1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kentucky
Sherida Bias
Location: Ashland, KY, USA
Bags decorated: 200
Comments: This was our first year decorating bags for the Earth Day Grocery project. A local grocery store donated bags and each student decorated a bag. It was a fun way for the students to share what they had learned about the importance of taking care of their Earth.The bags were returned to the grocery where they were used to bag groceries and share their special Earth Day messages with the community.
Holly Barkley
Veterans Park Elementary (K - 5)
Lexington, KY USA
Bags decorated: 675
Comments: This year we participated again in this wonderful Earth Day project! The grocery employees were excited to see the colorful bags arriving! This year only the 4th and 5th grades participated ... the other grades were working on finishing up another art project when Earth Day arrived! But, as they finished their project, they were allowed to decorate a bag! Overall, we had a great time and thouroughly enjoyed ourselves! Thanks for your ideas and coordination!
Vera Prater
Fern Creek Elementary
Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
Bags decorated: 850
Comments: Hello to all!
Fern Creek Elementaryhas successfully completedour first year of participation. Our school total for 1999 is 850 beautifully decorated grocery bags, generously donated by our nearby Winn-Dixie. All students eagerly shared their "earth-wise" knowledge with the community in this unique project!
David Grossman
Murray Elementary School
Murray, Kentucky, USA
Bags decorated: 80
Comments: Our after school program decorated 80 bags, and we were very excited about helping remind others to clean up the Earth.
Vanessa Maggard
Sandy Hook Elementary
Sandy Hook, KY US
Bags decorated: 100
This is our first year; but, it was a wonderful experience for the students to promote and learn about global environmental issues.
Bags decorated: 1020
Comments: This is our first year to participate in the Earth Day Groceries Project.
We had all of our schools in the Corbin district in the state of
Kentucky to participate. They were: Corbin High School, Corbin
Middle School, South Elem., and Central Primary. We decorated a
total of 1,020 bags for our first year in the project. This has been
a wonderfully rewarding project. Thank you for the idea!! Please, keep
me informed for upcoming events. I along with other teachers
are already planning for next years Groceries Project. HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!!!
Rhonda Sizemore, Special Ed. Teacher
Corbin High School
Corbin, Kentucky
Mrs. Tharp's 4th grade class
Audubon Traditional Elementary School
Louisville, KY USA
Bags decorated: 22
Comments: We will be taking our decorated bags to the grocery store
to use when our parents go shopping. When people see these
bags they will know we are trying hard to save the Earth.
It was a cool and interesting project!
STATON, KY 40380
Bags decorated: 110
Evelyn Mayer
Jones Fork Elementary
Mousie, Ky--U.S.
Bags decorated: 20
Patricia Harris
Sublimity Elementary
London, KY USA
Bags decorated: 449
This is Sublimity School's first time to design Earth Day messages for our local Kroger's. We completed 449 bags, and chose 4 winners from our entire school.
Intermediate--4th/5th grade--Sara
Those students won books with an environmental theme.We are the Sublimity Eagles, so we also would like to help protect our nation's symbol, the bald eagle.
Mrs. Kemper
Miles Elementary
Erlanger, Ky
Bags decorated: 35
Comments: Our bags were donated by Silverlake Kroger grocery store.
"Our bags will teach people to reduce, reuse, and recycle." Allison, age 9
"These bags are stupendous" Amanda, age 10
"These bags will help people learn how to save the earth." Thomas, age 10
"We are sending great messages about the earth to everyone in Erlanger!" Ashley, age 10
"These bags help spread the message of Earth Day." Brian, age 10
"We hope people will recycle the bags after using them." Jacob, age 10
Mrs. Pack and Ms. Brewer
John W. Miles Elementary, Erlanger/Elsmere School District
Erlanger, KY, USA
Bags decorated: 32
Comments: It's up to you to save the Earth! (Jessica) Our bags will be given out at Silverlake Kroger's, down the street from our school.
Let your fingers do the cleaning! (Danny) Save the earth by recycling! (Taylor) Remember the three R's, Recycle, Reuse, Reduce (Zack).
Be a part of Earth Day, Save the Earth!!! (Joseph) Keep the Earth clean! (Kayla) Let the animals live and be proud!! (Jessica)
Bags decorated: 24
Bags decorated: 43
Justin T. Fannin
Sandy Hook Elementary
Sandy Hook KY U.S.A.
Bags decorated: 40
Comments: We found this to be an excellent way to deliver Earth Day awareness. We began small with two primary classes, and plan to extend this to all grades next year.
