1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Minnesota
My name is Tara Piechowski. I am a teacher at Lakeside Elementary School
in Silver Lake, MN. We participated in the Earth Day Bags Designing
project as a way to educate others about ways they can save the earth. We
have 145 students in our building, and we designed 215 bags that were
distributed at the local Cashwise Foods. Our students found this to be a
very exciting project, and they loved the idea of people taking their bags
home with them. They have already want to make a higher goal for next
year! What a great project. Thanks for making it so easy to join in with
the rest of the nation!
Sara Graham
Parkside Elementary
Buffalo, MN USA
Bags decorated: 925
Thanks for the great earth day project! It was really meaningful to do something for our community!
Sara Schearer
Hayden Heights Elementary
St. Paul, MN
Bags decorated: 150
Comments: The Earth Day Bags were a huge success with students.
Science students in grades 1-5 were involved this year.
They were proud of the bags they decorated. We brought
them to Cub Foods in Maplewood, MN. The store manager
was pleasant and easy to work with on distributing the bags.
Next year I am hoping to include the whole school.
Kelly Anderson
Cherokee Heights Elementary
St. Paul / Minnesota
Bags decorated: 400
Comments: Hello!!
The 5th, and 6th grade sciences classes that were studying the environment for the past 3 weeks
collaberated with RC Dicks IGA in west St. Paul.
The students decorated the bags while listening to their favorite music to set the right mood into getting others involved in helping the environment.
We decorated a total of 400 bags and brought them back to the store for earth day!!!!!
Thank You for the great idea.
Cherokee Heights Students!!!!
Allyson Boe
Norman County East Elementary School
Gary, MN, USA
Bags decorated: 240
Comments: The project was great! The students had a fun time decorating the bags. They came up with some very creative slogans to put on their bags. I'm sure the community members will enjoy them as much as we did!
Steve Woodwick
Brownsdale Elementary
Brownsdale, MN
Bags decorated: 98
Comments: Every year for the last 18 years our school has participated in Earth Day activities. We have planted trees,cleaned up roadside ditches,developed an eight acre nature center, and performed skits and musical presentations . We are a small school K-5, with about 120 students.
kelly Anderson
Cherokee Heights Elementary
Champlin, MN
Bags decorated: 400
Comments: The 5th and 6th grade sciences class have been working on environmental issues reports
over the past 3 weeks. Earth day happened to fall on the right day!!. We
decorated 400 bags and returned them to R C Dicks IGA in St. Paul MN. The students really enjoyed
decorating the bags.
Thank You,
Cherokee Heights Students
Carla Christen
Fulton Elementary
Mlps. Mn. Hennipin co.
Bags decorated: 100
Well received by local CUB food store, all think its a great way to get the young people as well as old to start thinking about our world and its many resources. thanks for the Idea of presenting this type of programs to our youth. Carla
Patricia Mosey
Sioux Trail Elementary
Burnsville, MN USA
Bags decorated: 625
Comments: Excellent idea. Great whole school project. Lot's of fun!
Wonderful art work.
Beth Cramer
St. Thomas School
International Falls, MN
Bags decorated: 225
Comments: Our school will begin decorating bags from Super One,
Paulbecks and Lucca's Grocery Stores on Wednesday, April 21.
We will be working in groups of 10 that range from
Kindergarten through 8th grade. We are excited to be a part
of this Earth Day Celebration.
Students at Ramsey Elementary have decorated 1200 grocery bags from
LeTourneaus's Super Valu Store that will be used during the week of
Earth Day. A large banner was also made by the students and it will be
hung in the store window during the week. The program was coordinated
by the Student Council and Student Committee.
Gordy Sironen
Our school participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project and we decorated
325 bags. They will distributed through Al & Laura's Foods and Coast to
Coast Hardware Store.
Our school address is
Fertile-Beltrami School
210 S. Mill St.
Fertile, MN 56540
Joan Kronschnabel
Bags decorated: 400
The 5th and 6th graders at our school have decorated bags provided by Midtown Foods here in Winona. We had a wonderful time drawing the bags with important environmental messages. They turned out wonderful! What a great and rewarding Earth Day Project!
Deedee Nadeau
St. Stanislaus
Winona, MN. USA
Greetings from Minneapolis. I am an environmental education specialist
at Shingle Creek Elementary School in Minneapolis Minnesota. I see
about 400 students a week. We have decorated about 400 bags for the
Earth Day bag project. Good Luck with the project.
