Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
Lowell Elementary (in Tacoma), participated for the first time this year.
Students decorated 368 bags and enjoyed working with Albertsons, our
community partner.
Jack Leiman

Yakima County Public Works, Solid Waste Division organized the Yakima Valley
Earth Day Grocery Bag Project. Over 300 classrooms participated from public
and private elementary, middle and high schools representing Yakima, East
Valley, West Valley, Selah, Naches, Highland, Mt. Adams, Wapato, Toppenish,
Zillah, Sunnyside, Mabton and Grandview School Districts. Approximately
11,000 grocery bags were decorated sharing the spirit of Earth Day and
reminding Yakima Valley residents to recycle. These bags were distributed
by 14 local grocery stores including Wray's Thriftway, Top Food and Drug,
Fred Meyer, Food Pavalion and Zillah Food Center as well as Red Apple
Markets and Save-On-Food Stores throughout the valley. With radio and print
media advertising the day, the students sent a strong message that "Earth
Day is Every Day in Yakima Valley".
Becky Wandell
Solid Waste Program Representative
(Coordinator, Earth Day Grocery Bag Project)
Yakima County Solid Waste
105 East "A" St.
Yakima, WA. 98901
(509) 574-2450
Jackie Walter
Meadows Elementary School
Olympia, WA 98501 USA
Bags decorated: 178
Comments: This was a great project!! My 4th grade students really got into it, and enjoyed encouraging younger classes to join our efforts. I found a helpful article in the Mar/Apr issue of Copycat Magazine with good ideas for getting younger kids started. My 4th graders focused on the plight of our local endangered salmon, and promoted "salmon friendly" practices. The project was empowering for the kids and inspired in them a sense of hope for the future. They really believe that folks will get the message on the bags and respond positively. The clerks at Mega Foods also really enjoyed the project, they took time to notice and appreciate the artwork and message on each bag.
This report is coming from the home of the Earth Day Groceries Project,
Arbor Heights Elementary School in Seattle, Washington! Once again our
school has teamed up with the Arbor Heights Safeway to spread the message
of Earth Day to our community.
We delivered 464 beautiful bags two days before Earth Day. We were met
by the assistant manager, Julie. She showed us the wall over the produce
department - covered with bags made by us (the third graders from Room
12), and then took us to the back of the store where each student got a
super snack bag - something fun to eat on our walk back to Arbor Heights
School. Thank you, Julie!
We also delivered over 50 bags from a Campfire Girls group affiliated
with our school. So, our total is about 525 bags! We had a contest at
our school this year. The five classrooms with the best looking bags (as
determined by an impartial panel!) received a $20.00 gift certificate from
Safeway - so they could buy some treats for an Earth Day Party. The
winners were Rooms 3(AM), 9, 15, 22, and 25. Thanks to our PTSA for
covering that expense!
So this is our sixth year doing this project. Most of the great students
at our school know all about the Earth Day Groceries Project - or at least
about decorating bags. Most of the fifth graders have done the activity
every year since they were in kindergarten! We put up a real big map of
the US in the front of the school, and the kids from Room 12 have been
busy pasting reports (over 1,000!) to the wall around it and putting dots
(with numbers for the amount of bags made) on the many states, provinces,
and countries participating. It's been a great geography lesson.
We'll have some pictures of the kids from Room 12 on the web site soon.
We were slowed down some by the theft of our digital camera during a
break-in a couple of months ago. We're doing scanned photos this year.
Happy Earth Day, 1999! Wait 'til Earth Day 2000!
Mark Ahlness
Teacher, grade three at:
Arbor Heights Elementary School
Bonnie Svingen
Lincoln Middle School
Pullman, WA, USA
Bags decorated: 825
Comments: It was really fun for the kids and the customers in both Dissmore's and Safeway liked the bags that we colored! We can make a difference!
George Gemma
Image Elementary
Vancouver, WA 98682
Bags decorated: 375
Comments: Well received by other teachers for a project; and well received by the cooperatring store and customers when they received a decorated bag with their groceries.
Becky Ferguson
Manchester Elementary School
Port Orhard, Wa 98366
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: The teaches participating in our collection were: Barb Scott, Sally Makfinsky, Sharon Vetter, Marilyn Crawford, Cathy Banks, Sabrina Westermann, Sharon Stritzel, Diana Snow, Michele Noble, Marge Berghoff, Katy Benson, Ann Giantvalley, Chuck Perkins, Linda Wilson, Chuck Vaughn and Mike O'Neil.
Our school district if South Kitsap School District
Ocosta Elementary School in Westport,WA
Here are some of the students from the third grade and their finished bags. All the third graders have been very excited to have had the chance to participate in this event. And be able to see their pictures with other classes from around the United States. We would also like to thank Ted's Red Apple for also participating in this exciting event!
Mrs. Macy
Brian Monk
Edison Elementary
Kennewick, WA USA
Bags decorated: 354
Comments: Happy Earth Day Everyone! This is the third year we have
participated. This year we decorated bags from two
stores. We decorated 76 for Albertson's and 278 for Waremart
for a total of 354 bags. Over 300 students participated.
Jack Leiman
Sherman Elementary School
Tacoma, WA
Bags decorated: 151
From Sherman Elementary School in Tacoma, Washington
We learned about recycling and garbage. Garbage is thrown away by, about 4-6 pounds by 1 person a day. Never litter. Recycling is you take a thing you don’t want and put it in a blue container. But it has to be a certain thing. We have bags that we colored and wrote on, like Happy Earth Day. Millions of people recycle everyday. Speaking of the bags, we decorated 151 of them.
Mike-Grade 2
Dear people all around the world,
We had lots of fun at school. We studied recycling. We learned that each year we make 162,000,000 of garbage. Then we got to go to a real landfill in Tacoma.
This is how we started making our bags. First we thought of many good things to say on the bags. Then we wrote our good ideas on the bag. Then we colored the bags. They all turned out really pretty.
Cassandra-Grade 2
We decorated and distributed 500 bags at Top Foods and 100 bags at
Safeway in Snohomish, Washington. We are Dutch Hill Elementary School and
students K to 6 did the decorating. We even received notes from the
community thanking us for reminding them of the event!