Sandy Osborne
Ashland Elementary School
Lexington, Kentucky
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kentucky
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
800 bags
-- Hardinsburg Elementary
-- Harned, KY
Four of our primary classrooms participated in your Earth Day Groceries project
by distributing grocery bags at 2 of the grocery stores in Springfield,
Kentucky. We had a total of 75 students that prepared Earth Day slogans.
Jackie M. Reed (jreed@washington.k12.ky.us)
Willisburg Elementary
Willisburg, Kentucky
Our class decorated 23 grocery bags for earth day. We really enjoyed
the activity as well as being able to encourage others to take care of our
planet for everyone who will be living here for years to come.
Mrs. Riney's Class (lriney@washington.k12.ky.us)
Willisburg Elementary School
Willisburg, Kentucky
Greetings from Veterans Park Elementary in Lexington, Kentucky! We have been
busy here participating in our first year of the "Earth Day Groceries Project,
I am the art teacher here at Veterans Park Elementary and one of our teachers
made me aware of this wonderful project, which I in turn used it as an art
project for the entire school. Therefore, there will be about 650+ grocery bags
being circulated at our surrounding groceries on Earth Day! (The participating
donators are Kroger and Winn Dixie.)
The children (ranging from K - 5) have been very enthusiastic and interested in
this project. Many have wanted to do more than one bag with Earth Day
messages. I liked the idea from Montgomery County Solid Waste - they collected
decorated bags from 3 schools and then chose some outstanding designs to give
Earth Day prizes to the designer! I'll have to remember that for next year!
This has been a fun and rewarding project, THANKS A MILLION FOR THE IDEA!
Please keep me informed for upcoming events and definitely for April 22, 1999.
Peace and Happy Recycling,
Holly Barkley, Art Teacher (hbarkley@fayette.k12.ky.us)
Veterans Park Elementary
Lexington, Kentucky
I am very excited about this project. My school is located in
a very rural area. This project will help us spread the word
about environmental issues. Thanks so much!!!
We decorated 200 bags for this our first year in the program. I
am already planning next years Groceries Project!!
Sherri Whisman (swhisman@powell.k12.ky.us)
Powell County Middle School
Stanton, KY
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kentucky
This was our first year to participate in the E-day Groceries
We had three schools in the county of Montgomery in the state
of Kentucky to participate. They were Camargo, Mapleton and
Mt. Sterling Elementaries. Kroger donated the bags. We decorated
a total of 1,675 bags. We chose 10 winners from the most creative
and gave Earth Day Every Day T-shirts as prizes. We had a great
Brian T. Bailey b.bailey@morehead-st.edu
Montgomery County Solid Waste Coordinator
Camargo, Mapleton and Mt. Sterling Elementaries
Montgomery County Kentucky
Newton Parrish Elementary School, 510 W. Byers Ave., Owensboro, Ky 42303
is proud to annouce we have decorated 374 bags. We are very excited
about this project as it is our first year to participate. We hope to
do more next year. Please keep us posted as the bag numbers come in.
Thanks, Carolyn H. Glenn, Library Media Specialist
I teach a primary class, grades 1 and 2 in Lawrenceburg, Ky. We are
very excited because it looks like our school, Emma B. Ward Elementary,
will be the first Kentucky school to register as participating in the
Earth Day project.
Our school has around 550 students in grades 1-5. So far we have
decorated 450 bags. The local IGA food market is across the street from
the school and they donated the bags. We are in the midst of statewide
testing in grades 3, 4, and 5 or we would have even better
The students have been very enthusiastic and many have asked to decorate
"any extra" bags. The grocery has been great. I picked up one bale of
bags and they said we can have as many more as we need.
My first and second graders are very excited and apparently all plan to
go grocery shopping on April 22nd so they can receive an Earth Day
grocery sack.
We look forward to seeing the final results. Thanks for encouraging
such a worth while project.
Barbara Schaars bschaars@Anderson.k12.ky.us
Emma B. Ward Elementary School
Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
Fordsville Elementary School's students decorated a total of 295
sacks that were donated from the Foodland at Whitesville, KY. The students
will return the sacks to Foodland who will then in turn use them on Earth Day
to bag their customers' groceries. On Earth Day, the students and faculty will
plant shrubs, trees, and flowers to landscape the front of our school.
Students and teachers will also clean up the grounds around the school and the
playground by using the buddy system of older students being paired with
younger students.
Mrs. Cecilia Wilkerson leavy@wku.campus.mci.net
Fordsville Elementary School
Fordsville, KY