Mississippi Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
Merry Pickenpaugh
Madison Station Elem.
Madison, MS
Bags decorated: 846
The project was great. Everyone had a good time with the project. Jitney Jungle recieved our bags and hung them up on their walls. Everyone enjoyed our earthday bags.
D. Hansen
North Bay Elementary
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi USA
Bags decorated: 381
Comments: North Bay Elementary is a K-3 school located in Bay St. Louis, MS. This is our first year to participate in Earth Day Groceries. We are very excited about this project and plan to continue participating for years to come. We enjoyed participating in a project that also involves the community, as this one does. Thank you.
Bags decorated: 800
Jerlean T. Price
McNeal Elementary School
Bags decorated: 1900
Comments: Thames Elementary School in Hattiesburg, MS is a K to 4 school with over 1000 students.
We decorated Earth Day bags for Jitney Jungle and Albertsons totaling approximately 1900
bags. Students delivered the bags to the stores today, April 19th. The students had a
great time designing each bag with Earth Day slogans such as, Protect the Rainforests,
Save the Gray Wolves, and Keep our Gulf Coast clean.
This project is great and we enjoy participating each year.
Joanne Oshrin
2900 Jamestown Rd.
Hattiesburg, MS
Our school (College Park Elementary, 2617 Ladnier Road, Gautier, MS 39553)
participated in the grocery bag project. We decorated approximately 585
bags. The students really enjoyed it! Jitney Jungle and Jerry Lee's
Grocery (both in Gautier, MS) were the participating stores. We look
forward to doing this again next year! Thanks for a great project idea!
Rita Erwin
Project Coordinator and First Grade Teacher
College Park Elementary School
Bags decorated: 500
Heather Edmonson
North East Elementary
Meridian, MS
Bags decorated: 600
Comments: The Talented and Gifted students at Southeast Elementary have organized a grocery bag project with one of the local Winn Dixie stores. TAG students have shared the project with all the students from Kindergarten through the 4th grade(approximately 600 students). Each class has been working diligently to prepare bags for the store. TAG students have decorated bags and murals to place in the store for Earth Day '99. It has been a great learning experience for us all and we hope to instill a sense of environmental awareness within the community, as well.
Denise Knight
Southeast Elementary
Meridian, Mississippi
Tupelo Middle School in Tupelo,Ms will have a booth at the local high
school's Earth Day Celebration April 16, 1999. Eight hundred bags
will be decorated by students K-8. Bags will be returned to Todd's
Big Star for distribution. O'Charleys Restaurant bought the school
colors to decorate the bags with.
Sherry Davis, 8th grade science teacher
Culkin is particpating in the Earth Day Groceries Project with 600
gorcery bags from Sack and Save Groceries, Mr. Stillman, manager.
The students are decorating the bags during their art classes this week
and the bags will be returned to Sack and Save at the end of this week
for distribution on Earth Day.
From: Culkin Elementary School
1650 Culkin Road
Vicksburg, MS 39181
Faculty coordinator: Carol Duncan
Mississippi Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
Our school, Arlington Elementary School, in Pascagoula, MS decorated 550 bags
for an Earth Day project. The bags were donated by Jerry Lee's in Pascagoula.
This was a terrific project, and all students grades kindergarten through fifth
enjoyed the activity!! Our preschool developmentally delayed students also
participated. We look forward to doing it again next year! Several of our
parents commented how nice it was to receive groceries in such a nicely
environmentally friendly bag.
Lori Perek (jmp@datasync.com)
Arlington Elementary School
Pascagoula, MS 39581
I did this project in conjunction with our local Albertson's grocery store.
I travel to two schools, so both sets of students participated. All total, we
decorated 125 bags. The students enjoyed creating the slogans to use on the
Crawford Grabowski (ckgrabowski@yahoo.com)
Key Elementary and Van Winkle Elementary
Jackson, MS
Thames Elementary School in Hattiesburg, MS is a k through
fourth grade school with 1050 students. This is our second year participating
in this project and we love it! We completed 1050 grocery bags for our Jitney
Jungle grocery store. Students will deliver the bags this Friday and our local
newspaper, the Hattiesburg American will be there to take pictures.
Joanne Oshrin (joshrin%thames@k12.ms.us)
Thames Elementary School
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Mississippi Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Thames elementary school in Hattiesburg, MS completed
1000 grocery bags. Students will deliver these bags to our
local Jitney Jungle grocery store this Saturday. We are also
doing other projects. We are collecting food and supplies
for the Humane Society. Our student council donated $50 for
cat and dog food. We are also recycling aluminum cans and
using this money for the rebuilding of our local animal
shelter that burned down last year.
On Earth Day all 1000 students will hold hands and make a
circle around the school. We will pass a globe which
symbolizes that we must all take responsibility for the
Earth. The students are very careful not to drop the globe.
At this time, we present the food to a member of the
humane society.
The students are also beautifying the campus by planting
flowers that the student council had purchased.
Bitsy Browne Miller BMiller%Thames@k12.ms.us
Hattiesburg, MS
Thames elementary school
Mississippi Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
Oxford Middle School is delivering 1,000 EarthDay grocery bags to Kroger
which donated the bags for the school's use. They are FANTASTIC.
Jan Foregger
What an enjoyable and meaningful project! My 45 students decorated 260
grocery bags with public awareness art and messages about the importance
of "saving the Earth." These 5th and 6th graders' bags will be
distributed at our local Kroger and FoodMax stores. I do not have the
equipment to scan these images, but I can send you a "still" shot of some
of our bags...they look great! Thanks for a great project!
-Kate Roberts' Classes