Judi Cowper
third grade
Thurgood Marshall Middle School has participated in the Earth Day
Groceries Project every year since 1995! This year, 361 bags were
decorated by the 6th grade Reese/Aldridge and Ferguson/Debruyne teams,
the 7th grade Reid/Bennett/Berstein team, the 8th grade Hoonan/West
team, and the multiage McDougall/Havens team.
The bags were delivered to the Westside Olympia Safeway store. A
special thanks goes to Safeway for supplying the bags each year.
Virginia Reid
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Olympia, Washington
Martha Williams
Ocean Park Elementary
Ocean Park, WA 98640 USA
Bags decorated: 130
Comments: This is our 2nd year decorating bags from Jack's Country Store in Ocean Park, WA. Last year, my class took their decorated bags over to the store and had our picture taken for the local paper. Jacks gave us a tour of the store, a souvenir wooden nickel to commemorate their 100th year anniversay and a coupon for milk. The most exciting part was seeing the cardboard compactor! What a day!
Whittier Elementary School in Everett Wa. decorated 438 bags for Earth
Day. This is our third year participating and we hope to continue next
year too!
Bill Weber
Marylin Gentz
Washington/Hoyt Elementary
Tacoma, WA
Bags decorated: 180
We had a school theme that our principal selected: Treat the Earth with love and care!
I am a student teacher through the University of Washington, Tacoma Teacher Certification Program. I read about this project in Science and Children and knew about it from my local Top Foods last year. Some of the teahers at Washington had done this project last year, but it was not a big deal. This year, it was a little bigger deal. Some of the teachers, myself included, used this project as a jumping-off point for a unit on environmental protection. Having a school theme received mixed reviews. It helped the kids feel that they were part of a bigger project but some students had other great messages they wanted to send. Some of those kids made posters with those messages. All in all, it was fun for us teachers and fun for the kids.
When do you anticipate the website will have most teachers' reports? I'm definitely interested in following-up with math and geography-related lessons and would like to let the other teachers in my school know about this option too. Thanks for coordinating this enormous project!
Marylin Gentz
(Student teacher - 3rd grade)
I am very proud to report the participation of our students, staff and
local grocery store in this years Earth Day Groceries Project. The
project was welcomed with smiles and the bags turned out great! We here,
at Nespelem School District, are very fortunate in the enthusiasm that
we are supported with. Thank you for the opportunity to allow our
children to raise awareness within our small community, their messages
were truely genuine.
Leeann Waters,
Family Support Coordinator
Nespelem's smiling students
Nespelem's cheerful staff
Trading Post (grocery store)
At Lake Stickney Elementary in the Mukilteo School District, students decorated
about 400 bags for distribution at our local Albertson's at 4th Ave W and 128th
St. SW.
I'll let you know when I post an updated report on my web page.
Thanks again for your work on this project.
Thom Garrard
Linda Kinney
Oakview Elementary School
Centralia, WA, USA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: We will send you photos of seven of our bags and will also attach photos to our school website. Thanks.
Linda Reister
Lake Chelan High School
Chelan, WA. 98816
Bags decorated: 700
Comments: This was our first effort decorating the bags. My Leadership
class broke into groups and presented, supervised and helped
elementary children at our Elementary School with this project.
Both our grocery stores provided the bags and were excited
with the results. What a great project for my older students to
so plan, speak, and present. We will try to participate again
next year.
Julie DeRoshia
Wilder Elementary - Lake Washington S.D.
Woodinville, WA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Our 5th grade class helped organize, distribute and decorate 500 bags for this year's Earth Day Grocery Bag project! We really enjoyed being a part of this project and we learned a lot about the importance of recycling and taking care of our Earth! Our local QFC (Quality Food Centers), in the Redmond Bella Bottega shopping center, agreed to distribute our bags on Earth Day - we appreciate their participation! Other teachers' classes that were involved in helping to decorate our bags included Mr. Holbrook, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Baus, Mrs. Cosme, Mrs. Dramer, Mrs. Harewood, Mrs. Egan, Mrs. Peterman, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Sabourin, Mrs. Anderson, and Ms. Sheffield.
For more information about our project, check out our school web site (soon to be up and running!)and the pictures we submitted to this web site. Thanks to everyone for making this year's Earth Day Grocery Bag Project a success...we plan on being involved next year!
Janet Kragen
Suquamish Elementary
Suquamish, WA, USA
Bags decorated: 200 so far
Comments: Happy Earth Day from Puget Sound! I picked up a 500 bag bundle from Central Market in Pouslbo, and we spent time in class working on them. We took 200 decorated bags back to the store yesterday. Other teachers in the school are doing more bags today and taking them to the store this afternoon.
We are in the middle of studying the 70's, so this activity was timely, the first Earth Day being in 1970!
This is the first year are students at Boze Elementary School in Tacoma, WA
have participated in the grocery bag project. We have decorated 900 grocery
bags and took them to the Safeway in our area. The project has been a great
success. We did put an EarthDay sticker on the bag that said the bag was
decorated by a student at our school. We have received several phone calls
from customers who received the bags saying how the loved it. It was a fun
project , the kids loved it, and hopefully we can make this a yearly event.
Thank you for putting this on the web!!!!
Kris Andren
Boze Elementary
Sydni Neves
Summit K-12
Seattle, WA, USA
Bags decorated: 190
Comments: Hi! We sure did have fun decorating our bags. We had participation from 6 teachers and almost 200 children. The most unique thing is that we had middle school age children working with the 1st graders to create fun designs and crazy slogans. Thank you for coming up with this project idea. We enjoyed ourselves.
April 20, 1999
Dear People,
Here's a quick report that we here at Cedar River Elementary in
Maple Valley, WA have completed the decoration of 483 grocery sacks. They
will be returned to our neighborhood QFC in Wilderness Village. Thank you
for sponsoring this event. We loved doing it!!!
Yours for the Earth!
Mrs. Ruth Sullivan's Class at
Cedar River Elementary School
Rudi Sullivan
We participated in the Earth Day Grocery Bag Program this year. Our school is
Woodridge Elementary School in the Bellevue School District, Bellevue,
Washington in King County. We decorated a total of 252 bags donated by QFC in
the Factoria Square Shopping Center (Bellevue, WA).
