1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kansas
Pleasant Hill Elementary School in Topeka, KS decorated 300 grocery bags. JM Bauersfeld's donated the grocery bags to us. We enjoyed the project.
Pam Broadbent
2nd grade teacher
Jennifer Babcock
Lincoln School
Chanute, Kansas, USA
Bags decorated: 285
Comments: All the students at Lincoln School decorated 285 grocery bags. These were donated by Ron's
IGA in Chanute, Kansas. We chose one student from each class, along with our principal, to
deliver the bags to the store. The local neswpaper was contacted and a photographer met the
students at the store. A front page article and photograph appeared in the Chanute Tribune on
Earth Day. It was great!
Everyone really enjoyed the project and we ran out of bags to decorate because of the enthusiam
of the children!
Julie Meyer
Stanley Elementary
Environmental Club Sponsor
Wichita, Kansas
Bags decorated: 370+
Comments: Our Environmental Club sponsored the "Earth Day Grocery Sacks" program at our school. The entire school participated, and in all 370 bags were decorated. The bags were beautiful! When we delivered them to the local Dillons store, the management was so happy with them I could hardly believe it! On Earth Day, when they sacked their groceries with our wonderful bags, one customer even took the time to call our school and let the principal know how much the bag had meant to her. We were all very pleased! Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea with us. We will be sure to participate next year too!
Elise Jacobson
Brookridge Elementary
Overland Park, Kansas
Bags decorated: 400
16 of our classes decorated grocery bags from Sun Fresh Grocery Store to promote environmental awareness
Southlawn School
500 bags sent out.
Stephanie M.Boyles
St. Ann
Prairie Village Kansas
Bags decorated: 329
This is the first year we have been a part of the Earth day project. Our School decorated the bags in Art class. Students from grades 1st through eighth decorated the bags. Our grocery bag sponsor was Wild Oats Market in Mission, Kansas. The students enjoyed the project very much! We hope to do it again!
Bags decorated: 253
This is our second year to participate in this Earth Day Project.
Students at Pauline South Intermediate School (located in SW Topeka, KS)
decorated 253 bags which were donated by the Pauline Grocery Center.
Students enjoyed decorating the bags as well as learning how to save our
earth. We will be looking forward to Earth Day 2000!
Science Club Members
Pauline South Intermediate School
Wakarusa, KS 66546
My students in Cherryvale, Kansas decorated 60 bags with the 3 R's.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recyle. They were returned to our ONLY grocery
store for Earth Day 99. It was an enjoyable project and their
messages were very pro-Earth. Hope this project was a success all
over the United States. Many thanks, Barbara Hardy 6th Grade
We are a small rural school, with 72 kids in Grades K-6. We decorated
70 bags today and returned them to our local grocery store in Sharon
Springs, Kansas. They will use them tomorrow on Earth Day. It was a
fun project with all age kids working together.
Thank you for organizing this great project. Please see our pictures on
our school's homepage.
Cindy Harold
Weskan Elementary School
Weskan, KS
Judy Masonis
Apache Elementary School
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Bags decorated: 308
Comments: Everyone (parents, teachers, students and the Hy Vee, our participating grocery store) thought this was a great idea! Thanks to Hy-Vee for donating grocery bags for this project.
Mary Albright
St. Patrick Grade School
Great Bend, Kansas
Bags decorated: 167
Bags decorated: 250
Comments: Our daily paper is sending a reporter to our school today
to talk with students about this project! If there is a picture
in the paper this week, we'll post it for all to see!
Diane Liebsch
Atchison Middle School
Atchison, KS 6600s
Bags decorated: 175
Comments: Students at Westmoreland Elementary School colored a total of 175 sacks. The sacks were donated
Dillons Superstore on Sarber Lane in Manhattan, KS. The store will use the sacks on Earth Day,
April 22nd to help remind their customers the importance of recycling.
Mrs. Carol Thierolf
Westmoreland Elementary School
Westmoreland, KS 66549
Bags decorated: 800
All students, K-6, decorated grocery bags donated by J.M. Bauersfeld's grocery store. This is our third year we've participated. The grocery store was very excited about the project!
Tracy Kerth
Jay Shideler Elementary
Topeka, Ks 66610
Bags decorated: 23
Comments: My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Hoffman found this idea in the magazine, Science
and Children. I thought it was a wonderful idea and the students loved it.
Anne Jensby
Woodrow Wilson
Manhattan, KS USA
I am from El Paso Elementary in Derby, Kansas. Our whole school has
participated in the grocery bags project. We are a k-5 building and we
have approximately 380 students. The Derby Food 4 Less donated the
grocery bags for us.
Dana McCreath
First Grade Teacher, El Paso Elementary
900 E. Crestway, Derby, KS 67037
Bags decorated: 215
Comments: This is our first time to participate in the earthdaybag contest. We are really excited about getting the community involved in earthday!
Brandee Randels
Kinsley-Offerle School District
Offerle, KS, USA
Bags decorated: 104
Diane O'Neal
Fairfield West Elementary School
Sylvia, KS, USA
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kansas
This was Bannekers' first year to participate in the project. Our
students were so excited with the idea that some wanted to do more than one
bag! Approximately 500 grocery bags were decorated by our k-5 students and
distributed to two local grocery stores. Patrons in our community got a very
clear and positive message that the students at Banneker care about our
environment. We look forward to participating in 1999! Thank you for the
opportunity to join others in such a great and rewarding project.
