1999 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Indiana
Kristie Cassidy
Lapel Elementary
Lapel, IN 46051
Bags decorated: 560
Comments: When I was asked to put together Earth Day activities for our school, I started surfing the Web looking for ideas. I came across this site and thought it looked like fun. The entire school participated, grades PK-6. We decorated a total of 560 bags, which were distributed at McGuffy's in Lapel, Meijer in Anderson, and Wal-Mart in Noblesville. The kids, teachers, and the community all loved it ~ can't wait until next year!
Newton Yost Elementary is located in Porter, Indiana by Indiana Dunes State
Park and Lake Michigan. Thanks for providing such a wonderful program.
I am happy to report that students and teachers from Newton Yost
Elementary decorated 602 bags in celebration of Earth Day 1999. We would
like to thank WiseWay foods for participating in the Earth Day Project
this year. This is our second year to participate in the Earth Day
Groceries Project and we hope to enjoy the project again next year!
Thanks :)
Sharon Klahn
Cathleen Sutton
Eastern Pulaski Elementary School
Winamac, Indiana
Bags decorated: 1,000
I was researching Earth Day ideas for a teacher I work with and came upon this site. We thought
it was a neat idea! What started out as a class project turned into a whole school project! I hope
we can do it again next year!
Greetings from East Elementary School in Pendleton, Indiana. Our
students and staff enjoyed participating in the Grocery Bag project
this year and hope to continue with the project next year. We decorated
a total of 1,131 grocery bags for our Payless Supermarket. We greatly
appreciate their support and encouragement on this project. Our local
newspaper even followed the story from beginning to end. They featured
pictures of students working on the bags as well as shoppers receiving
the bags at the grocery store on Earth Day. This is a great project and
really encouraged our students to think about their part in taking care
of our environment.
Jeff Frampton
Jena Wessel
Evansville Day School
Evansville IN 47715
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: The children really enjoyed this project. Thanks for sharing this idea.
Bags decorated- 206
All students at Orange Elementary School (1-6), as part of our Earth Day
projects decorated 206 grocery bags. Cox's New Market in Connersville,
Indiana loaned Orange Elementary 150 paper grocery bags for the activity
and some of the grocers used bags were also used as an extension of the
project. Students were very creative and enjoyed participating in this
event. Orange Elementary School is part of the Fayette County School
Corporation and is located about 12 miles from Connersville, Indiana in the
town of Orange. Connersville is in the east central part of Indiana.
Kathy Evans
Orange Elementary School
8318 West Key Street
Glenwood, Indiana 46133
Tammy Staser
Scottsburg Elementary
Scottsburg, IN 47170
Bags decorated: 457
I thought this was a great project. Our local grocery store does still use paper instead of plastic. Most of all, I thought it gave each child at least of few minutes, when they were decorating their bag, to think about Earth Day and what it means. Thanks for including us.
Jeanne DuBois
St. Anthony de Padua School
South Bend, IN USA
Bags decorated: 426
Comments: The bags turned out great and the grocery store loved them. The local media was contacted but as yet there has been no coverage.
Susan LeBlanc
Skiles Test Elementary
Indianapolis, IN
Bags decorated: 700
Comments: My students loved the idea that they were teaching the adults of Indianapolis about saving their earth
Our 3rd grade reading club participated in this project. We decorated
12 grocery bags that will be given out at our local JayC grocery store.
Our school is Corydon Elementary School in Corydon, Indiana.
Diana Lasky
Richard Hunt
Grassy Creek Elementary School
Indianapolis, Indiana
Bags decorated: 1500
Comments: This program is a great idea! Our entire school, over 600 students, were involved in the decoration of just over 1500 bags!
We thank our community groceries Kroger, Marsh, and O'Malia Food Markets for their participation
and effort to make this project a success. They each contributed 500 bags for this project.