I participated last year in the same program with Roosevelt Elementary in the
Tacoma School District. This is an excellent way to get the school's name out
in to the community.
Susan Beard, Kindergarten Teacher
Woodridge Elementary
Bags decorated: 400
Comments: We decorated 400 bags donated by our local IGA Tidyman's.
Children in grades K-5 enjoyed giving something back to
their community as well as learning about the importance of
environmental conservation.
Penny Bettas
Jefferson Elementary
Pullman, WA
Bags decorated: 700
Diane Nuetzmann
Columbia Elementary
Mukilteo, WA USA
My name is Brenda Cram, and I teach Kindergarten in Seattle, WA, at a
school called Bertschi School. Our school is working with Broadway QFC
and we desined 200 bags for Earth Day. Your project is a GREAT ONE!
Thanks, Brenda
Bags decorated: 300
I read about this during Spring Break and thought it sounded like a great idea. I spoke to my principal, she approved and I went to our local QFC. They gave me a bundle of bags (300). I wasn't sure if our staff would be interested. 4th gr. testing coming, we are working hard to pass our levy, short notice, etc. BUT I ran out of bags. What a wonderful idea, great cause and so much fun! Thanks!
Kathy Beach
Horizons Elementary
Lacey, WA, USA
Bags decorated: 480
Lynn Ann Bouker
Willapa Elementary
Willapa City, Washington
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Our whole school is involved in the Earth Day grocerey bags all from the fifth grade, to the eighth grade. It all started when my mom and I were coming home from an Olympia field trip, and we noticed all of the litter along the freeways and highways. My mom talked to my teacher, Mrs. Christensen, about it. She had the same thought about the litter as my mom did. Then, my teacher somehow heard of this groceries thing. So now the whole school is doing it and it's really fun!
Joyce Christensen
Laurin Middle School
Vancouver, WA USA
Bags decorated: 148
Comments: We are using this real data from all schools to learn how to use a spreadsheet program.
Mary DeCoy
Sultan Middle School
Sultan, Washington 98294
Heights Elementary in Clarkston, Washington has 300 grocery bags ready to
deliver to locally own grocery stores, and Albertsons. Their Earth Day
Groceries students are very excited about sharing the inportance of Earth
Day. One fourth grade class is planning an Arbor Day tree on April 14th to
celebrate Washington State Arbor Day as well as Earth Day for 1999.
Karle Warren
Will be participating the the Earth Day Groceries project with the Sultan
Red Apple Market. SES will be decorating 500 bags to distribute.
Staff Member Ginger Lenhart is coordinating.
Dave Vail
Sultan Elementary School
PO Box 150
Sultan WA. 98294
(360) 793-9830
Bags decorated: 23
Comments: We are teaming up with the Yakima Solid Waste Dept. to decorate and distribute bags this year. Thanks to Becky Wandell!
Mrs. Black's class
Naches Valley Intermediate School
Naches, WA
I am sending this for Denice Thomas at Burley-Glenwood Elementary
Burley-Glenwood Elementary School will be participating in the Earth Day Groceries Project. We will be decorating 500 grocery bags. Our school is in the South Kitsap School District, in Port Orchard, Washington. The classes who will be involved in this project are:
Kindergarten - Mrs. Cumming, Mrs. Morberg
1st Grade - Miss Ross, Mrs. Fanning, Mrs. Elton, Mrs. Brouchetto
2nd Grade - Mrs. Engen, Mrs. Rowland, Mr. Moses, Mrs. Witt
3rd Grade - Mrs. Makielski, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Lindley, Mrs. Nadeau
4th Grade - Mrs. Detmering
5th Grade - Mrs. Davidson
5th/6th Split - Mrs. Ragsdale
6th Grade - Mrs. Fowler
Life Skills Class - Mrs. McManus
Denice Thomas
The students at Orchard Heights Elementary School (K-6) will be decorating 700 grocery bags which will be delivered by a group of 3rd and 6th grade students to the QFC Grocery Store located at the South Park Shopping Plaza in Port Orchard.
Ann Paoletti
Orchard Heights Elementary
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
My 8th grade ART Elective (30 students) participated in this as a part of
our printmaking unit. They were bummed when I restricted their subject
matter, and were overwhelmed when I brought in 500 bags to print, but they
really got into it once they learned the value of the 'printmaking process'!
We printed 450 successful bags in 2 42 minute class periods.
Before we took them down to our local Albertsons store, I had them all pose
with their best print, and got a class photo which they thought was just
another one of my REALLY Dumb ideas! However, they changed their mind when
one of the boys in this class (the one who made the best stamp and everyone
wanted to borrow it) was killed in a motorcycle accident 2 weeks later. They
all wanted copies of our class photo.
Thanks for sharing this opportunity on many different levels. I plan to
participate in this as my own tribute to Jerrad for the rest of my teaching
Laurie Johnson lauriej@bham.wednet.edu
Bellingham, Washington
Our art teacher, Carolyn Buehl, used this project as her Earth Day
activity. Then she hauled the 200 plus bags to our local grocery store.
Thanks for the idea.
Renae Taylor (RenaeT345@AOL.com)
Chautauqua Elementary School
Vashon Island, Washington
This is Finn Hill Junior High's first year participating in the
terrific project! Students in grades 7-9 decorated and distributed
653 sacks to local Safeway, QFC, and Albertson's stores. The 120
Albertson's bags were decorated ahead of time & used to create
storewide Earth Day displays which were up for a full week preceeding
Earth Day!
This activity truly focused student & community attention on this
important day. We're excited about continuing & expanding our
participation with this project.
Brian Healy (brian_healy@qmserver.lkwash.wednet.edu)
Finn Hill Junior High
Kirkland, WA
Now that the flurry of reports coming in has slowed down a little, it's
time to finally write the report from Arbor Heights Elementary School in
Seattle, Washington - the school that started this project!
