Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999
We really enjoyed decorating bags for our local grocery store, Larry's
IGA in Kansas City, Missouri. Our first grade classes at Symington
Elementary, also in Kansas City, decorated over 100 grocery bags. Thank
you for this great opportunity to show our community how much Earth Day
means to us!
Thank you,
Carlye Duensing
Dr. Ann Kennedy
St. Paul's Episcopal Day School
Kansas City, Missouri
Bags decorated: 150
Comments: Each year we celebrate Earth Day with an afternoon of special activities planned by the teachers.
We work together in small groups of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. One of our activities this year was
the grocery bag project. Our bags were provided by the Wild Oats market, a small, urban market
right down the street from our school. We have a daily chapel service in which we say a "Peace Pledge".
In it is the promise that we will care for our earth, water, plants, and animals.
Joyce Mullen
St. Clare Catholic
St. Clair, MO USA
Bags decorated: 100
Report from: United Community In Christ School
3550 Itaska
St. Louis, Missouri 63111
Number of Bags Decorated: 100
Bags Provided By: Schnucks Markets
3430 South Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63111
Person providing information: Judy Sowers
2nd Grade Teacher
Kathy Whitehead
Adrian R-III School
Adrian, MO/USA
Bags decorated: 52
Wayne E. Baldwin, Jr
Nipher Middle School
Kirkwood, MO USA
Bags decorated: 275
Comments: We discovered this great idea via your article in Science & Children
My wife, Ruth Ann (8th grade/North Kirkwood MS), & I (7th grade/Nipher Middle School) are
science teachers in the Kirkwood R-7 School District, a suburb
of St. Louis. We secured our bags from the local Schnuck's
supermarket chain. Our store is on the NE corner of the
intersection of Woodlawn Avenue & Manchester Road. This was
our pilot year... we were only able to involve our own teams
(7W & 8E), plus one other team at Nipher (7N)...next year, we
are going for 600 bags!
Kathleen Schmitz
Incarnate Word Elementary School
St. Louis, Missouri
Bags decorated: 420
Students from K-8 were proud to participate in this Earth day project to promote environmental awareness. We decorated 420 grocery bags provided by our local Schnucks Market in Bellereve Plaza. We are happy to be participating this year.
Mrs. Fraseur and Mrs. Farr's Social Studies classes at Ray Miller
Elementary School,2010 E. Normal, Kirksville, Mo. 63501( fourth
grade)participated in the paper bag project. We had 92 children each make
one bag. We had a wonderful time on a beautiful day, drawing at the picnic
tables at our school. Thank you for including us in the count!
Mrs. Farr
Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
400 bags
-- Pike R-III Schools (Clopton)
-- Clarksville, MO
My name is George T. Gross, Sr., President of Jasper County
Cattlemen's Association of the Missouri Cattlemen's Association. Sorry
about the late notice but the Carthage Missouri Elementary Schools had 824
children do a total of 824 bags for Earth Day. I am waiting for the other
elementary schools to report in.
George Gross gvtgross@getonthe.net
Have a change for you. I have one other school to participate from Jasper
County, representing the Jasper County Cattlemen's Association. This
school is from Sarcoxie, Missouri with 358 elementary kids participating.
We had a great time with this school wide project! We partnered with
Price Chopper and decorated 500 grocery sacks. The staff really liked this
project too!
June McQuitty (jmcquitty@aol.com)
Knotts Environmental Studies Magnet K-5
7301 Jackson, Kansas City, MO 64132
I am technologically challenged and feel REALLY lucky to
have found your site. We have approximately 280 students
at Bowerman and almost all decorated a grocery sack with an
environmental or earth day message and art work. The sacks
were given to us for this project by Dillon's (I believe
they are part of Kroger) and we returned them in all their
glory yesterday (4/21) for use today, along with a poster
linking our name with Dillon's. What a great way to be involved in
environmental awareness at an early age. Thanks.
Nancy VandenBrink (nvandenbrink@usa.net)
Bowerman Elementary
Springfield, Missouri
FACES (Family And ConsumEr Sciences) Club at
Ladue Horton Watkins High School visited our local Schnucks
and decorated 200 grocery bags.
FACES Club (jsvejkosk@ladue.K12.mo.us)
Ladue Horton Watkins High School
St. Louis, Mo
Our school decorated 400 bags that were donated from Meiner's Thriftway
grocery store - right down the street from our school.
Richardson Elementary School
3515 Park Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64109
Thanks for this GREAT idea!
Tammy Stoneberger TammyS8693@aol.com
Richardson School
Our students decorated 500 bags from Price Chopper grocery store. The students
had a ball doing this and we were pleasantly surprised on how creative they
were. We are very proud of our kids. We are dislaying 6 new bags daily that
they have done in our display case with the heading Educating the Community and
pictures showing their work in progress. We are also having an Earth Day Fair
April 21 and after that we will be taking the bags back to the grocery store
where they can be used. This has been a wonderful, educational project for our
Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997
Leeton Elementary participated in the Earth Day Grocery Bags for our
first year after finding your site on the internet. What a wonderful project!!
Preschool through 6th grade participated, decorating 400 bags with their own
ideas about Earth Day. Our wonderful art teacher was able to have them
decorate them during their art time. All of the children couldn't wait until
Earth Day so they could go shopping at Piggly Wiggly and get one of our bags.
Thanks for the great idea!!