Stephen Ransom
Burris Laboratory School/Ball State University
Muncie, IN
Bags decorated: 171
Comments: We had a great time decorating these bags and discussing relevant Earth Day issues. The children were very excited and really felt that they were doing an important part of informing the public about their responsibility to the earth. The president of our student council and I delivered the bags to the manager at Ross grocery store to be used today, Earth Day. We will certainly do this again next year!
earth day grocery bags. 80 bags. Ligonier Public Library in Ligonier, IN.
Bags from Freed's IGA 1350 Lincolnway S; Owen's Supermarket 903 Lincolnway
S. Ligonier Public Library 300 S Main. email: jjmarker@ ligtel.com
Beth Bach
St.John the Baptist
Whiting, In 46394 United States
Bags decorated: 500
Local Grocery Store participation -Sterks Grocery Hammond IN. Preschool through 8th grade had a lot of fun participating in this project!
We are a small school of about 450 children. We decided to contact a local grocer who allowed us
to decorate paper bags for Earth Day. We decorated about 475 bags which we returned to K and M
grocery store to be used to promote environmental awareness. What a simple but useful way to remind shoppers about how important our planet is now and in the future. Thanks for a great idea !
M.E. Vaughan
Queen of All Saints School
Michigan City, IN 46360
M.E. Vaughan
Michigan City, IN 46360
Bags decorated: 475
We were so happy to participate in this grocery bag
project. The kids enjoyed doing the artwork and getting
the message out to others about protecting our environment.
This was a simple and unique way to promote Earth Day in
our school and to the public. It was a highlight of our
school's Earth Day projects.
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: The students really enjoyed doing this project and it went
along well with our 4-H recycling project we do in
our classroom 4-H club "Amick's Recyclers". Thanks for
the great idea. Our 4th and 5th graders were happy they got
to participate ! Our sponsor, Austin Supermarket, was very
cooperative and glad to supply us with the bags.
Linda Amick
Austin Elementary
Austin, In 47102
Eastview Elementary School's Computer Club sponsored this event. The K-5
student body decorated 300+ bags. These bags will be used at the Lo Bill
grocery store during Earth week. Our project made the front page of our
newspaper and was added to their web news at
There you can also
see a photo of second graders decorating their bags.
Cindy Newton and Sue Ann Kanorr, club sponsors
First Grade,
Eastview Elementary
Connersville, Indiana
Bags decorated: 300
Comments: This is our 1st year to participate in this wonderful program! This goes along with our block environmental project which involes our five teachers. Along with our other projects, such as studying the environments of other countries, making recycled paper, and making individual landfills! Thanks for the oportunity for giving our kids to give to our community a way to express important earth day messages!
Kathy Swank
Blackhawk Middle School
Fort Wayne, IN, 46815 USA
I teach a small combined third and fourth class. We will be doing 20 bags.
Wendy Braun
St. Anne's Catholic in Monterey, IN 46960
Bags decorated: 520
Comments: This is our first year participating in the Earth Day Project. Our local Town and Country Grocery store on Central Avenue in Portage, In was able to provide us with bags for our entire school. They are also allowing us to have large 3'x4' signs for their windows that celebrate Earth Day. Each grade level in our building ( Grades K -5) is making 1 sign. Thank you for the wonderful idea.
Joyce Martinez
Aylesworth Elementary School
Portage, IN, USA
Bags decorated: 607
Comments: The whole school is working together on this project. Thanks for your motivation and help!
Judy Aikman
Spring MIll Elementary
Indianapolis, IN
1998 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Indiana
Our K-6th graders decorated approx. 300 bags for Sterk's grocery
store . We even got our bags written about in the local newspaper.As Earth Week
coordinator, I was unaware this activity was linked acrossthe nation. How
exciting tofind this info! We also collected pennies for the rainforest, did a
bio-degradable ballon release, made birthday cards for the earth, etc. We are
planning bigger things for next year...