Our school decorated 390 beautiful grocery bags, and the third graders in
Room 12 delivered them to our neighborhood Safeway (for the fifth year in
a row!) on April 21st. We had a nice walk down to the store, as it was a
beautful, sunny day. Yes, sometimes the sun shines in Seattle! The
assistant manager, Julie, received our bags and sent us on our way with
soda pop and cookies. Thanks, Julie! We left her our 4' inflatable earth
to leave on display in the store for a few days.
I'd like to extend a special thanks to all the students in Room 12. They
worked very hard - speaking to other classes, editing 390 (!) bags,
posting all the email reports and dots on the huge map in our school, and
making sure everything looked great! You did a wonderful job!
Mark Ahlness
Arbor Heights Elementary School
Edison Elementary School had 358 students colored 476 bags this
year. Waremart Foods was the participating store. We are located
in Kennewick, WA. We just added a pre-school this year and they
also colored bags. So we had P-5 grades involved in this. Happy
Earth Day everyone!! See ya next year.
Brian Monk - monkbr@ksd.org
48 students participated in decorating 497 paper grocery bags (we had
mistakes on 3, so it couldn't be an even 500) that were provided to us by the
Pasco, Washington Food Pavilion store.
The manager, David Weber, enthusiastically agreed to join us in this
celebration of our Earth's birthday.
We plan on becoming long-time participants in the Earth Day Grocery project.
The Tri-City Herald sent out a photographer to capture the action on film and
there was a big photo in our newspaper on page 3.
Teen-agers are very conscious of our environment and what needs to be done to
help save it. My students thoroughly enjoyed this activity!
Nancy Harville (nharvill@csd.wednet.edu)
Columbia High School
Burbank, Washington
This year the entire school got in to the act. All classes kindergarten
thru sixth grade decorated grocery bags from two local grocery stores.
We decorated 100 bags from the Village Market in Fennville, and 400 bags
from the Family Fare in Holland. Grand total for our project was 500
bags this year. We are thankful for these businesses and their support.
We look forward to doing this again next year. Way the go Pullman
Elementary Students.
Garry Visscher gvissh@vbisd.org
At Southgate we contacted the manager of Mega Foods, John Lowney.
He ordered 500 plain bags for our students to spread the message on. Classes
had the option of completing the project in arts class with Linda Meo or in
their homeroom. When all the bags were complete, Linda and I took 5 students
to the store to deliver the bags. As a thank you to our students, John
provided a fresh cookie for any student who came in on Earth Day. Thanks for
the great project! We look forward to viewing all this years postings and
participating again next year.
Frost Cunningham (frost@nwrain.com)
Southgate Elementary
Tacoma, Washington
We made 792 grocery bags for Earth Day. It was great, the kids, the teachers,
the stores, everybody loved it. Thankyou
Marysville Junior High School
Marysville School District
Marysville, WA. USA
Debra Hudson Debra_Hudson@msvl.wednet.edu
Our health, environmental science, and other science classes from
Hudson's Bay High School in Vancouver, Washington combined to decorate
420 bags for our local Fred Meyer store.
Thanks for the great idea. You know high school kids get just as much of
a charge out this project as do elementary.
Wendi Russell wrussell@esd112.wednet.edu
We are happy to announce our 2nd year participating in the Earth Day
Groceries. This year we decoracted 320 bags. We had a wonderful time designing
our bags and look foward to next year.
Barbara Weber (Barbara_Weber@everett.wednet.edu)
Whittier Elementary
Everett, Washington
We borrowed and decorated 800 grocery bags.
Our school includes students from pre-school through fifth grade. Every
student decorated a bag.
Diane Nuetzmann (nuetzmannd@mukilteo.wednet.edu)
Columbia Elementary
Mukilteo, WA
Greetings from Northeast Washington! This is our third year
to participate in the Earth Day Groceries activity! We had our
sacks donated by Excell Foods in Colville, Wa. We returned
400 decorated bags to the store! We love being part of this
world celebration of Earth Day! Thanks for the fun, educational
way to be part of the World Wide Web!
Katy Hedrick (hedrick@colsd.org)
Hofstetter Elementary
Colville, Washington
Thurgood Marshall Middle School again enjoyed participating
in this years Earth Day Grocery Bag project. The Reid
/Bennett/Hackstadt 7th grade team, the West/Hoonan 8th
grade team, the Horton/Wells 8th grade team, and the
McKechnie/Havens multi-age teams decorated 322 bags for our
local Westside Safeway store.
Virginia Reid (vreid@osd.wednet.edu)
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Olympia, Washington
Students at Poulsbo Elementary School decorated 426 grocery bags.
They were passed out at Poulsbo Market Place to celebrate Earth Day.
Nancy Bale (nbale@orca.esd114.wednet.edu)
Poulsbo Elementary
18531 Noll Road N.E.
Poulsbo, WA
I'd heard of your project in previous years, but maybe it was the Learning
connection that just got me inspired this time.
Here at Lake Stickney Elementary (Mukilteo School District), students in all
grades (except 4th - too busy preparing for WASL) decorated bags for the nearby
Albertson's. We turned over about 440 bags to the store on Earth Day morning.
The clerks immediately started going through and reading all the messages!
Thanks for launching such an easy and fun project.
5th grade teacher
Students at Lakes Elementary in grades K-6 participated in
this great project. We had 23 classes working on the bags.
We delivered a total of 500 bags to our local Safeway
on Yelm Highway. Thanks Safeway for working with us!
Kenna Skillings-Duchesneau (tkcole@ibm.net)
Lakes Elementary
Olympia, WA
This is the third year that Cottage Lake Elementary, in Woodinville WA, has
participated in this great project. Three 5th grade classes and our Multi-age
classes decorated and delivered 367 bags to our local Safeway and they were
distributed on April 22nd. Thank you for continuing to organize the
information and for keeping us updated. The graphs are terrific!
Nikki McGrath nikki_mcgrath@qgate.norshore.wednet.edu
288 bags were decorated and returned to the Safeway Store on Callow
Avenue in Bremerton. The manager had them hung like banners around the store
the weekend before Earth Day. Customers can request them for Earth Day and
after. The visual effect of decorated bags suspended on high has gained the
attention of even the casual shopper. The people response has been very
positive according to Safeway workers. Students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as
some from 4th grades provided the unique art and slogans. Thanks for your WEB
site and the templates. Most of all everyone seems to be enjoying this
Karin A. Black (kablack@silverlink.net) Grade 2.
