Connecticut Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
I just wanted to report that 562 students in my school decorated
bags this year as part of our Earth Day Celebration Week. Since we had
a school vacation the week that April 22 landed on we used the following
week to concentrate on care of the environment. Each student decorated
one bag and then I returned them to the Super Stop and Shop in Newtown,
CT where I borrowed them from. It was very exciting to hear the
compliments about the students work.
Pam Fagan,
Math/Science Specialist at Middle Gate School,
Newtown, CT
Kathy Larkum
Squadron Line School
Simsbury, CT 06070
Bags decorated: 180
Comments: First and fourth grade book buddies had a wonderful time participating in the Earth Day Groceries Project. This is the second year that Alberta Culley and I had our students decorate bags. We were amazed to read the article in Science and Children, April 1999, because we had no idea the project was so global. Mrs. Culley was even more thrilled when vacationing in Maryland during spring break to visit a supermarket where she received a decorated bag for her purchase. I have proposed to make this a school wide project for next year. We would like to acknowledge Kane's and Fitgerald's supermarkets of Simsbury for participating in the project with us. Thanks again!
Cheryl Poltrack
Rogers Magnet School
Stamford, CT
Bags decorated: 702
Pat Cooney
Farmingville Elementary School
Ridgefield, Connecticut
Bags decorated: 364
Comments: We found your site while exploring the internet looking for ideas to celebrate Earth Day ! What a terrific idea. The class and I had a great time, we worked with our first grade buddies as well. Other teachers in our school were very happy to participate and all the children learned a lot about environmental awareness. We can't wait to do it next year.
Christine Griffith
Jefferson Elementary School
Norwalk, CT
Bags decorated: 500
Please include Johnson Elementary School in your list of participants
for this Earth Day. Our 5th grade classes prepared 140 bags that were
distributed at the Bethel Food Market. We are in Bethel, CT (in the
western part of CT in northern Fairfield County).
Thanks. Gene Sharkey, Classroom Teacher
Susan Bachman, Media Specialist
Donna Magrath
Ansonia, CT
Bags decorated: 100
Comments: This is a fantastic project. I showed it to my student teacher that I had last year, and she did it with her 7th grade team. My kids were so excited that they made their parents go shopping at Stop and Shop to see if they could see some of their bags! I will definitely do this project again.
Pat Onofrio
C.T. O'Connell
Bristol, CT USA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Every student in our school participated and made some great bags. We got the owrd out to the community through the local supermarket and people liked our stuff! The manager of the store was very cooperative and supportive of thisproject!
Andy Semancik
Canterbury Elementary
Canterbury, Ct 06331
Bags decorated: 138
Comments: We read about the grocery bags project in Weekly Reader. It's a terrific idea and project! The students really enjoyed decorating the bags and truly got the feeling of helping and making a difference for Earth day, 1999!
Christie Heck and Nicole Hauser
Ina E. Driscoll Elementary School
Tilford W. Miller School
Wilton, CT
Bags decorated: 800
Comments: What a wonderful idea! We had over thirty classes participate and all the children absolutely loved it. They are so excited about going to the stores to see all the bags. It was a great project that allowed students to express their own cares for our Earth. Thanks!!
Earth Day Committee
Montowese Elementary School
North Haven CT USA
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: This was our school's first year participating in the Earth Day Groceries Project. All students in grades K-5 participated in decorating a total of 500 bags. We have gotten a lot of positive feedback from this project. We think it is a wonderful way to spread environmental awareness!
Pat Cooney
Ridgefield, Connecticut
Bags decorated: 364
Comments: We learned that children can help grown-ups become more aware of the environment.Through the paper bag project we learned that we can encourage others to REDUCE REUSE and RECYCLE!
We are sorry that animals can sometimes eat styrofoan or plastic and die. We think we should use rags more instead of paper towels to save our trees. We think older children should pass down used toys to younger siblings instead of always buying new ones. We think we should not waste water, especially when brushing our teeth! We learned a lot and had fun at the same time!!!
The students at Daniels Farm Elementary School in Trumbull, Ct have all
decorated grocery bags to be distributed at our local grocery store on
April 22. This is the second year that our school has participated in
this project and the students, teachers, and community love it. It
really makes us all aware of our earth and how we should take care of
it. The project was done in the media center under the direction of
Evelyn Montagnino. Fun was had by all. A total of 582 students
participated in this project. Thanks
Daniels Farm Elementary
Patricia B. McKean
Convent of the Sacred Heart/Greenwich
Greenwich, CT
Bags decorated: 220
Comments: Each girl in our Lower School, grades prek-4th, and one section of 7th grade each made a bag and distributed them to a Grand Union in Pleasantville, NY and a Food Emporium in Briarcliff Manor, NY. The girls loved the project! Thank you!
