Georgia Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
Chapman Elementary School
Susan Lewis
6500 Putnam Ford Road
Woodstock, GA 30189
Some first grade classes from Chapman participated in the Earth Day
Groceries Project. Kroger of Towne Lake was our partner and donated 175
bags. The students decorated the bags using construction paper, markers,
and crayons. Kroger used the bags for groceries on April 22, 1999. By
5:00p.m. all of the bags were gone. The students enjoyed being involved
with this project. They were more aware of the impact they could make on
their community with some effort. What a great idea. We look forward to
participating again next year!
Susan Lewis
My name is Roger Bryant. I am a Forester for Mead Coated Board Division,
Inc. in Carrollton, Georgia. A friend sent me an email telling me to check
out Upon checking out the website, I knew this was
something I would have to get involved with. I wrote letters and attached
all the information about the project to the schools in my county. The
response and enthusiasm from the schools was overwhelming to say the least.
A special thanks goes out to Kroger of Carrollton (Ken Young and Anthony
Fazio) for providing and distributing 1730 bags. Also, thanks to Piggly
Wiggly of Bowdon (Brad Jones) for providing and distributing 1125 bags. An
article about the project was run in our local newspaper, the
Times-Georgian. Mead also provided over 4000 "Happy Earth Day" stickers to
local schools to give to the students. Listed below are the schools that
participated and the number of bags decorated:
Bowdon Elementary School (Bowdon, GA): 700 Bags
Bowdon Primary School (Bowdon, GA): 425 Bags
Roopville Elementary School (Roopville, GA): 400 Bags
Sand Hill Elementary School (Carrollton, GA): 900 Bags
Villa Rica Primary School (Villa Rica, GA): 300 Bags
Whitesburg Elementary School (Whitesburg, GA): 130 Bags
Grand Total: 2855 Bags
This is a wonderful program! I look forward to Earth Day 2000. I plan to
expand my efforts to more counties, more schools, and more grocery stores
in order to reach more people. Remember to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
Roger F. Bryant
Mead Coated Board
366 Strickland Road
Carrollton, GA 30117
Bags Decorated: 428
Comments: This was an awesome project! It was the very first time that our school has participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project. Each student in our school Pre-K through 6th grades decorated a bag. Our bags were donated by our neighborhood Publix Store - Flakes Mill Crossing. We were so very grateful to them for their participation.
In our school the Earth Day Project was directed by Mrs. Wall a 3rd grade teacher, however, it was organized and coordinated by a team for fourteen 3rd grade students deemed the ED Committee. Each student was assigned a classroom to make a brief oral presentation on the project, distributed and picked up the completed bags. This was an exciting time for all . Our students thoroughly enjoyed this project and it is our intention to participate again next year. Let's begin today, by making Earth Day, every day!
Tanya Wall
Bob Mathis Elementary
Decatur, Georgia
I'm checking in to let you know I coordinated an Earthday Groceries
Project in my entire 3 county area! I work for a small environmental
group and we found it to be a great way to tell people about us, get
them involved in Earth Day, and have a lot of fun!
It worked! We involved our local Publix Supermarkets who
enthusiastically gave us 1600 bags to color (8 schools participated) and
return for distribution on Earth Day. We also chose 3 "winning" bags
and presented the winners with some prizes. This gained local news
The schools are so excited that I believe every school will want to
participate next year and Publix wants to take it nationwide with their
local folks!!
Look forward to hearing from you. This is a tremendous effort, and I
thank you for putting it up for all of us to take advantage of.
Susan Cain Giusto
Development Director
EcoSystems Institute
435 Telfair St.
Augusta, GA 30904
Andria Magallano
Walter P. Jones Elementary School
Macon, Georgia USA
Bags decorated: 550
Comments: This is my second year participating in this fantastic project. Last year, I never got a chance to make a report,
but I was able to encourage my own students to decorate around 100 bags. This year, I asked a local FOODMAX grocery store for a bundle (500) and I decided to turn it into a whole school effort. This idea was so well received, I quickly ran out of bags! Several other teachers went to the same grocery store and requested more bags. Next year, I am going to ask for two bundles!! Overall, Jones Elementary decorated around 550 bags! Thank you for the great idea and the wonderful message this sends to our children!
This year was our school's first project concerning the care of our planet
in connection with a local grocery store. Dill's Food City donated 140
bags for our 140 preschool students. The bags were decorated by the
children representing different ideas concerning caring for our planet.
The bags were returned to the grocery store to be distributed as a reminder
to care for our world. Thanks for the great idea! We really enjoyed the
opportunity to be connected to other schools in our state and country in
representing such an important subject.
