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Alaska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1999Paula DavisAnchorage Montessori School Anchorage, Alaska USA Bags decorated: 39 Comments: 39 three to six year-olds from three classes decorated bags donated from a nearby Safeway store. Another store willingly donated bags, but the bags were already filled with advertisements. The children enjoyed the project. They also cleaned up trash around the neighborhood and learned how to make new paper from recycled scrap paper. Anne Pfitzner Soldotna Elementary School Soldotna, Alaska Bags decorated: 187 Comments: Six different classrooms ranging from 1st grade to 6th grade decorated bags for our local Safeway grocery store. Dwana Selanoff Mt.Eccles Elem. Cordova, Alaska Bags decorated: 250 Comments: Kids at our elementry school (K-6) decorated the bags that we recieved. Thank you, they enjoyed the activity. Here in Cordova we have two grocery stores which do not offer paper bags. Cordova dosen't have a recycle bin for plastics, however our Post Office recycles paper and cardboard. This project has aided in awareness to the kids and the community as a whole will hopefully be informed of our recycling at the Post Office. A select few from my office chose ten of the decorated bags that best described Earth Day. These bags are on display at the Post Office. We informed the community of Earth Day by submitting a section in the newsletter this month. ~dwana-Americorps Member Sharon L. Fraley Arctic Light Elementary Ft. Wainwright, Alaska Bags decorated: 500!!! Comments: As I stated in my report last year, our goal for this year was to double the amount of Earth Day bags we decorated (110). Well, we did a little better than that - 500 bags!!! The response and support from the staff, teachers, and students was GREAT! This was our second year to participate, so everyone was familar with the project! Cliff Allison, Manager of College Road Safeway, was very supportive of the project and a pleasure to work with! My students are very enthusiastic about Earth Day and have learned a lot about how we should be taking care of our Mother Earth. We've learned to "Celebrate Earth Day...EVERY day!"...John Denver. Next year?! Well...1000 bags?! Sounds like a plan! Mrs. Fraley's 4th grade; Arctic Light Elem; Ft. Wainwright, Alaska ~peace :-) Greetings from North Pole, Alaska! North Pole High School reports 450 grocery bags. Our local Carrs store donated a bundle of bags last week for Earth Day. Students wrote environmental math facts on each bag in addition to the slogan of Earth Day, "Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle." The sacks will be dropped off at Carrs today, April 21. NPHS will be celebrating Earth Day with a festival set up in the gymnasium. Numerous community members will have booths set up demonstrating environmental conscious concepts to elementary through high school students. Make everyday Earth Day. We appreciate your work towards the promotion of this project. Teresa Hall Math Teacher North Pole High School Alaska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1998The Earth Day Groceries Project worked great here in Cordova, Alaska! I received the 600 paper bags without any problems from Colleen Shine in Virginia, distributed them to kids from Preschool to 6th grade, and took them to the Grocery Stores on Earth Day. I even took it a step further and picked 2 From each grade that were the "favorites" from a panel of judges and displayed those at the local post office. That increased awareness even more. Although the project guidelines suggest only putting first names on the bags, in a town so remote and small (pop 2300), the kids really wanted their names and grade on the bags so that the "favorites" could be recognized. I think we will actual have some type of personal certificate or something next year for the "best decorated" ones that are displayed at the post office.I chose to involve our post office because they are responsible for the bulk of paper recycling in our town. They ship out thousands of pounds of paper and cardboard to be sold to a buyer in Washington on the empty mail barges that leave Cordova. The postmaster loved the idea from the beginning. It was a really great project and I will recommend to my department head that the other Environmental Health Promoters in our region do the project in their communities next year. Thanks for all of the help and information you have posted on the Internet! I didn't think we could do it in a town without paper bags at the stores, but we did! I even had the manager of one grocery store tell me that he knew paper bags were the "right thing to do" and that he would consider offering them as an option, although they are more expensive. Paper and cardboard can be recycled here in Cordova, but plastic cannot. Thanks again for helping to make this great project a reality in a town without paper bags! Kate Williams kate@tribalnet.org This message sent via TribalNet International Seventh grade students in my life science classes decorated 130 grocery bags on April 21, 1998. The bags will be dropped off at the grocery story early Wednesday morning (4/22). Mike Geil (chefmeg@northstar.k12.ak.us) Tanana Satellite Middle School Fairbanks, Alaska We have decorated 110 Safeway grocery bags, with Earth Day messages! Terry, the manager, was more than happy to see someone willing to do this for Earth Day! Next year, we'll double the number! Sharon Kuzakin (skuzakin@northstar.k12.ak.us) Arctic Light Elem. http://northstar.k12.ak.us Ft. Wainwright, Alaska Alaska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1997Our team of seventh grade students at Tanana Satellite Middle school in Fairbanks, Alaska decorated about 100 grocery bags for one of our local supermarkets.Mike Geil, Science Teacher chefmeg@northstar.k12.ak.us Alaska Earth Day Groceries Reports - 1995I forwarded your message about the project to other elementary schools some time ago. One school has the following response. from Mat F. Please could you let the originators know that we had about 326 bags decorated at our school? Teachers and kids responded enthusiastically. (I noticed, however, that few people actually ask for paper at Kodiak Safeway. It looked like checkers would give plastic by default unless a customer specifically asked, and no one was asking while I watched.) Joe Gully at Safeway said they recycle their bags, and would be willing to show classes how they compress and bundle recyclables.I expect to hear from at least one more school, probably today. Thanks for the opportunity to participate. Pat J. janee@muskox.alaska.edu Mark, our kids did 164 bags and the response from the community was overwhelming. Skagway has approx. 125 students k-12 and many parents wanted to receive their child's bag when they were at the grocery store. The clerks at the store had a blast with the bags trying to match some local personalities with the designs. Thanks again Gary Trozzo JFGAT@acad1.alaska.edu Skagway City School District Skagway Alaska Hi Mark, These bags were decorated for Earth Day at: Nenana Public School P.O. Box 10 Nenana, AK 99760 k - 60 1 - 70 2 - 60 3 - 33 4 - 79 5 - 179 7 - 15 Total - 496Nenana is a k-12 school located 60 miles southwest of Fairbanks. The bags were distributed in Nenana and Fairbanks. The Earth Day program was sponsored by the fifth grade class. (You can tell!) Thanks for the invitation to join in, this was their first NET project. It was a great success. Robin Turk (parent) robint@muskox.alaska.edu
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