Just a note to let you know that my two science classes will be
decorating grocery bags for my family's market. We are only
doing 50 bags, since there are several participating schools in
Glastonbury already. My school is located 60 miles from the
store, but my father-in-law and my husband are always willing
to help out the local schools by supporting such good causes
and help awareness. Gardiner's Market also encourages use of
reusable cloth bags. My name is Mona Gardiner and I teach at
Killingly Intermediate School in Dayville, CT. I teach 6th
grade. Thank you!!!
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: We were doing an Earth Day Cyber Hunt Activity that I found in Instructor Magazine and onoe of the Web Addresses that we were sent to was the Earth Day Bags address! Lucky for us!! We invited our principal in to the Computer Lab and here we are! Our whole school ( pre-K thru 5) is participating!!
We got our bags from Super Stop & Shop in Middletown, CT . We're decorating them today (4/20/99) and will bring them back tomorrow after school so that they can be used for customers' groceries on Earth Day!! We're excited!! The newspapers are coming to cover this too!!!!Thanks for the super idea!!!
Christine Salamone
Wilbert Snow Elementary
Middletown, CT 06457
Bags decorated: 1152
The students at our school (k-3rd) enjoyed making the Earth Day Grocery bags and look forward
to seeing them passed out to our community on Earth Day. They also enjoyed learning about
the rain forest, making paper, and other projects they did in connection with Earth Day.
St. Bernard School
20 School St.
Rockville,CT. 06066
has decorated 500 bags ( grades K-8 ).
The bags were donated by SHAWS Super Market of Vernon, CT.
Roger Lord
Bags decorated: 700
Comments: this is our third year doing bags.. I was introduced to the idea at a
National Geographic Teacher Workshop in Washington DC during the summer of
96.. just read about your site in Science and Children. Add Samuel Staples
Elementary School, Easton, CT to your stats.. we are a K-5 school of 650 +
students.. ALL classes participated with Shaw's super market in Fairfield,
CT... grades K-5 do this together as a science project.. they love it.. as
do all the other classes..
Paulette Malay
Samuel Staples School
660 Morehouse Rd.
Easton, CT 06612
Bags decorated: 706
Comments: This was our first year decorating the bags. The children had a lot of fun and had some wonderful ideas. We look forward to going shopping at Newfield Grade A on Earth Day! Teachers also enjoyed this and we are planning on doing it again next year!
Susan McGuire
Springdale School
Stamford Ct
Bags decorated: 400
Comments: At Martin Kellogg Middle School in Newington, CT we had a great time decorating bags in grades 5-8. We will bring the bags to
Super Food Mart in Newington 0n April 15th, 1999.
Martin Kellogg School
Bags decorated: 500
Dear Earth Day Grocery Bags Staff,
I first heard of your project in the Weekly Reader magazine. I was delighted to stumble across a free, simple, environmentally sound project. With only five days until our Spring Break, I thought I would keep the project small. Much to my suprise, word spread and before I knew it four ACES schools were participating. Comments from teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, art teachers and teacher assistants have been nothing but positive!!! Even the most physically and mentally challenged students created awesome bags using stamps and sponge painting. The students in my room also studied slogans and advertising! The local Stop and Shop was thrilled to participate. Thanks again!
Donna Durand
Area Cooperative Educational Services
Hamden, CT. 06517
We are the 7up team (a whale of a team)
We will be decorating bags on wednesday April 14, 1999.
The bags will be distributed on Earth Day at Shaws Supermarket.
E. Bennet Middle School
E. Bennet Middle School
Bags decorated: 550
Connecticut Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
We have participated in this project, I believe for 4 years now. We get out bags from the local Stop and Shop. They have been great! We did not report in last year, however all our K-3 students decorated bags which included approximately 470 students. This year we plan to do this project again and should have all 484 students participating.
Candice A. Dunn
Kathleen E. Goodwin School
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
400 bags
-- Voluntown Elementary School,
Voluntown, CT
The whole school decorated bags for a local bagel shop. All the
children from K-5 really enjoyed decorating the bags. I have not gotten
comments from the public yet as to how it was received. It was lots of fun! We
decorated 500 bags.
