1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Idaho
Joyce Miles
Stuart Elementary
Shelley, ID 83274
Bags decorated: 500
What a wonderful experience! It began with my class of 25 and was shortly expanded to include the entire student body of 500. My class took it on as a project: learning about Earth Day and environmental problems, decorating their own bags first as models, creating a presentation to all the other classes, distributing and collecting the bags, taking the bags to our local Albertsons to hang and distribute, and finally taking a tour of the grocery store. The store manager contacted a local TV station who covered the event in 2 parts: videoing in my classroom as the kids decorated and interviewing two of the students, and videoing some of the sacks as they were being used on Earth Day. They also taped the whole school leaving to collect garbage around the city on Earth Day. The kids learned and enjoyed the project very much. I'll plan to do it again next year!
Lourene Walters
Thirkill Elementary School
Soda Springs, Idaho U,S,A,
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: Participating grocery stores:
1. Lew & Dans Thriftway
2. Lallatins Thriftway
Great project. Kids loved it, so did the teachers.
We'll participate again next year.
Phil Cano
Hello. Like to thank you for your work in organizing this event. We are
Hillcrest Elementary School in American Falls, Idaho (83211). We decorated
approximately 650 brown paper sacks, donated by Paper Bag Council of the
American Forest and Paper Association, and distributed them to 2
supermarkets in our small town (pop.-3500). The project was well received.
Bags decorated: 160
We had 2 second grades, a third grade and my fourth grade
decorate the bags. What a fun project!!!
The children learned the importance of recycling, and taking
care of the earth and their environment. We plan on doing it
again next year!!!
Ranee Woodall
Jan Work, Carol MacLean, Cindi Ulen
Borah Elementary
Coeur d'Alene, ID U.S.A.
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Idaho
Such a great idea! We decorated 280 bags and returned them to 2 neighborhood
Alta Carter acarter@mail.lewiston.k12.id.us
Orchards Ele.
Lewiston, ID 83501
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Idaho
Thanks to the coordination of Girl Scout Junior Troop 136 and
cooperation from Albertson's, Ethel Boyes Elementary joined
the 1997 Earth Day Groceries Project. We have decorated 467
bags. We have also created a tree poster to hang in Albertsons
decorated with an Earth Day message or promise to improve the
environment from each student, staff, and Girl Scout from Junior
Troop 136.
Janice Boggs boggs@srv.net
Ethel Boyes Elementary
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Nothing but positive response here at Longfellow. Our only
problem is that we wonder why we didn't think of it first!
Thank you for organizing this and for publishing it on the
All 450 students have participated and IGA on at 17th and
St. Clair was a willing participant as well.
What a great idea! Thanks!!
Rebecca Roesener roesenerr@Vanna.d91.k12.id.us
Longfellow Elementary
Idaho Falls, Idaho
1996 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Idaho
20 second graders attending Monroe Elementary will be decorating Earth Day
grocery bags this week. I have recycled them from trips to our local Co-op
and will be returning them there for distribution on Earth Day.
I'll check the Net for the final tally.
Thanks for the great idea.
Stephanie Youngerman ......the heart's memory eliminates
syoungerman@claven.idbsu.edu the bad and magnifies the good....
Monroe Elementary School from Love In The Time Of Cholera
Boise, Idaho by Gabriel Garcia Marquez