Knowing the importance of preserving this marvelous environment, we decided to adopt your project as ours. We contacted a local supermarket, which gave us three thousand paper grocery bags, that we gave to our students between kindegarden and sixth grade (5 to 12 years old) including a group (class) of deaf students. After watching some natural resources videos, provided by McDoanld's Corp. they were able to transfer their own ideas to the paper bags using different art techniques such as color pencils, crayons, water colors, and even disposable materials such as dried leaves and flowers. We obtained such success that even a national TV news network and newspaper gave us some coverage.
You may contact us by email : or using the fax number (506)226-2038 We wish to congratulate you for your effort and we like to consider our school as a "sister" school to yours. We want you to feel proud that a school located in Central America was able to join your project.
We wish the very best for you in the future,
PHD. Milena Fonseca Garcia,
Bachelor, Martha Barrantes Lopez,