Naval Avenue Elementary School
Bremerton, WA USA
The 3rd graders at Ocosta Elementary School in Westport, WA made a total
of 67 bags for Ted's Red Apple in Westport.
It was fun, thanks for the great idea. Next year we will try and send
Participating teachers: Mrs. Macy, Mr. Iseminger, Mr. Swiergula, and
Mr. Chicano
Macy Wendy wmacy1@ocosta.wednet.edu
Our school decorated about 225 bags, and took them to Slim's Market.
We took an Earth Day walk to pick up garbage and stopped by the store.It was a
very sunny day here. The most unusual thing we found was a Halloween bag that
has probably been there since then! We walked up Shafer Ave. to Slim's and then
down Marvin Ave. We found a lot of paper, especially behind the store. We
stopped in at Slim's and bought a pop or slushy. If there is this much trash
in this little community, how do you think the world is? We think that people
aren't taking good care of our town. We are proud to have helped out our
community by participating!
Naches Valley Intermediate School (blackl@esd105.wednet.edu)
Naches Valley Intermediate
Naches, WA
We here at Opportunity Elementary School in Spokane, Washington had
great fun creating Earth Day Grocery Bags! Our school decorated bags
for Rosauers Supermarket. We decorated a total of 372 bags to add to
your collection.
Please add this to your records and we look forward to investigating
this information on the internet.
Students of Opportunity Elem.
Opportunity Elementary School <Opportunity_El@CVSD.ORG>
Miss Maxwell
ASB Advisor
South Colby Elementary decorated 792 bags that were furnished by the
Port Orchard Albertsons. This project was initiated by two fourth graders,
Carol Smith and Laura Jenson. Albertsons has already told the girls that they
would be interested in participating again next year.
Valerie Smith (smithvj@aol.com)
South Colby Elementary
Port Orchard, Washington
Our school became involved for the first time this year
in the Earth Day Bags project. We made 275 bags and
distributed them to Meyers Market. All were excited with
the project and I expect even more to be involved when we
make them next year. Students from kindergarten to sixth
grade participated.Thanks for the great idea!
Donna Gemma (dongeo@worldaccessnet.com)
Sunset Elementary
Vancouver, WA
We have 4th, 5th and 6th graders at our school. We decorated and delivered 375
grocery bags to a local grocery store in Centralia. This is a great project!
Linda Kinney (boseli@olywa.net)
Oakview Elementary
Centralia, Washington
From Orchard Center School (part of West Valley School District) which
is located in Spokane, Wa.
This is our first year decorating bags--a super project appreciated by
students and teachers alike. We are a 1-4 Elementary School and
decorated approximately 350 bags which my 3rd graders delivered to the
neighborhood grocery store today for distribution tomorrow. It's a
great idea!
Dianne Crumley dcrumley@iea.com
We ar a multiage program consisting of 48 children in grades 1-5. We
read about the project in the WEA Action and visited your website. Our children
worked very hard and completed 60 bags to be delivered to Safeway and
Thriftway. It was a great project and we are looking forward to doing it again
next year! Thanks for all the help that was provided on the website (i.e. the
templates, the slogans, etc.). It really got us motivated!!
Peggy Koivu (pkoivu@bainbridge.wednet.edu)
Family Classroom
Bainbridge Island, WA
My biology and adv. biology classes decorated 196 bags.
The bags were donated by the local Excell grocery store.
Some of our best slogans were:
1. If you trash the Earth were are you going to live?
2. Is the ozone hole a gate for aliens?
Shut the door on UFOs!!!
3. Maybe if the air was cleaner
the Mariners wouldn't choke as often.
Thanks for the idea.
Scott Raynor (ScottR@Colfax.K12.WA.US)
Colfax High School
Colfax WA
This was our first year attempting this project. Our third grade
class studies communities, and this made a great, easy-to-do community project!
Two second, two third, and two fourth great classes decorated 162 bags, which
were distributed at the Canyon Road Safeway. The guidelines and tips that you
posted for the project were very helpful. Thanks for a great project!
Jodi Carr (carrja@compuserv.com)
Pioneer Valley Elementary School
Spanaway, WA
We are starting slowly and only one team at school. We are decorating
100 bags. I will send you a digital photo of the best one or two bags that we
I went to Queen Anne High School and enjoy the city of Seattle a great deal.
I teach 6th grade at a middle school.
I forgot to include our url the last time I signed in. You
would have to choose "other schools" and then select "Cascade Middle School."
We are just starting to develop our web page. We'd like to include things like
the grocery sack project. We don't have the staff with time and training enough
to broaden and update it regularly.
We are getting our sacks from a home town grocery store called Market Place.
They are very cooperative with the schools.
Thank you for organizing this project.
Jeff Graham
(our whole URL is:
As I said before, we will try to send you some photos of our class making the
Jeff Graham (jgraham@kalama.com)
Cascade Middle School
Longview, Washington
We decorated 500 bags donated by our Local IGA.
Children in grades K-5 enjoyed giving something back to their
Penny Bettas (pbettas@psd267.wednet.edu)
Jefferson Elementary
Pullman, Washington
This is the first year that we have participated in this event. We
will be decorating 100 bags that were donated by Safeway.
Cindy Johnson (dcjohnson@thurston.com)
Roosevelt Elementary School
Tacoma, Washington
Mega Foods in Tumwater, WA donated 200 bags to be decorated.
Students range is 1st grade to 6th grade.
Debbie Cabe (DCabe0630@aol.com)
Black Lake Elementary
Olympia, WA
I am contacting you from Wellington Elementary School in Woodinville, Wa.
(Northshore Schools) to report that we decorated 1200 bags for Earth Day and
will be returning them to Albertsons and QFC for distribution in the next 2
weeks. It was a school-wide team day project, where kids gathered in multi age
teams to complete the task of decorating 2 bags each for Earth Day. My group
visited your web-site and enjoyed the pictures of kids doing what we were
doing! First heard about this thru the website, the Learning Space. Thanks
for the idea!!!! We might make it an annual event!
