarkets,
Omni Foods in Chestnut Hill and Star Market in Chestnut Hill,
received 250 decorated bags for Earth Day. I was surpised at how
enthusiastic the store managers were. They even hung several
bags in their windows as a "promo". All the teachers in our
school were very enthusiastic and we intend to repeat the project
next year. I think next year I will also have the kids decorate
banners for EarthDay that supermarkets can hang in their windows.
Our kids and parents loved the project and everyone wanted to go to
the supermarket where their bags were going to end up!
Donny Cohen
Solomon Schechter Day School
Newton, MA 02159
Hello Mark and students,
Once again the Franklin School, North Andover, MA is participating in the
Earth Day Groceries program. This year we decorated 404 bags donated by North
Andover Star Market. This is a great project - keep up the good work!
Paul McQuilkin
Franklin Elementary School
North Andover MA
We, in Worcester, MA, have decorated Earth Day grocery bags this year in
conjunction with our local Shaw's Grocery Store. Three Worcester Elementary
Schools - Thorndyke Rd., Burncoat Preparatory and Greendale Schools are
participating in the project. Shaw's will distribute approximately 1500 bags
which students in grades K-6 have decorated. We are putting up posters at
the exit doors of the store to let people know why the bags are decorated and
by what schools. We also hope to have the local newspaper (Telegram &
Gazette) to publicize this fun community project.
The Grocery bags were all decorated in the Art classes of Mrs.
Goodblatt and Ms. Colman. In total, we decorated 853 bags which will be
distributed at Shaw's Supermarket in Sharon.
Maddy Shapiro
Heights Elementary School
454 South Main St. Sharon, MA
We were given 350 paperbags by our local grocery store. The
students in first, second and third grade have been very
busy decorating them with thoughtful messages and beautiful
designs. It was a wonderful activity to incorporate into our
Earth Day celebration! The store manager has agreed to
distribute them to customers on April 22nd. The children are
very excited about sharing their ideas with the community!
Sandra Ivins
Major Edwards Elementary School
West Boylston, Massachusetts
This is the first year that we have participated in this project. I am
the librarian at two elementary schools (Farley and Mulready) in
Hudson, Massachusetts. We have decorated 600 hundred bags that were
lent to us by the Victory Supermarket in Hudson. The children have had
a wonderful time doing this. What a great idea.
Kathy Harrity
Librarian at Farley and Mulready Schools in Hudson.
We have received 500 grocery bags from a local supermarket
and will be decorating them soon. I am hoping to have some
parents and students help bring the bags back. We will
decorate as many of the 500 as we can.
I am using this project as a project for my second grade class.
They are in charge of bringing the bags to the other classes
and telling the teachers what needs to be done.
This project is a great idea and I know my students will enjoy
doing it.
Pam Brezniak
St. Mary's School
Worcester, MA
Hi; I teach the students at the Solomon Carter Fuller Center in Boston . We
have done 150 bags with students from Boston Secure Treatment Program . The
students decorated bags for the Brookline, MA Stop N' Shop . We really like
the idea of this project. Thank You!!!!
Marilyn Burke, ESIS Lead Teacher
ps. we will have digitized pictures to share if you would like
The Kids F.A.C.E. club at Reingold Elementary School,70 Reingold Ave,
Fitchburg Massachusetts, 01420
decorated 1,000 grocery bags with our Earth Day Messages.For more info
contact Kim Bellio at above address.
Charles Phaneuf
Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
Sorry this took so long..I lost the address!
We decorated 265 bags
10 groups of kids worked on the project- that would be about 230 kids.
The bags were donated by Mike Superson, manager of Big E's in Easthampton, MA
This was done by the White Brook Middle School at 200 Park St., Easthampton, MA
Kathie Stewart
(This report was received via US Mail)
Big E's donated 500 bags to our school (White Brook Middle School). We
took those bags and decorated them for Earth Day. We gave the bags back
to Big E's for them to use on April 22nd. We would like our 265 bags
added to your survey! We would be very thankful if you could do that for
Beth - student of W.B.M.S.
Easthampton, MA
Dear Mark and Students at Arbor Heights Elementary School,
Happy Earth Day!
We are the Franklin Elementary School, grades one to five in North Andover,
Massachusetts. We delivered 404 decorated grocery bags to our local Star
Market for Earth Day. This is a great project and we were very pleased to
participate. We hope to do it again next year.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at - or
Paul McQuilkin
I am proud and happy to report that my school community was able to decorate
500 grocery bags for Earth Day 1996. They were used by the local Supervalue
grocery store in Turners Falls, MA. We are a small town on the Connecticut
River in north western MA. Thanks for a great idea. The third through sixth
graders in Sheffield School really enjoyed this activity. Our 430 students
are looking forward to next years Earth Day!
Catherine Billings
Sheffield Elementary School
Grade 3 Teacher
This note is to let you know that in conjunction with the 2 Art
teachers in
the building, students have decorated 132 brown paper bags as part of
Earth Day Grocery Project here at the Gomes Elementary School in New
Massachusetts. Mrs. Lopes and Ms. Branco conducted art lessons where
drew a large circle to represent the world, then traced a template of
continents, that was hand made by
the art teachers and then students added catchy phrases and colors to
The name of the grocery store that provided the bags is Stop & Shop
from New Bedford, Masachusetts
Jan Chisholm
Computer/Tech Teacher
A.J. Gomes Elementary School
286 South Second Strm
Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
The Elmwood Street Elementary School is proud to report they are decorating
400 bags for Earth Day distribution. The bags arrived today and we begin
drawing tomorrow. Love this project!!!
K. Bouchard
Elmwood Elementary School
Millbury, MA
Friends Academy in N. Dartmouth, MA decorated 300 bags for
the local Shaw's Market in N. Dartmouth. Students in grades
K-8 participated. Thank you for organizing such a worthwhile
A most helpful mom, Mrs.Mielke,from the Bryantville Elementary School in
Pembroke, MA obtained bags from local stores and later returned the EarthDay decorated
bags. The stores were happy to donate the bags but were somewhat
apprehensive about later distributing them to customers-probably sanitary
reasons although the bags were in excellent condition.What began as a
single classroom 19 bag project spread into 190 bags from various grades.
Three cheers for a super activity that we all enjoyed :)
Della Richards
From: Carolyn Chase
Subject: Another Earth Day bag report
Just to be completely thorough, I ran across another report:
FROM: Anita Gerrein, Lincoln School, 80 West Wyoming Ave, Melrose MA 02176
"We were pleased to join in the Earth Day Grocery Bag Project. Each student
decorated a bag for Shaw's supermarket in Melrose. 330 bags were delivered
for distribution. I enjoyed organizing such a worthwhile activity."
Massachusetts Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1994
My school decorated 410 grocery bags. My school has children
from preschool to Grade 6. I returned them all to our local grocery
store. I'm sure many of my school's children will be looking for them
on Earth Day. My school's name is the Casimir Pulaski Elementary School
in New Bedford, MA 02745. Hope to hear from you on your results. Gloria