Christie M. Smith
Franklin County Preschool,
Lavonia, Georgia
Greta Loeber
Simpson Elementary
Norcross, GA 30092
Bags decorated: 1,161
Comments: The fourth grade students at Simpson distributed grocery bags from three stores that support our
school, Publix, Winn Dixie, and Kroger to every classroom teacher. The students really helped
spread the word about the 3 R's for protecting our fragile Earth. We returned 1,161
decorated grocery bags to the three stores in our community. The stores were very appreciative
to have these to share with their customers.
Angie Smith
West Point Elementary
West Point, Georgia USA
Bags decorated: 475
Comments: Pre-K through 5th grade students decorated bags which were donated by Givorn's Grocery Store in our
community. On Earth day, these bags were distributed to all customers purchasing groceries. Our
students were extremely excited and many of them visited the grocery store on this day!!
Patricia L. Acosta
Garrison Elementary
Savannah, Georgia U.S.A.
Bags decorated: 635
Comments: The students enjoyed this activity, and some wrote letters to Mother Earth and glued them onto the bags. (We had a culminating assembly where Mother Earth came and read letters students had written in response to the book, "Dear Children of the Earth", by S. Shemmel. We will participate again next year.
Mrs. Mary Jo Neville
Portal Primary
Portal,Georgia Bulloch County
Bags decorated: 245
The children were very excited to do this project and our local I.G.A. were very supportive in this project.Thank you for including us in this very worthwhile project.
Emily Cochran
Dug Gap Elementary School
Dalton, GA, United States
Bags decorated: 117
Comments: Studemts in the third grade classes and the ESOL classes participated in the project. They learned about Earth Day and also had a great time decorating their bags. They were really excited that their local Kroger was going to hand their bags out to customers.
Mimi Duncan
Upson Lee Middle School
Thomaston,Georgia 30286
Bags decorated: 400
Megan Kicklighter
Port Wentworth Elementary School
Savannah, GA
Bags decorated: 208
Comments: 208 bags submitted to Kroger in Garden City, GA. The students did a beautiful job and were so proud of the end result.
Julie Pieczko
Terry MIll Elementary School
Atlanta, Georgia
Bags decorated: 1000
Comments: This is our first year participating in this wonderful project. Every child in grades PreK-Six decorated a bag for Earth Day 1999. We would like to thank Mr. Novotny and the entire staff at the Kroger on Moreland Avenue for donating 1000 bags! We can't wait to see our bags in use on Earth Day!
We participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project. The chemistry and art
classes did 150 paper bags for the local Kroger Store.
Nancy Brim
Lakeside High School
Atlanta, Georgia
Janet Sheehan
Sardis Elementary School
Gainesville, GA
Bags decorated: 600
We were very happy to have Ingles Grocery Store in Gainesville, Georgia as our partner for the grocery bag project. Six hundred students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth participated. This was our first year, and comments from teachers and students mean that we will decorate bags again next year. They thought it was a wonderful project for our Earth Day activities.
Paula Dilisio
Stockbridge Elementary
Stockbridge, Georgia
Bags decorated: 20
Bags decorated: 23
Comments: Ms.Davis's 4th grade class decorated 23 bags to remind people to take care of the earth.
A boy from our class got bags from Publix. After we are done decorating the bags we will
the boy from are class will take them back. The store will put peoples' grocieries
and then that will remind people about saving the earth while they have the chance.
Austell Elementary
Bags decorated: 225
Comments: We decorated bags for the Kroger store managed by Chuck Rogers at Highway 92 and Trickum Road in Marietta, Georgia. All five
of our third grade classes participated. The children had a
wonderful time with this project and are looking forward to
going and getting an Earth Day bag on Earth Day.
It was great fun!
Bags decorated: 800
Kathy West
Panter Elementary School
Hiram, Georgia USA
This is the first year our school, Faith Middle School at Ft. Benning, GA, has participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project. All our science teachers had their students decorate bags from the post commissary where the students' parents shop. One student from each academic team will be involved in a ceremony on Tuesday to present these bags to the commissary manager. This event will be covered by our local post paper. Thanks so much for bringing this activity to my attention via NSTA Reports!
We decorated 650 bags.
Jim Matthews
Bags decorated: 250
Comments: What a great project! This is our first time participating. Three eighth grade teams will be involved. We hope to
get the whole schoo grades 6-8 involved next year. Our local Kroger store provided the paper bags and we very
supportive of the project. The students are excited to have their messages and art work given to the public.
Katherine Shelton
Perry Middle School
Perry, Georgia United States
Bags decorated: 500
Our local Kroger Store on Johnson Ferry Road in East Cobb, GA loaned us the grocery bags. During
the week of April 12-16 students in grades pre-K through 4th decorated the bags in their art class,
directed by art teacher Mrs. Clark. This is our first year participating in this project. The students
are so proud of their work.
