1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Louisiana
Through Earth Day Acadiana, six area elementary schools participated in
Earth Day Groceries Project decorating 1950 grocery bags.
Participating schools include:
Prairie Elementary School
Lafayette, LA
450 bags
Milton Elementary School
Milton, LA
300 bags
Plantation Elementary School
Lafayette, LA
350 bags
Westminster Christian Academy
Lafayette, LA
175 bags
Woodvale Elementary School
Lafayette, LA
325 bags
Dodson Elementary
New Iberia, LA
350 bags
Next year promises to bring more grocer and school participation.
Thanks for the idea,
Stacey L. Scarce
Earth Day Acadiana
Lee Qarib
Bags decorated: 590
Comments: What a wonderful project this has been! From start to finish the children of Katharine Drexel
have put their hearts into organizing and decorating 590 grocery bags from our local Albertson's
in Broussard, Louisiana. Our class of fourth graders (20 in all) were in charge of the project from
the beginning. Each child chose 2 or 3 classes for which he/she was responsible. They made
sample bags, presented a short description of the project, counted out the correct number of
bags per class, and by all accounts did a wonderful job of promoting recycling and
paper conservation. They also suggested a poster contest on the theme of Earth Day with the
goal of informing the local community. The posters were taken to Albertson's and displayed.
As the oldest children and the leaders in our K-4 school, they did a wonderful job of teaching the
younger students an important lesson about caring for our environment.
Thanks to Jordan,
William, Charla, Britney, Brett, Josh, Jessika, Joshua, Elizabeth, Caleb, Blair, Julien, Tylan,
Brandon, Kristin, Leah, Christy, Timothy, Melanie, and Brooke. Your teacher is very proud of
each of you!
Our school is Ascension of Our Lord in LaPlace, LA. Thanks a lot! Mrs. DiMaggio's eighth grade reading students decorated over 100 bags participating in this great project. The bags were then returned to our local Winn Dixie for shoppers the day before Earth Day. In addition, these students designed and displayed six Earth Day Bulletin boards around our school, including information about Earth Day, endangered animals, and how to recycle. It was a great week for all of us. The plants that we planted are still blooming around our classroom!
Mrs. Amy DiMaggio
Reading Teacher
Ascension of Our Lord School
LaPlace, LA
Ms. Smith
Stockwell Place Elementary School
Bossier City, LA
Bags decorated: 44
Our class participated in the "Earth Day Groceries" Project. Roger and Russell Walker, of Walker Brothers Grocery in Haughton, Louisiana, donated 44 bags to the fifth grade in our school. We decorated the bags with Earth Day slogans and returned them to the store. The customers got a terrific treat when they bought groceries, and we got a good feeling from helping support Earth Day.
Ellen Rock
Miller Wall Elementary School
Marrero, LA
Bags decorated: 258
Comments: This is our first attempt, and given the fact that I only informed my coworkers about 10 days ahead of earth day, we are all most pleased with the results, and definitely plan to participate again next year. My oldest daughter works in the grocery store which provided the bags and has had numerous comments about our art work.
Mary Catherine Campbell
Phoenix Magnet Elementary
Alexandria, Louisiana, USA
Bags decorated: 785
Comments: Students from grades K-5 participated in the project through Albertsons grocery store. Bags were used as a store decoration as well as used for groceries.
Students enjoyed the project.
Jennifer Campbell
Plantation Park Elementary School
Bossier City, LA
Bags decorated: 500
Our school loved this project! What a wonderful way to provide community awareness of this special day! Super 1 Foods let us "borrow" the bags and they let the customers sack their groceries with our decorated Earth Day bags. This is a project that we will continue to do for years to come! Thanks for the super idea!
Carole H. Ellis
Runnels School
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Bags decorated: 200
Our students in grades Kindergarten through third grade participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project. Our local Albertsons store, Albertsons at George O'Neal Road, agreed to work with us on this project. The students enjoyed this wonderful project and their bags were truly fabulous! Thank you for organizing such a wonderful project.
Karyl O'Banion
Bags decorated: 850
Comments: The students in two schools participated in a collaborative effort to raise community awareness of Earth Day. The students in an accelerated Reading class at each school displayed a paper "quilt" with Earth Day squares on them
Bags decorated: 500
Comments: Our school partnered with the community Market Basket and Kroger stores to decorate 500 bags. All of the students in grades Pre-K - 5th grades participated in this worthwhile project. Each student was given 2 bags which were colored using Earth Days slogans and pictures. The bags were then sent to the stores to be handed out on Earth Day.