Jan Klein> jaklein@kckps.k12.ks.us
Project Coordinator/5th grade teacher
Banneker Elementary School
Kansas City, Kansas
This effort was coordinated by the Directorate of Environment and
Safety's Education Awareness Program. We worked with five public schools on
Fort Riley: Fort Riley Elementary, Morris Hill Elementary, Jefferson
Elementary, Fort Riley Middle School, and Custer Hill Elementary. A total of
500 bags were decorated and delivered to the Commissary for distribution during
Earth Week
Tamara DePue (tdepue@dynamac.com)
Fort Riley, Kansas
This is the first year for us to participate. We have students from
two different towns so we decorated bags for two different stores. We
decorated 428 bags in all for the two stores. The students really enjoyed the
activity. We are a school of K-8th grade so we had every level involved.
Teresa Ptacek (tptacek@juno.com)
Delphos Attendance Center
Delphos, KS
The 6th grade students at Baxter Middle School decorated a total of
157 bags for Earth Day. This is our 2nd year to participate in the Earth Day
Groceries project. What a super way to get students involved with the
community and to spread the word about Earth Day!
Tanya Carlson (t.carlson@baxter508.k12.ks.us)
Baxter Springs
Baxter Springs, Kansas
Atchison Middle School 6th graders decorated 300 bags
four area grocery stores. We're proud to be a part of
this fun project! We know that sometimes, kids have
to remind adults about important issues, such as care
for the environment!
Thanks for a great project!
Diane Liebsch (AtDiane@aol.com)
Atchison Middle School
Atchison, Kansas
This is our first year to participate in the Earth Day Project.
The students at Pauline South Intermediate School (grades 4-6)
decorated 281 grocery bags for Earth Day. Our school is located
in the southwest part of Topeka, Kansas (the Capital of Kansas).
The Pauline Food Center Grocery Store provided 300 grocery bags
for our students to decorate and they will sack groceries in these
decorated bags the week of April 22.
What a fun project for our students to participate in to promote
environmental awareness at school and in our community. Students
look forward to being a part of this project in years to come.
Mrs. Forbes (forbesm@aw437.k12.ks.us)
4-6 Technology Specialist
Pauline South Intermediate School
Wakarusa, Kansas 66546
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kansas
Our school participated in the bag project for Earth Day 1997, but I
have not been able to use the guest book to let you know, so I will try
this. We are a K-6 school in Overland Park, Kansas. We have 320
students and we decorated 350 bags. The bags were donated by out
local Hy-Vee store. We received many compliments and some of the
children received individual thanks you notes from people in the
community. Please add us to your list. Thanks,
Lucile Nelson, Media
This is a super project! Not only are students helping to "save the
environment" by participating in the Earth Day project but they are also
learning to use technology as a tool to connect with other schools
working on the same project.
Grades 1-6 at Jay Shideler Elementary School in Topeka, KS participated
and decorated a total of 476 grocery bags. Topeka is the capital city of
the state of Kansas and is located in the NE part of the state.
JM Bauersfelds, our local area grocery store, was very willing to be a
part of this Earth Day Project. We've had very positive responses from
students, teachers and everyone who has heard about the project.
Jay Shideler students are very anxious to view their report as well as
reports from other participating schools. They look foward to continuing
this project next year.
Mrs. Forbes
Computer Basi"K"s Instructor
Topeka, KS (The Capital City of Kansas)
Participating grocery store - JM Bauersfelds
Our 4th graders decorated 65 bags for our local Chamber of Commerce.
We are having fun seeing our decorated bags all over town!
Vallery Graham grahamv@usd475.k12.ks.us
Westwood Elementary School
Junction City, Kansas
From Baxter Springs, Kansas (K-12)
We made 750 bags! It is a good start for our community. We are going
to set a bigger goal for next year!
Kami Cook k.cook@baxter508.k12.ks.us
Third Grade Teacher- Baxter Springs (southeast corner of Kansas)
1996 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Kansas
We made bags in our 6th and 8th grade classes last year.
We are doing it with the whole school in all grades 6-8.
We have about 580 students in our school. You can locate us
on almost any map. We are 2 miles from the junction of the
Kansas River with the Missouri River.
Kansas City, Kansas
Argentine Middle School
David W. Cox
We, Deerfield Elemntary School, are proud to report that we had 492 bags
decorated and delivered to Dillon's on 6th street during the months of
April and May. Our school is preschool-6th grade and everyone was invited
to participate. The designs ranged from simple flowers and trees to
elaborate earths and slogans encouraging better care of our environment.
Our students and staff were happy to participate and hope to do more bags
next year.
Even though a few grade levels participated in on-line projects this
year this was our first school wide project. Thank you for the
opportunity and congratulations on a simple but effective integrative
telecommunications activity.
Leslie Campbell (3rd gr) and Lucinda Crenshaw (5th gr)
Deerfield Elementary School
101 Lawrence Ave
Lawrence, KS 66049
My students in fourth grade and our study buddies in first grade
participated in your project and completed 51 bags. We gave our bags
to our neighborhood grocery store, J. M. Bauersfelds. This is our
first Internet project.
Mrs. Kelli Kogl
4 th grade
Jay Shideler Elem.
USD 437
Topeka, Kansas
What a super idea! Our school- Oberlin Elementary School, Oberlin,
Kansas- made 400 sacks. Every grade K - 6 participated even the
Headstart students made bags (with the help of their 4th grade
buddies). In fact, some classes were so excited that they created two
sacks each. The faculty at our school was delighted to participated
and planned their curriculum around the activity. We read stories like
The Wump World, Just a Dream, and The Lorax to get ideas going. The
students in my class found reducing tips, recycling facts, and scary
numbers about the amount of trash we make to put on their sacks.
This was a great activity and we plan to do it next year. Our local
grocery store was more than willing to helps us. Thanks to you for
organizing this activity. It has been a great educational activity.
Please let us know the results of Earth Day Gracery Bag. Our students
are anxiously waiting.
Cindy Sattler
4th grade
Oberlin Elementary School
Oberlin Kansas