Eileen Treusch eileen_treusch@qgate.norshore.wednet.edu
Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Students from three elementary schools and one chilcare
center here at Fort Lewis in Washington State are proud
to report that 592 grocery bags were decorated and
distributed at our local Commissary on Earth Day, 1997.
Beachwood, Evergreen, and Hillside Elementary Schools
participated as well as the Beachwood Childcare Development
Center. Next year we hope to decorate twice as many!
Thanks for the idea and guidance!
Matt Knox
Wildlife Biologist
Fort Lewis Environmental and Natural Resources Division
Fort Lewis, Washington
Lakes Elementary School is happy to report that 399 grocery bags were
decorated and given to Yelm Hiway Safeway. We have posted 4 of our bags
on our front windows to share the news with all of those who visit us.
Thank you for planning this project each year!
3rd Graders and Ms. Hayes
Lakes Elementary School, NTSD
School: 360-493-2788
email: vhayes1@esd113.wednet.edu
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to participate. Edison
Elementary decorated 221 sacks for Earth Day. We gave them back to
Waremart to redistribute. We live in Kennewick, Washington. Everyone
was very positive about the project and wants to participate next year.
Thanks again.
Brian Monk bmonk@gte.net
Kennewick, WA (Tri-Cities)
Edison Elementary School
Arbor Heights Elementary School in Seattle, Washington, home of the Earth
Day Groceries Project, is proud to report in with 441 beautifully
decorated grocery bags. They were distributed at our neighborhood Safeway
on Earth Day (our fourth year in a row with them).
The day before Earth Day, the third grade students in Room 12 walked down
to the store to deliver them. Mr. Randy Stenderra, the manager, was very
happy to see us again this year, and sent everybody back to school eating
cookies and drinking soda pop! We left our four foot diameter inflatable
earth with him for a few days!
Back at the front of the school we have a big map covered with numbered
dots. The dots are stuck on wherever a school made Earth Day Grocery
Bags, and the numbers on the dots tell how many bags that school
decorated. Mr. Ahlness has been especially happy with how wonderful a
geography lesson this has been for his third graders! The actual email
reports are taped to the walls surrounding the map - it's a pretty
impressive sight.
Back in Room 12, the third graders who coordinated the project for the
whole school have been busy this week looking at and writing about the
Earth Day Grocery Bag pictures available on the World Wide Web.
Naturally, the pictures from Greece were a big hit, but they also enjoyed
looking at pictures of sudents making bags in Ontario, Mississippi,
Illinois, and Hawaii (after they had looked at themselves in the Arbor
Heights display!).
This report is getting long, but it's time for a personal comment...
This is my fourth year coordinating this thing on the Internet. It's
impossible to really express how exciting and moving it is to read the
reports as they come in. I feel especially lucky to be sitting here
reading and archiving them. From long reports (like this one!) to short
one-liners, I realize each and every one represents a lot of work and
commitment from caring adults and students. Hats off to all of you, and
thank you for helping spread the word about our precious Earth. - Mark
Mark Ahlness Arbor Heights Elementary School
teacher, grade 3 fax: 206-281-6618
home fax: 206-937-7567 http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/arborhts.html
mahlness@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us Seattle, Washington
Hello and Happy Earth Day from Whittier Elementary School in Everett
Washington. With the help of our local QFC grocery store we were able
to decorate 393 bags. The students loved doing it and the manager was
great! We would like to have the reports sent to us @
Barbara_Weber@everett.wednet.edu. Thanks we look forward to
participating next year and on any other projects that may come up.
Barbara Weber Barbara_Weber@everett.wednet.edu
Three classes participated in this year's Earth Day Grocery
Bag project: The 8th grade West/Hoonan team, the 7th grade
Reid/Bennett team, and the Winter/McKechnie Multi-age team.
We received and decorated 262 donated bags from the Westside
Olympia Safeway store.
Virginia Reid vreid@osd.wednet.edu
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Olympia, Washington
We decorated 800 grocery bags for our local "Save On Foods" grocery
Sherry Bozorth sbozorth@potlatch.esd112.wednet.edu
Woodland Elementary
Woodland, Washington
Hello! Three fifth grades and a fourth/fifth split at Cottage Lake Elementary
in Woodinville, WA decorated 464 bags for Earth Day. We enjoyed this project
very much and it was a smart idea to start it. We also made posters to
advertise Earth day at our local Safeway and to let shoppers know that Earth
Day bags will be coming soon. Please post this info. on the web page.
Nikki McGrath
Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
We decorated 475 bags from Ennen's Food Store in Bellingham, WA.
Bellingham, WA
Carl Cozier Elementary
Caren Pitsch
Sorry, I forgot to report to you. We did about 133 bags this year at
Olympic Hills (Lake City area in Seattle). I had a smaller participation
this year do to the paranoia of IOWA testing in my building and the late
Spring Break.
Krista Canterbury
I am posting this message for Karen Austin, our Recycling Coordinator.
Seabeck Elementary participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project this
year for the first time.
We teamed with Silverdale Red Apple, and decorated 460 out of the 500
bags they gave us. The manager was excited about the beautiful job the
kids did decorating, and the customers were pleased.
Thanks so much for letting us know about this--I know we'll be doing it
again next year!
Sharon Wright
Elementary Library Media Specialist
Central Kitsap School District
Silverdale, WA
This is Lakes Elementary in Lacey, Washington With our grocery bag count. We
have 463 bags that were made.
Is it really 13 million bags?!
Lakes Elementary
Lacey Washington
Victoria Hayes
Arbor Heights Elementary School in Seattle, Washington, the home of the
Earth Day Groceries Project, is pleased and proud to report that we
decorated 466 bags! We took them down to our neighborhood Safeway on Earth
Day. Our manager was very pleased to be a part of this again. He even
got together a shopping cart full of goodies for our classroom! Room 12
(the organizers for our school effort) did a super job explaining to our
classrooms how to make the bags and answered questions about the project.
Naturally, it was raining when we walked the bags to the store, so we had
to cover them with plastic bags (from another store!!), but we got them
there in great shape.
The third graders in Room 12 have also had a great time learning about
geography as they posted all the email reports next to a large map in
front of our school. They put sticky dots with the number of bags made
by each school wherever the school was located on the map.