Lori London
The Epstein School
Atlanta, GA USA
Bags decorated: 150
Comments: This is the second year that our entire 4th grade has participated in this project. The children really enjoy it and the stores are always more than willing to help out. Last year we acquired bags from the local Winn Dixie, and this year the neighborhood Publix store was kind enough to loan us the bags. Thank you for the super ideas on your web page!
Linda Rennick
Blue Ridge Elementary
Bags decorated: 1,000
Comments: Our students from grades K-5 are decorating over 1,000 bags from two local grocery stores. We are working with Kroger and Publix to inform everyone of ways to protect and take care of our planet. These bags will be completed this week so they can be used by customers during Earth Week. Students are decorating bags with pictures and with rules they feel everyone should follow in order to properly do their part in protecting and preserving the Earth. We want everyone to remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for everyone's future.
Lynn Bump
Midway Elementary
Alpharetta, Ga/ USA
Bags decorated: 772
Wanda Loving
Riverdale Elementary
Riverdale, Georgia
We are planning to complete this project in the next couple of weeks.Our entire Lower School will complete app.220 bags and return them to Publix.Each grade is involved in their own Earth Day project and we are having a Science Book Fair that same week.We are anxious to get started.Thanks for the great ideas and for making them so easy to implement in the classroom.We are involving many parents with no classroom experience and you have provided great ideas.Mary Ellen :-)
Mary Ellen Payne
Brookwood School
Thomasville,Georgia 31792
Georgia Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
200 bags
-- Central Middle School
-- Thomasville, GA
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
400 bags
-- Joseph Martin Elementary School
-- Hinesville, GA
Still Elementary School in Powder Springs, Georgia, decorated 870
grocery bags. Our bags were supplied by Kroger at Village Green in
Marietta, Georgia. We used some of the templates from your site.
Everyone enjoyed this project and we appreciate your sharing your ideas
with us.
Still Elementary School
Powder Springs, GA
This is the first year that Kittredge Magnet participated in the
Earth Day Groceries Project. The 6th grade students decorated 120 bags,
donated by Kroger. The students had a great time deciding what environmental
message to paint on the paper bags. I hope to have the rest of the school
joining us next year for this wonderful project.
Kristin Wheeler (
Kittredge Magnet School
Atlanta Georgia
Taylor Road Middle School Students participated in Earth Day
Groceries. Sixth and seventh grade students decorated about 330 bags
supplied by Publix and Kroger grocery stores. It was an activity that we
have been doing for several years and will continue to do in the future.
Deanna Turco, Teacher on Special Assignment-Science/Math
Taylor Road Middle School
5150 Taylor Road Fax (770) 740-7062
Alpharetta, GA 30202 USA Voice (770) 740-7090
This was a great project. Our school is decorating 500 bags to be
used at Publix. This has made our students more aware of how they can make a
difference in making their world a better place to live.
Carla Sisk (
Midway Elementary
Alpharetta, Georgia
My students loved this project. We decorated 110 bags on our team. Our team
is eight grade.
Missy Dorn (
Columbia Middle School
Grovetown, Georgia
My name is Scott Grimes and I am a Health teacher at Summerour Middle
School in Norcross Georgia. My partner, Marcelle Martin, and I are
participating for the first time. We have 83 students creating beautiful
artwork on their bags. We also have 67 8th grade students participating in the
project. Best of luck to everyone.
Scott Grimes (Scott Grimes/GCPS@GCPS )
Summerour Middle School
Norcross Georgia
Our school of over 500 students is participating with the grocery store, Publix
in decorating bags in honor or Earth Day. We are working today to decorate 500
Lynn Bump (
Midway Elementary
Alpharetta, GA
Our school is George Walton Academy in Monroe, Georgia. We are
participating with BiLo. We have decorated 80 bags. Next year we will
do more. Thanks for creating this great project!
-Elizabeth Garrison, art instructor
Thanks for sharing this great idea with the world!
Our school is participating for the first time. Our PTA Earth Day committee
used your templates and prepared a packet of instructions for the art teacher
to impliment. We have decorated 615 bags which will be returned to the
grocery store on Monday, April 20 for distribution on Wednesday.