Kim Johnston, Computer Technology
Leeton Elementary
Leeton, Missouri
Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1996
I know it is months too late, but we did participate in Earth Day Grocery
Bags again this year. We decorated over 400 bags and they were
distributed at Schnucks grocery store and some were displayed as decorations.
Five students and I delivered them to the store and then treated
ourselves to some ice cream before going back to school.
Sorry, I didn't respond before and am only doing so now to get on record
as having participated again.
So glad you did this. My teachers love it because I do all the
organizational work :) and they are able to get the message across to the
kids in the classroom.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jan Selby, Librarian * Columbia Catholic School * 817 Bernadette Drive *
Columbia, MO 65203 * 1-573-445-6516 * jselby@mail.coin.missouri.edu
Our school participated in the decorating a grocery sack
for Earth Day 1996. It was a huge success. The local
grocery store helped us with the project and we are very
pleased with it's outcome.
Rogersville, Missouri
Logan-Rogersville Upper Elementary
Patricia Worsham
Our Elementary I Building which consist of approximately 400
Kindergarten and 1st Graders also participated in the Earth Day Groceries
Each child in each classroom decorated a bag with illustrations of their
choice. Those bags were then returned to the local IGA Grocery Store where we
hope that shoppers will enjoy the many fine illustrations of our young budding
Republic, Missouri
Republic Elementary I
Kerry Welch
Students at Antioch Middle School in North Kansas City, MO
decorated over 400 grocery bags and delivered them to our business
partner, Hy-Vee Food and Drug.
The students loved doing the project and were glad to participate
in an Earth Day event. Thanks for the idea and we look forward to doing
it next year.
Julie Baldridge
Antioch Middle School
Computer Technology Instructor
Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995
We are a third grade class at Glenridge School in Clayton, Missouri, a
suburb of St. Louis. Our science unit has been "Pollution Solution," and
so your idea for Earth Day really fit in with what we've been doing. We
invited the other third grade classes to decorate bags, too, and so we've
completed 60 bags in all.
We'll be interested in hearing how many students participated this year, so
please send us the report when you have it ready. Send it to:
Mrs. Denise Ringhofer
and Third Grade Class
Jackie Lipsitz
School District of Clayton
7447 Wellington Way
Clayton, MO 63105
voice: 314-726-2355
email: cvb001@mail.connect.more.net
You can add our school to your list of participants for the Earth Day
grocery bag messages. Robertsville Elementary is a small rural school about
50 miles west of St. Louis. We have 160 students grades K thru 5. Our bags
are decorated and ready to return to the store.
We are new to the internet (about one month). It was exciting to
receive a message that we could use so early in our internet experience.
The students at Robertsville decorated 150 bags for the Earth Day project.
Janice Bullard <fnb006@mail.connect.more.net>
Once again Columbia Catholic School in Columbia, MO participated in the
grocery bags Earth Day project. We decorated over 350 bags for a local
grocery store and had our local television station televise one classroom
of children decorating the bags and then shots of myself and five
students taking the bags over to the store. We thought we would just get
30 seconds or a minute on screen, but he did a delightful feature of several
minutes on it and we were all terribly pleased with the whole project.
We had the 6th graders decorate bags to give to the 2-5 graders to use as
samples for making their bags. Most of the students from 2nd through 5th
did two bags. I made cardboard circles for them to use as templates for
the world and took care of getting, distributing and returning all the bags.
I also contacted the media. The teachers love the project because it is so
easy for them in a very busy time of year and a valuable lesson for the
students. The store was so pleased they said they would hang some of the
bags up for display on Saturday.
Thanks for organizing such a fun and worthwhile project.
Jan Selby, Librarian
Columbia Catholic School
817 Bernadette Dr.
Columbia, MO 65203
e-mail jselby@mail.coin.missouri.edu
Approximately 400 (6th, 7th and 8th grade) students at Eastgate
Middle School, North Kansas City School District, Kansas City, MO
decorated and delivered 1000 bags as a part of the Earth Day project.
We'd like to know if any other middle school kids were involved.
We look forward to getting the report containing messages from all the
other schools!
Thanks for making this opportunity available!
Ann Campbell, Computer teacher
Roberta Wermelskirchen, project coordinator
Brookfield R-3 elementary school reporting-
600 students made 850 bags for Earth Day that were distributed from
2 grocery stores in Brookfield, Missouri. Thanks for the opportunity.
Jeff Morelock
Brookfield R-3 Elementary
Missouri Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1994
Our fourth grade participated in the project. We contributed 68 bags
Symington Elementary 4th grade
Kansas City, Missouri
Dear Third Grade,
We are a third grade at Two Mile Prairie School in Columbia, Missouri.
We participated in your activity by encouraging other classes in our
school to take part also! The classes that were involved were first
grade, second grade, third grade, fifth grade and sixth grade. We
decorated a total of 125 bags and returned them to our local grocery
store for distribution on Earth Day! Thanks for the opportunity. We'll
look forward to hearing from you soon!
Judi Arni
Two Mile Prairie Elementary School
Columbia, Missouri
Five students and I delivered 431 decorated groceries bags to Schnucks
grocery store this morning to be used for Earth Day tomorrow. Students
from grades 2 through 6 participated. The teachers loved having such an
easy project to do at this busy time of year, because I spearheaded it
all and all they had to do was have the kids do the drawing. Thanks for
a fun project.
Jan Selby, Librarian
Columbia Catholic School
From: Janet Selby
Columbia, MO 65203