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful and inspirational stories! We
know how much of an effort each of you went through! Happy Earth Day -
every day! - Mark
Mark Ahlness Arbor Heights Elementary School
teacher, grade 3 http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/arborhts.html
mahlness@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us Seattle, Washington
Thank you for the project idea - it was a success! Even made the local
news on two different stations.
Our Richland Ecology Explorer Post helped coordinate this project.
Six Elementary Schools participated (K-3 grades). A total of 3,400
grocery bags were colored and distributed from 5 different grocery
Thanks again - Keep in touch.
Gail Baasch
Env. Ed. Coordinator
P.O. Box 190
Richland WA 99352
Thank you for the great idea. My wife and I are at different
elementary schools in Olympia, WA. and both participated in this years
Centennial Elementary 340 sacks.
Madison Elementary 90 sacks
Thank you Fred Meyer of Lacey for helping us out with the sacks.
Laura Currie Centennial Elem.
Bob Currie Madison Elem.
Olympia School District.
Hi from Woodward Middle School, on Bainbridge Island. This earthday we
had every kid in our school (grades 6-8) take a plain grocery bag and
write an earthday reminder on it. Then we gave all the bags to the
local Safeway and Triftway stores to use on earthday-today!Our school
made about 1000. We are very proud of our work-as is our community- we
got video taped for our local cable news chanel and put on air.
Hurray For Kids!
Paul Tytler
Hi. Thurgood Marshall Middle School in Olympia Washington is happy
to report that we have participated again this year in the Earth Day
Grocery Bag project.
This year we had four class teams participate: The Reese/Gowers
6th grade team, the Reid/Bennett 7th grade team, the West/Hoonan
8th grade team, and the multi-age team of McKechnie/Winter. We
received and decorated 432 from the Olympia Westside Safeway store.
Virginia Reid
What an easy and rewarding project! The 2nd and 3rd graders in ten
classes enjoyed decorating 205 grocery bags for our local Safeway store in Mill
Creek-Gateway Plaza. Many innovative and thoughtful words of wisdom were
passed from child to adult during the simple process of coloring. Our children
are hoping the community will listen to their pleas for conservation,
preservation and recycling. We had lots of fun! Hope to do more next year.
Thanks for coordinating such a meaningful effort for our next generation of
concerned citizens.
We are interested in the total count and will be watching on the internet!
Snohomish County, city of Everett, Washington
Silver Firs Elementary
Anita Coats
Greetings from Hofstetter Elementary School in Colville, Washington!
I was so excited when I found your home page and saw this project! What an
excellent way to
celebrate Earth Day and get on the internet at the same time!.We have
decorated 500 bags and will deliver them tomorrow to our local Excell Foods
Grocery store.
Our school of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders can't wait for the local community to
use the bags on Earth Day! We are thrilled to be part of this outstanding
and want to get the results when available. I look forward to more great
ideas on your web page. Thanks, and happy Earth Day!
Katy Adams-Hedrick,
Hofstetter School
Colville, Washington
The students at Panther Lake Elementary decorated 1,000 Earth
Day grocery bags for the neighborhood Safeway and Albertson's
stores. The students had very creative suggestions for saving
the Earth. They are very knowledgable about environmental
conservation. The teachers were equally enthused by the student's
positive responses. Thanks for the great idea and we hope to join
you again next year. HAPPY EARTH DAY!
Panther Lake Elementary
Kent, Washington
Diane Bergman
Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
Arbor Heights Elementary School in Seattle, Washington decorated 439 bags.
My classroom of third graders walked down to Safeway on Friday afternoon.
We were met by a very pleased store manager and a film crew from a local
TV station. We got a nice tour of the store, saw a box crusher at work,
and even got some great treats from the deli department!
Since we are coordinating the project, we had the advantage of seeing your
reports roll in off the computer. In the lobby of our school we have
a wonderful map display with all your reports sort of pasted all over it -
it's getting a little hard to see the map!
Just to take the project one step farther, we announced on Friday that
anyone getting a bag at our Safeway could bring it in next week to school,
where we would turn it it into a kite to fly on our playground!
Again, thanks to all of you for making our Earth Day a very special one!
Take care - Mark
Mark Ahlness Arbor Heights Elementary School
teacher, grade 3 http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/arborhts.html
mahlness@cks.ssd.k12.wa.us Seattle, Washington
Thanks for coordinating this wonderful earth day activity. We really
enjoyed doing the project and look forward to getting information as it
becomes available. My first grade class coordinated the effort in our
elementary building. We collected bags from Price Chopper, a local
grocery store near our building. They were glad to be involved. It's
was wonderful to see how much effort and time each child put into their
design. Even those that tend to be "sloppy" did beautiful work. We came
up with some very original designs. It's too bad we don't have picture
capabilities on our machine. I look forward to this activity in the
future. My goal next year is to get the whole district involved. Thanks!!!
We decorated and returned 364 bags from our building of 420 children. I
did not make it a mandatory project, so some teachers chose not to be
involved. I think we got a great effort for the first time.
My class answered the following questions. Maybe you can use the
answers. Trash them if you don't need them. Again, thanks for your
efforts and time.
1. Saving the earth is important because...
or 2. Earth day is important because...
Jeff A. - cuz animals need homes. If they don't have homes they can't live.
Jeff G. -because you can save the earth by taking care of the trees and
picking up the trash.
Melissa- so some of the animals and us won't die.
Kyle H. - because if people litter, the animals could get choked.
Kyle S. -so you can live long.
Kyle W. -we don't want the earth to get all "garbagee"
Vanessa - because it reminds people that we should take care of our earth
so we won't die.
Johnny - we won't have poeple if we don't pick up trash.
Kristina -we want it to be nice and clean.
Andrew -because the fish could die and the ocean will die and we wouldn't
be happy.
Jordan -to recycle and pick up garbage.
Skyler -because you should make the earth clean. We don't want the earth
to be polluted.
Todd - it gives us a clean world.
Isak -we need food.
Katie -the trees give you fresh air.
Emily - people take care of the earth.
