Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
Mrs. W. Henke
Santee Community School
Bags decorated: 100
Comments: K-6 graders decorated bags from our local store, Lewis and Clark, here in Santee. Then the bags were brought back to the store to be used by the customers. We also picked up the streets, planted flowers and trees. We are making a medicine wheel butterfly garden and decorating trashcans. Each class adopted a street and will receive a traveling trophy for best street every two weeks. We also raised butterflies K-6 grades and released them into nature. Each class did various projects also for earth day. At the conclusion K-6 presented an earth day play with music.
Pat Headley
Bess Johnson Elkhorn Public Library
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Bags decorated: 67
Comments: Young patrons visited the public library for two days after school. We talked about Earth Day and
what we can do for the environment personally.We did some experiments, walked a pretend
nature trail looking for out of place items, looked at books the library owns, and decorated
bags for the local grocer. Fifty children participated and we appreciate the opportunity to share
information about our activities with all the other Bags Project participants. This has been fun and
educational--a winning combination for us and for the Earth.
Kim McDonald
Lexington Middle School
Lexington, Nebraska, USA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Our entire school participated in decorating grocery sacks for
Earth Day. This was accomplished our homeroom program.
Sav-A-Lot grocery donated the bags for us to decorate. We all
enjoyed this project.
Hi, This year we have decorated 225 bags which will be distributed to
costumers tomorrow from our two grocery stores. The kids did a fine job
and have noticed bags from the previous years. This is the fifth
graders first time of decorating bags. Thanks again for the great idea
which has now become a tradition for the Wayne Middle School.
Kim Imdieke
Laurie Colburn
Helen Hyatt Elementary
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bags decorated: 173
Comments: Our school decorated 173 bags donated by Hinky Dinky. The teachers thought this was a great
project and the students can't wait to see their bags at the store! Special thanks to store owner,
Tom Taylor, for letting us borrow the bags and to 4th grade teacher, Kirk Powell, for organizing
and distributing the bags to all the classrooms. Thanks for the idea!
Bags decorated: 50
Comments: Between my 6 6th Grade Girl Scout Troop and
my 16 2nd grade students, we decorated 50
grocery bags in all!! We think that this is a
great way to raise awareness about Earth Day
and ways to protect our Earth!
Theresa Bahnsen
Valentine Elementary School
Valentine, NE USA
We decorated 20 grocery bags in our classroom. Grades K-3 were doing this project. K-7 will divide into groups and go around our town on April 22 to pick up trash.
Nancy Renard
Republican Valley Elementary
Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
We have decorated 271 grocery bags. I'm a 3rd grade teacher
at Bennington Public Schools.We are very happy to
participate in this years project. My students were very
enthusiastic and came up with some good slogans. We are looking
forward to seeing the final results.
Darlene Czaja (
Bennington Elementary School
Bennington, Nebraska
This is our fourth year of participating in the grocery bag ecology
activity. Every year, the students are excited to take part. We will be
decorating 230 bags. This includes grades 5 through 8. Great homepage.
I appreciate all the help you have included. Thanks!
Ellen Imdieke (
Wayne Middle School
Wayne, NE
Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Hi, I submitted my bag count on May 1 and as I check the count for NE for
1997 I see that it isn't included. Just want to let you know that we did
participate and perhaps you are still counting. I see the 1997 map says in
progress. If you didn't get the info, here it is -230 bags decorated by
5-8 graders.
It's a fun and easy project!
Ellen Imdieke
Wayne Middle School
Wayne, NE
Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
Our 2nd grade class from Elkhorn, Nebraska (near Omaha) decorated and
distributed 44 sacks on Earth Day. Thanks!
Kelly J Smith
Hi, This year(our second) we included the 7th and 8th graders and
decorated 320 bags. The bags are being distributed by the two grocers in
Wayne-IGA and Pac-N-Save. This is such an easy yet effective way to
recognize Earth Day.
Ellen Imdieke
Wayne Middle School
The 321 students at Morton Elementary School in Lexington, Nebraska have
decorated 500 bags to be used at out Sav-Alot grocery store. Thank you
for the great idea. Please let us know the final results.
Thela King
Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
We are all working hard on our bagsto have them ready by Sat. I love the
idea! The grocers were happy to be a part of Earth Day. We included the
sixth grade this year(I teach fifth grade.) but hope to involve the
seventh and eighth next year. We will distribute 160 bags on Sat. We
look forward to hearing from you.
Ellen Imdieke
Wayne Middle School
312 Douglas St.
Wayne, NE 68787
Our school of 72 students decorated about 200 sacks for earth day .
Jean Hansen
I am sorry that this report is soooo late!!! This is such a neat
project and it is our second year for doing it! This year it was not
quite as successful, because we had a spring break right before the Earth
Day, so we were trying to decorate bags in a crunch. Therefore we
decorated 201 bags, only! But we will gear up for next year and be
ready. Thanks for organizing this worthwhile project. It is always a
hit with the local supermarket and the community!
Marilyn Hammond 5/6th grade teacher Swanson School
2602 N. 113th St. 86th and Harney
Omaha, NE 68164 Omaha, NE 68114
402-498-0757 402-390-2262 District 66
Nebraska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1994
We received your email message about your Earth Day project and we would
like to participate in it. We have gotten 90 grocery bags from Festival
Foods, a grocery store in Omaha, NE. We have four third grade classes
here at Bryan Elementary School so all of us are going to decorate a bag
and the store will use them on Earth Day.
Please let us know how many bags were passed out and the schools that
decorated bags. Thank you.
Ms. Petrocchi and 3rd graders at Bryan Elementary School
Internet Address:
47 third grade students at Hillrise Elementary, Elkhorn, Nebraska, made
grocery bags for Earth Day and gave them to our local grocery store for
distribution. This project will done jointly with high school students
from the FHA (Future Homemakers of America) who facilitated.
Joan Anthony
Hillrise Elementary
400 Hopper
Elkhorn, NE 68022
From: Joan Anthony
Swanson Elementary School in Omaha, Nebraska completed 500 grocery bags
for Earth Day. We gave them to our local grocer on Thursday, April
21st. The kids had a good time and I heard many positive whose idea was this? Thank you for sharing this neat
project. The student council sponsored the activity in our school. I am
one of the sponsors. Happy Earth Day!!!
Marilyn Hammond 5/6th grade teacher
Swanson School District 66