Here's who and where we are:
Camp Creek Elementary School (K-5)
958 Cole Drive
Lilburn, Georgia 30047
(770) 921-1626
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Parkview Cluster
East Metro Atlanta
We are S.L. Lewis Elementary School located in College Park, Georgia. We have
643 students in grades Pre-K thru 5, all of whom are decorating grocery bags
to be used on April 22 at our local Union City Kroger. Thanks to Kroger, who
has supported our efforts in this project for the last two years, the students
of our school have the opportunity to do their part along with our school's
white paper and newspaper recycling program to show that they care about the
Susan Young (
S.L. Lewis Elementary
College Park, GA
My 7th grade Social Studies class is having a great time
with this project. This is a great web site - it really
helps 1st time project participants get started. We
decorated 150 bags from our local Publix.
Thanks, Jody Osler (
West Hall Middle School
Gainesville, Georgia
My name is Mrs. Pat Points and I teach kindergarten at Greenbrier
Elementary School in Evans, GA (suburb of Augusta, GA). My students
(17) will complete the grocery bag project and local stores will package
items for approximately 20 shoppers. We enjoyed this endeavor and will
share environmental awareness with our parents. Happy Earth Day--Mrs.
Points' Kindergarten
Pat Points
My name is Carla Goodwin and I am Executive Director of Liberty Clean
and Beautiful in Hinesville, Georgia. I am working with one of our
Elementary Schools here, Taylors Creek Elem. on the grocery bag for
Earth Day. At the present time they are decorating the bags for me.
They have 825 students to partipate in this activity. Thanks to our
local Kroger store they donated 1000 bags. These bags will be
distributed on Earth Day to the customers.
Carla Goodwin (libertyclean@CLDS.NET)
Georgia Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
We decorated 350 paper grocery bags, for distribution by Kroger Grocery Store,
one of our Business Partners. We received the bags from them the week prior to
Earth Day, and returned the decorated bags to them on April 18, 1997.
Thanks for the idea. We plan to do this each year, along with other Earth Day
projects. We dedicated an outdoor classroom, our Habitat, during our Earth
Week activities.
Amy Wright, Principal
Evans Elementary School
Evans, Georgia
We at Nancy Creek Elem. (a DeKalb County, Georgia public school) had a
great time with the
earthday grocery bag project.
We have about 440 students in grades k-7 who all participated.
We would love to receive a report on the other schools who participated via
Kathren Inman
SES has about 550 students grades 3-5, and 125 Pre-K students.
We decorated 800 grocery bags and re-distributed them for
Earth Day.
Michelle Rowe
Sylvester Elementary School
Sylvester, GA
We are participating in this project for the first time. We are
Summerville Elementary School, 100 Penn Drive, Summerville, Georgia 30747.
We are a K-3 school with 535 students. We have Decorated 600 grocery
bags! We can't wait to take them back to the store to have them
distributed in our community. Thanks for the great ideas. Let us know if
you have any more great ones. We are also going to be releasing 135
butterflies we have grown from small caterpillars on Earth Day as a present
to the Earth during our Earth Day School program.
Thanks alot,
Joy Allen
Summerville Elementary School
Georgia Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
Kelley Lake Elementary School in Decatur (near Atlanta),
Ga.,decorated 486 grocery bags for our Partner In Education, Kroger. We're
attaching a picture of our Kroger manager accepting our bags.
Jo Ann Wilder, 4th. grade teacher.
Lake Park Elementary School, a Pre-K-5th grade school in Lake Park,
Georgia, enjoyed participating in your Earth Day grocery bag project. We
decorated 750 grocery bags with original Earth Day messages for our
local Walmart store. This project was a good lead in for our other Earth
Day activities that took place in the amphitheater located on our
schoolšs Nature Trail. Thank-you for allowing us to participate. Wešll
look forward to doing it again next year.
From all your friends in Lake Park, Georgia
Dear Arbor Heights,
We love your home page and especially your Earth Day Groceries
Project. We're newbies and just discovered you, but we wanted to
participate. So we are in the process of doing 100 bags today. Next year
we promise to do more!!!
We would love to receive updates of any other interesting projects
you have up your sleeves. We would also be interested in "talking" to
another 4th grade class. Our addresses are as follows:
Kilpatrick / Olin Class
The Galloway School
215 W. Wieuca Road
Atlanta, GA 30342
Georgia Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
We enjoyed participating in this project with 803 of our students decorating
803 bags. Our bags will be distributed to communtiy shoppers this week by
the local grocery store who supplied the bags. Our Student Council
coordinated the project in our school.
Our school is located in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia where the
1996 Summer Olympics will be held. We have our own Olympics program each
spring with academic and athletic competitions.
We just recently acquired a PPP connection which allows us to view your well
designed homepage which I learned about in Judi Harris's column in The
Computer Teacher.
Donna Oliver
Library Media Specialist
Dodgen Middle School
1725 Bill Murdock Road
Marietta, Georgia 30062
476 completed bags from Barnett Shoals Elementry School Student Council
Stuwart Chen
Emily Harris,