MaryBeth Gallo (
Watertown, Connecticut
Judson School
Our K-grade 6 school decorated 869 bags for the Earth Day Groceries
Project. Our school is a K through grade 6 school with approx. 500 students. All classes
participated in the event. Mrs Festa and Mrs Grabarz (two of our first grade
teachers) organized the project in our school. The bags were picked up and
returned to the local Shaws Supermarket to be distributed on Earth Day 1998.
This was a wonderful school wide project!!
Donna Festa (
West Woods Elementary School
Hamden, Connecticut
Fourth grade students at Canterbury Elementary School will decorate
approx. 400 bags and distribute to Better Val-U Supermarket in Canterbury.
Colleen Shine from the Paper Bag Council was instrumental in helping us procure
paper grocery bags and other Earth Day related materials. Canterbury Fourth
Graders are happy to be participating in your Earth Day Groceries Short
Stephanie J. Neborsky (
Canterbury Elementary School
67 Kitt Road, Canterbury, CT 06331
I am a 4th grade teacher from Weston, CT. 4th and 5th grade students
participated in the Earth Day project. We called it "Operation Paper
Bag". We decorated 400 bags. The principal, secretaries, and teachers
all participated.
We all had great fun!
We plan to decorate 500 grocery bags donated from Stop and Shop in
Stratford, Ct. on Earth Day 1998. We will do this as one of our class
activities for our whole school Earth Day celebration. The school day is
comprised of guest speakers who instruct us on recycling, caring for the
environment, and respect for flora and fauna. It is a day dedicated to Science
instruction and is enjoyed by students and teachers alike.
Jo-Ann McCann (
Eli Whitney Elementary
Stratford CT
Connecticut Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Our 4th grade classes decorated 105 grocery bags. It was a great
Kelly Romano
Ruth L. Chaffee Elementary School
Newington, CT
Connecticut Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
I'm sorry, forgot about letting you know. We did participate and had
approximately 490 bags decorated and returned to Stop and Shop. The teachers
were very receptive about repeating the project from last year. We also
receive a thank you letter from a citizen who received one of the bags when
she shopped and was delighted with the project.
We are a PreK-3 school, Kathleen Goodwin School in Old Saybrook, CT and as I
said our partner is Stop and Shop Supermarket.
Candy Dunn, Science Coordinator
Our school which is a K-5 elementary school. Decorated 570 grocery
bags for two local stores. This project was done in the media center as one
activity for our Ecology/Literature Week. All students enjoyed the project as
well as many community members that shopped on Earth Day and received one of
the bags decorated by a student from Daniels Farm School. I, Evelyn
Montagnino, the media specialist headed up this project as well as our
Ecology/Literature Week.
Trumbull, Connecticut
Daniels Farm Elementary School
Evelyn Montagnino
Just wanted to let you know that we participated in this great
project. I went to the local Stop & Shop and presented the project to
the Store Manager. He thought it was a great idea and gave me a
bundle of 500 bags! We decorated 150 of them and returned the rest.
They passed the bags out the weekend of EarthDay. My kids had a great
time doing the bags and we look forward to doing it again next
Jennifer Leide
Education Director
Bristol Boys & Girls Club
Bristol, CT
All four first grades at our school worked together to make 500 brown paper
grocery bags. We gave the bags to Gardiner's Grocery Store. People took them
home full of food. We hope people will use these bags again and again.
We decorated the bags by sponge painting, collage, drawing and gluing pictures
and writing slogans. We put birds, trees, flowers, the sun on our bags. We
also wrote slogans like Save the trees, Happy Earth Day, Re-use me.
We had fun making the bags and we liked telling our community.
Glastonbury, Ct.
Buttonball Lane School
Connecticut Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
Greetings from Higganum, Connecticut! Wanted to tell you we decorated 302
grocery bags for Earth Day. It was a success1 Thanks for lining up such a
great project! Looking forward to the results!
Angie Johnson
First Grade Teacher at Burr Elementary in Higganum, CT
Thought you might like to see the flyer that was distributed with our bags.
They were printed on recycled paper. Our kids had a great time and about 475
students made bags that were distributed. I was told that they got some bags
and were excited about using them again.
Thanks for the great Idea!!!
Candy Dunn
Kathleen Goodwin School Old Saybrook, CT 06475