Tessa -we save the animals
Kasey -helps all the animals have a home in the world.
Shawn -we need to take care of it.
Wendy -the earth is special.
Annie -saves the animals.
Jana -we get to save the earth.
Michelle -you have to care about the world.
Ryan -you can clean up stuff.
Brian -you get to save the planet.
John -to clean up the earth.
Colleen Malley
Sunset View Elementary
711 Center Parkway
Kennewick, Wa 99336
Sierra Heights Elementary School in Renton, Washington participated in
the Earth Day grocery bag project this year. We received 500 bags to
decorate from the Renton Highlands Albertson's. During lunch recess for
two days, the students were invited to decorate the bags. We had
involvement at all grade levels - we were especially surprised to see
the positive response from the sixth grade students. All 500 bags were
decorated. The kindergarten students did this project in class as they
don't have a lunch period. It was a lot of fun for the students and
they are looking forward to seeing the bags at the grocery store on
Saturday. The PTA's Hug the Earth committee sponsored the event.
Comments to Leslie Bryant at frabry@ix.netcom.com
frank bryant, frabry@ix.netcom.com
Thurgood Marshall Middle school in Olympia Washington had three teachers
participating in the Earth Day Grocery Bag activity. We just dropped off
330 bags at our local Safeway store. The manager was very cooperative in
helping us with our project. Thanks for the suggestion!
Virginia Reid
We are 27 4th graders in Miss Geier's class at Sunset Primary School in
University Place (Tacoma). Thanks for letting us know about the project.
We decorated 200 grocery bags for our Safeway and Albertson's stores
and delivered them after school today for use tomorrow.
Please let us know the totals on schools and bags when you get it.
Thank you for the great idea!
Miss Geier's Class sunset4a@esd114.wednet.edu
Sunset Primary School
University Place School District
Tacoma, Washington 98466
Here at Carl Cozier Elementary in Bellingham, Washington we took 372 bags to
Ennens Food store. We look forward to seeing the count results.
Hi, I'm letting you know that we decorated 900 bags at Graham
Elementary and sent them back to the store.
456 Beautiful Grocery Bags turned into Safeway on Yelm Hwy. Lacey, Wa. by
Lakes Elementary School, North Thurston School District.
Thanks again for a neat, simple, worthwhile project!!
h Vickie Hayes :-) h
v vhayes1@esd113.wednet.edu v
h vhayes@quest.arc.nasa.gov h
v Lakes El School, N Thurston School Dist. v
h H 360-456-1801; W 360-493-2788 h
Thanks for your work on this project again. I hoped to get more teachers
involved, but only about half did in my building. Many of those teachers
had the kids do more than one bag.
We used the local Safeway and they were very obliging. They still have
the sign up that I made telling what we did and thanking the Safeway
store for their participation.
220 bags decorated
Olympic Hills Elementary School
Seattle, Washington
Thanks again and happy testing,
Krista Canterbury
Just a quick note to let you know that our school, Oakview Elementary
School in Centralia, participated in your project by decorating and
distributing 500 grocery bags on Earth Day. We all thought it was a great
idea and look forward to participating again next year! Thanks for your
Linda Kinney
Two fourth grade classes in Kent, WA, got bags from a local Safeway Store
and decorated them. It was fun and worthwhile. We had 57 kids decorate
84 bags. Next year, maybe more.
Time is nature's way of keeping all things from happening at once.
Thom Sayles
Washington Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1994
I'll start off by describing the experience at my school, Arbor Heights
Elementary, in Seattle WA. We decorated 489 bags for our local Safeway.
My third graders went to all the classrooms in little teams to show others
how to make the bags. I also had them edit the bags as they came back to
us (no last names, misspelled words, etc.). On April 20 we carried all
the bags to the store, where we were met by 2 local TV stations - we had a
wonderful time the next day watching the videotaped segments of ourselves
on the evening news! Plus, the store manager has promised my class a
pizza party (imagine the glee!). We will have a newspaper article run in a
local paper next week. And of course we had an incredible time keeping
track of who was doing the project, where you live, and how many bags you
made - all posted on a large map. Again, thanks to you all!
Mark Ahlness - mahlness@quest.arc.nasa.gov
Arbor Heights Elementary School - Seattle, Washington
I'm Ann Moore and I teach just north of you at Deming Elementary,
in Deming Wash. Our third/fourth grade class decorated 25 bags in one of
several earth day center activities. Its a great idea and we plan to give
them back to the local grocery store, Dodson's IGA to distribute on Friday.
We'll look forward to reading the tally!
From: Gary Moore
I run a private preschool out of my home. When I told my kids
about the grocery bag project, they were excited! We have a total of
eleven children in our preschool. But every little bit counts. We took
them to our local Safeway store in Vancouver, WA. Thank you for this
Earth Day idea.
The Gassaway Preschool
From: Sherri Gassaway
Thanks for the up date! The bag project was wildly popular 500 bags were
decorated and will be delivered to Fred Meyers by 12:00 today. Thanks
Bill Feather
Horizon School
Mukilteo, WA
This is the 3rd Grade Class at Lakes Elementary School that helped to
facilitate the wonderful Earth Day Grocery Bag Project. We are happy to
say that we turned in 500 decorated grocery bags to our near by Safeway
Store last night. We are in Lacey, Washington. A few miles south of
Olympia, our capital.
Thank you for suggesting the project.
Vickie Hayes and 25 caring 3rd graders
From: "Vickie Hayes (WA)"
Well, we were able to do about 80 bags this week. With testing and some
teachers that aren't too motivated to do something on the spur of the moment,
I think we did okay.
My class was really into it and many did two bags. They came up with some
slogans. It was great to see their committment.
The Safeway on 15th N.E. and N.E. 125th was very cooperative. They really
the project and we have started a new relationship with a local business! I
made a poster that said who made the bags and they posted it at the main
entrance. They asked their customers if they wanted plastic or an Earth Day
bag and many of them were very interested and pleased. It was very
Next year I hope to start before Spring Break and get the whole school
Thanks for the great idea. The Safeway manager said they will post your
nation-wide results in their newsletter.
Krista Canterbury
Olympic Hills
Seattle Public Schools
From: Krista Canterbury
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