Sue Maxa
Hello Mark...my name is Geri Adamson and I am a teacher with the
Community Education program of the Roseville Area Public Schools in Minnesota. We
are a program that supervises children in kindergarten though grade six
before and after school. We have committed to 100 bags that can be found at
the Cub Foods on 100 W Co Rd B in Maplewood Minnesota. Our Friendship
Connection program is located in the Falcon Heights Elementary School at
1393 Garden Avenue in Falcon Heights MInnesota.
Thank you...what a great idea!
Geri Adamson
Bags decorated: 95
Comments: We had a great time decorating the bags. When we finished with the bags we plan to do some clean-up work at our schools playground.
Dean Krogstad
Verndale Elementary
Verndale, Mn 56481
Bags decorated: 1200
Comments: Our local grocery store contributed very strong bags with handles. Patrons to the store buy the bags for 10 cents, then they receive 10 cents off their purchases everytime they bring the bag back in for a refill.
Randy Furman
Milaca Schools
Milaca, MN USA
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Minnesota
Based on information received from the Paper Bag Council of the American Forest and Paper Association:
150 bags
-- Rhymes & Reasons Daycare
-- Elbow Lake, MN
480 students at Brimhall Elementary School in Roseville, Minnesota,
participated in the 1998
Earth Day Groceries Project. Students (grades 1 through 6) decorated grocery
bags, donated by Byerly's. The bags
were displayed and distributed at Byerly's on Earth Day. We really enjoyed
being a part of this
worthwhile project. It was a great opportunity to work together as a team,
both within our school
and with our community to help raise environmental awareness!
Amy Weatherly (weath@millcomm.com)
Brimhall Elementary School
Roseville, MN
Just to let you know that at Lakeview Elementary, in Albert Lea, Minnesota we
have just completed our third year doing Earth Day Grocery Bags. Over 500
bags were decorated and we also drew pictures for inserts for about 300
plastic bags.
The students look forward to this every year. It is a real team effort.
We even take an all school picture of the kids and their bags. Thanks
again for a great idea.
Nancy Sorlie
Lakeview Elementary
Albert Lea, MN
Jennifer Sorlie
Our first grade class of 17 students decorated 87 grocery bags
in honor of Earth Day 1998. The bags were distrubuted at
a local college marketplace to residents purchasing food
their. This was an exellent project for the children to do.
I hope this project continues for I would like to do it
every year and I would like to see the entire school get
involved as well.
Kathy Carroll and Janet Tintle (kcarroll@mail.stpaul.k12.mn.us)
Randolph Heights Elementary School
St. Paul, MN
Students at Ramsey Elementary decorated 1200 grocery bags to be used
at LeTourneau's Super Value Store in Ramsey. A group of fifth graders also
made a banner to be hung in the store window. The owner of the store started
using the bags on Monday and plans to use them all week or until they are gone,
whichever comes first.
Gordy Sironen (sironen@anoka.k12.mn.us)
Ramsey Elementary
Ramsey, MN
Saturn River Front School has been celebrating Earth Day all week!
We cleaned up our downtown block, renewed our recycling efforts, learned about
maps and geography, and today we participated in a celebration with the
downtown community. Best of all, our great students decorated 203 Earth Day
grocery bags. Not bad for our first year!! We've had terrific fun and you'll
see us again next year! Thanks!
Amy Frederick (afredrick@ww2.saturn.stpaul.k12.mn.us)
Saturn River Front
St. Paul, Minnesota
We are decorating 400 bags this week at Dakota Meadows Middle
School. We will be having 150 8th grade students designing
Thanks for your very helpful web site!
Cindy Shirk, teacher (cshirk1@mail.isd77.k12.mn.us)
Dakota Meadows Middle School
Mankato, Minnesota
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Minnesota
This year was great. We decorated over 500 bags and did over 200 paper inserts
with Earth Day messages. Hy Vee Food Stores again graciously donated the bags
and were so cooperative. We also participated by sending two of my students
bags to the National Grocers conventions in Houston, Texas. I'm at
Lakeview Elementary, in Albert Lea, Minnesota. These bags were decorated
by K-5th
graders. Look forward to participating next year.