Peggy Blanchard
D.A. Combre Elementary School
Lake Charles, Louisiana USA
Bags decorated: 350
Comments: Fun project! Thank you for your organizational help and time.
C. Paulsell
Tchefuncte Middle School
Mandeville, Louisiana USA
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Louisiana
This is our third year to participate in your Earth Day Grocery Bag
Project. Again this year our fourth and fifth graders were excited to be a
part of this project and created 200 Earth Day grocery bags to be distributed
in our community . Of course, we have to thank our loyal Southside Produce
Stand who has always supported this project by donating the bags. Also this
year our entire student body got involved in watching caterpillars form into
beautiful butterflies and releasing them into the flower garden each grade
level had planted. It was a very exciting and beautiful week. Thanks for
making our Earth a better place to live. We eagerly look forward to
participating in this great project next year.
Lynette Ivanyisky (alexivan@premier.net)
Northside Elementary School
Denham Springs, Louisiana
My name is Val Rodrigue. I am a 3rd grade teacher at Mimosa Park Elem.
School in Luling, LA (20 miles west of New Orleans). Our school
participated in the "Earth Day Groceries Project 1998". Delchamps in
Luling provided the bags. Our art teacher, Karen Sauzer, helped by
having the students decorate the bags in their art classes. They
decorated 425 bags. The bags were delivered to Delchamps. Our
principal, Gayle Clement, was very supportive of this event.
The impact on the children has been phenomenal. We hope that in the
future we will be able to continue to participate in a worthwhile
project such as this.
Thanks again,
Val Rodrigue vrodrigue@stcharles.k12.la.us
Mimosa Park Elementary School
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Louisiana
This is Northside Elementary's second year to be a part of your Earth
Day Grocery bag project. This year 276 second,fourth, and fifth graders
created the grocery bags. Southside Produce in Denham Springs,
Louisiana graciously provided the paper bags. Thanks for allowing us to
be a part of this project. We look forward to participating in the
project next year.
Lynette Ivanyisky alexivan@premier.net
Northside Elementary
Denham Springs, Louisiana
Greetings from New Orleans, Louisiana where at Isidore Newman School
the First through Third Graders decorated 171 grocery bags. The bags were
donated by Ferro's,a small neighborhood grocery store right across the street
from our school. We had a great time celebrating Earth Day again this year by
doing this project.
Linda Freese lfreese@newman.k12.la.us
Five elementary schools in Baton Rouge Louisiana participated for the first
time this year. Together the schools decorated 2400 bags. The schools are:
Baton Rouge Center for the Arts - 390 bags to Bet-R Store
Greenville Elementary - 670 bags to Calandro's
Jefferson Terrace - 440 bags to Hi Nabor, Drusilla
Magnolia Woods Elementary - 400 bags to Kenilworth Supermarket
Howell Park Elementary - 500 bags to Hi Nabor, Winbourne
The school administrators and the kids loved this project. A local t.v.
station came out to one of the schools to cover the story for earth week.
Thanks for your help ( the website) in setting up the program.
Molly Beacham recycle@premier.net
Our students K-5 decorated 450 bags for the local Market Basket. We
all had fun taking part in this project which helped the teachers promoted the
importance of taking care of the earth each and every day. We are excited
about seeing our decorated bags in the community tomorrow.
Marie Dorry mdorry@hal.calc.k12.la.us
R.W. Vincent Elementary
Sulphur, Louisiana
1996 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Louisiana
Students in Mimosa Park's third grade really enjoyed particpating in
this project! Over 150 bags were decorated and distributed at Delchamps in
Luling. We received a letter from a customer thanking us for the project.
Luling, LA
Mimosa Park Elementary
Gayle Clement
The fourth and fifth graders at Northside Elementary School in Denham Springs,
Louisiana were glad to be a part of the Earth Day Grocery Bag Project. Thanks
our local produce stand, Southside Produce, we were able to decorate and
189 bags. The students and teachers had a great time decorating the bags;
the greatest lesson we learned was to help save our Earth. Thanks
for the opportunity to be a part of your project. We are eagerly awaiting next
year's Earth Day.
Lynette Ivanyisky
Northside Elementary School
Denham Springs, Louisiana
Today is April 19, 1996, and we have completed our Earth Day
grocery bag project. Here at Isidore Newman School, our 1st
through 3rd graders enthusiastically decorated 210 bags from
Ferro's, a small grocery store located in our residential
neighborhood. Thanks for the great Earth Day celebration idea!
Isidore Newman School
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Linda Freese