Judy Lazar (lazar@mail.icongrp.com)
Washington Elementary
East Chicago IN 46312
What a wonderful project! Bright Elementary (gr 1-5) decorated 500
grocery bags and they were distributed by the local Krogers store. Please add
us to your statistics.
Cathy Mund (cmund@seidata.com)
Bright Elementary
Bright, Indiana
Sycamore's ECOS club (the Environmental Club Of Sycamore) sponsored
the grocery bags project this year. As far as we know, we were the only school
in Indianpolis, IN to participate. We decorated 492 bags and distributed them
to our local Kroger grocery store. It was a great project! More bags next
Kara F. (go2xtream@aol.com)
Sycamore School
Indianapolis, IN
We all made bags for earthday. Total, our fourth grade
and two first grades made 175 bags. We enjoyed the project.
The bags were neat. We each made our own design. Some students
even made two! We hope we can do it next year and have even
more bags! Thanks for the idea, Mrs. Pangan's class.
Pangan's fourth grade class (Pangan@earthlink.com)
Washington Elementary
Westfield Indiana
We are a K-5 school and we decorated 575 bags
out of 650 possible. We didn't make it mandatory
for the teachers, but all but four teachers participated
in the activity. Many made it one of their Earth Day
rotation activities as they shared lessons with other
grade level teachers. The students really liked the
project!!! Two local grocery stores participated and we
divided the donated bag number between the two sites. As
I dropped the bags off at one of the grocery stores on Tuesday
night I noticed the grandmothers at the check-out were looking
for their grandchildren's bags immediately with excitement.
It was really neat!!!
Julie Leedy (leedy@ligtel.com)
Churubusco Elementary School
Churubusco, Indiana
I am pleased to report that my first grade classroom in Logansport,
IN organized several grade levels and colored 252 grocery bags for the 1998
Earth Day Groceries project. Martins Supermarket helped us get the message out
by loaning us the bags and then putting them up on display in their store until
April 22, when they sent our environmental messages home with their customers.
The project was enjoyed by all and we plan to do even more next year! Thanks
for organizing and sharing this event with us.
Jane Williams (willfam@cqc.com), 1st grade teacher
Kenesaw Mountain Landis Elementary
Logansport, IN
The students at Amelia Earhart Elementary in Lafayette,
Indiana had a lot of fun decorating grocery bags. We made
this a school wide project and decorated 464 bags!
Lesley Dause (ldause@lsc.k12.in.us)
Amelia Earhart Elementary
Lafayette, Indiana
As rookies to this Earthly project, we had only two days to complete
it. We are proud to report that our school designed 560 grocery bags that were
distributed by our Sterk's Supermarket. Thanks to them and to Arbor Heights
Elementary School.
Kay Sarti (kaysarti@jorsm.com)
Lafayette Elementary
Hammond, Indiana
Great project! Students at our school enjoyed educating
the public. The grocery store clerks were very excited
about looking at the sacks, too! We decorated 585 bags.
Mrs. Emily Bradley (jlbradley@iquest.net)
Center Grove Elementary
Greenwood, IN
Just reporting in that our afterschools in Greenwood, Indiana decorated 100
grocery bags with earth slogans. This was such a great community involvement.
We also put seed packets on the bags so the community could extend their
thinking and remember to reduce, reuse, and beautify. The children also gained
new knowledge about the importance of respecting our earth and the environment.
We worked with our local Kroger store. The children took a field trip to the
store to deliver the
grocery bags in person. Without Kroger's willingness to become community
involved, we would not have been able to reach so many people with such an
important message. The children at Discovery Junction Preschool and Childcare
are dedicated to saving our planet. Looking forward to next year!
Thanks so much!
Debby Hartman dhartman@iquest.net
Greenwood, IN
The Students from Newton Yost Elementary School in Northwest Indiana
decorated 452 Earth Day Bags. We really enjoyed participating in this
global project and would like to thank Costas Foods for helping us
celebrate Earth Day. Happy Earth Day 1998 :)
Sharon Klahn sharon.klahn@duneland.k12.in.us
Yost Elementary School
Porter, Indiana
Our school participated by decorating 336 grocery bags.