Nancy Sorlie
Jennifer Sorlie jnj@deskmedia.com
Approximately 880 students at Bamber Valley Elementary
School in Rochester, Minnesota, participated in the 1997
Earth Day Groceries Project. Each student decorated a
grocery bag, enthusiastically donated by Econo Foods, a
grocery store about a mile away from our school. The bags
were displayed and distributed at Econo Foods on Earth Day.
The students and staff at Bamber Valley Elementary School
feel very strongly about the value of working together as
a team. This was the perfect opportunity to work as a team
in our school as well as in the community to help raise
environmental awareness. The students and staff at Bamber
Valley Elementary School thank you for giving us the
opportunity to participate in such a worthwhile project!
Amy Weatherly weath@millcomm.com
Bamber Valley Elementary School
Rochester, Minnesota
Our students decorated 150 grocerybags for Cub Foods and had a
great time. I look forward to involiving more students next
Laurie Sonstegard sonstell@bhms.isd196.k12.mn.us
Black Hawk Middle School
Eagan, Mn
Our Students enjoyed coloring 670 bags for our local
grocery stores. This is the first year we participated.
We hope to decorate more bags next year!
Tammy Morrow tmorrow@mail.buffalo.k12.mn.us
Buffalo Intermediate School
Buffalo, MN
Our middle school decorated about 500 bags from the local Super One
store. Each student had an opportunity to participate because
this was done as a homebase project. Great fun! We're waiting
to see how the public reacts.
Karen Isensee morganpk@mailhost.dlh.infi.net
Morgan Park Middle School
Duluth, MN
Our class participated in the Earh Day Groceries project. Our class has
20 students and we each decorated 6 bags from our local grocery stores.
All together we decorated approximately 120 bags! It was a fun project and
we are looking forward to the comments from the community!
Lynn Nelson 0768hps@informns.k12.mn.us
Hancock 5th grade
Hancock, MN 56244
1996 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Minnesota
We are a small (131 students) elementary school(k-6) in central Minnesota.
We Decorated 114 bags for our local merchants.Please send reports toour
email address. We are new to the internet.Thanks.
LaVonne Hammond.0791geel@inforMNs.k12.MN.US
##Paul Kluempke Grey Eagle School Grey Eagle Library
210 E. 1/2 st S. Rt.1 Box 21 105 State Street
Melrose, MN. 56352 Grey Eagle, Mn. 56336 Grey Eagle, Mn.56336
Home-612-256-4396 612-285-5300 612-285-2505
Fax 285-5301
E-Mail 0791geel@InforMNs.k12.mn.us
Thank you for this great opportunity to keep people thinking
about taking care of our earth. There was great enthusiasm
shown in our school and the designs and messages on the bags
show it. My fourth grade class and I helped to organize
over 750 k-5 students and teachers for this project. Please
add us to the grand total.
Sunset Terrace Elementary
Rochester, Mn
Phil Rynearson
We have just completed over 550 bags at Lakeview Elementary in Albert
Lea, Minnesota. My students K-5 loved decorating the bags and were
really excited about someone's groceries being packed in their bag on
Earth Day! They really took pride in decorating them and they know they
did their share to work hand in hand with members of our community, to
protect the earth.We'd really like to know the results and will plan on
being a part of next years Earth Day Groceries!
Nancy Sorlie and All the students at Lakeview Elementary
Just an update. Our community really got excited about the decorated bags. We
received front page coverage of all the kids outside and their decorated bags.
Our local Hy Vee Grocery store who donated 550 bags, had local news coverage of
our Earth Day contribution to Earth Day Groceries. We have already been told
by Hy Vee they will be looking for more bags next year. Happy Earth Day!
Nancy Sorlie and all the Lakeview students!
Jennifer Sorlie
1994 Minnesota
From: Clear Springs Elementary <0276csel@informns.k12.mn.us>
The students at Clear Springs School in Minnetonka Minnesota used your
idea for decorating grocery bags. It was great! Thanks so much!
Today our students finish their Earth Day bags. They will send 57 bags
to the local co-op for use next week and later. Our store and project
is small scale, but we hope it will also advertise the new co-op as well
as make people aware of Earth Day and what it stands for.
Jill Tammen
Hudson High School
Lakeland, Minnesota
Internet address: jill.e.tammen@uwrf.edu