Shelley Slunaker (sslunake@ci01.western.k12.in.us)
Western High School
Russiaville, Indiana
I'm a part of the LaPorte High School Environmental Club, and this
year for earth day we are giving a lecture about the rainforest to some
elementary school students. We hope to decorate 30 or so bags. Thanks a lot
for helping us teach the children!!!
Tiffany Collings (jshew@csinet.com)
LaPorte High School
LaPorte, In
When I sent you our report I didn't realize our other
elementary school was particpating also. Decker Elementary decorated
123 bags bringing our total to 478 altogether!! Sorry for the
inconvenience. I'll let you know when your webpage on Earth Day is up
and running!
Lisa Wilson wilsonlk@yahoo.com
South Knox Elementary School
Monroe City, IN
Over 250 bags were decorated by seventh graders at our school. We
delivered the decorated bag to three local stores today.
Sandi Sallee (Sandi_Sallee%BMS@batesville.k12.in.us)
Batesville Middle School
Batesville, IN
Hi! I am writing you from South Knox Elementary School in Monroe City
Indiana. Our students K-5 decorated a total of 355 grocery bags. We
"borrowed" the bags from our local Red and White grocery store. We
really enjoyed particpating in this project. We are in the process of
putting some examples and photos on our website. Thanks!
Lisa Wilson, Computer Lab Assistant lwilson@siec.k12.in.us
South Knox Elementary School
Monroe City, IN 47557
75 bags!!!!!
Archie Lintz (ablintz@mail.fwi.com)
Mary Raber School
Northeast Indiana
1997 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Indiana
Sorry to send this message on the '98 report,I can't seem to send
directly to Mark.
Our school took part in the Earth Day Groceries project in both '96 and '97. I
can't remember
sending info back in '96, but I did send info in '97.
Would it be possible to list us on your map? We will be doing the project
again this year.
We have about 200 students in grades K-6.
Last year, about 100 students participated, and we decorated about 150 sacks we
obtained from our
local store, Food Basket.
Julie Poor jpoor_msdwc@hotmail.com
Teacher, Grade Three
Williamsport Elementary School
Williamsport, Indiana
I wanted to make you aware that our school did participate in the Earth Day
grocery bag activity. Approximately 200 bags were decorated and distributed
at Schultz IGA, a local grocery store. The decorators were sixth grade
students from Frankfort Middle School in Frankfort, IN. Several teachers
assisted, and Mrs. Knight, science teacher, was the coordinator of the
project. If there is any more information you need regarding our
involvement, please let me know. Thank you!!!
Angela Knight knight@accs.net
Frankfort Middle School
Frankfort, IN
Columbia Elementary participated in the Earth Day Groceries Project. We
are in Rochester, Indiana and Krogers was our grocery store that donated
500 brown bags. We are a Primary through second grade elementary school.
The children really liked this project. They really think they are a part
of Earth Day 1997! The Kroger staff was very eager to link with us in
making this project very successful! We would like to thank our local Kroger
Grocery Store for helping us make this a great Earth Day project!
Dennis Grossnickle dengro@townsquare.net
8th Grade students at ISMS are decorating 450 bags donated by Scotts
Groceries for distribution on Earthday.
Bill Duffy Bill_Duffy@wccs.k12.in.us
Indian Springs Middle School
Columbia City, IN
1996 Earth Day Groceries Reports - Indiana
I misplaced your email address and so could not send the update from Neil A.
Armstrong Elementary School. Our ecology club sponsored the grocery bag
project and every student grades k-6 decorated a bag which was distributed
through our local IGA store. That is approximately 600 bags from
Mooresville, Indiana! Thanks for sponsoring such a great project.
Cheri Piercefield