Send In One Bag!

Send In One Bag

Release Form:
Word format
PDF format 







Bag must be received no later than June 10, 2004.

More Information...
I've wanted for some time to establish a permanent collection of some of the incredible artwork generated by the Earth Day Groceries Project.  For the past few years I've held out three or four bags produced at Arbor Heights Elementary to put up on display in the front of the school during April and May.  I have also used these bags in displays at conference presentations.

So I thought, wouldn't it be wonderful to create a display of bags from MANY participating schools?  Wouldn't it be great to get high quality scans for electronic presentations? How about a Project calendar?! How about a traveling display that could be viewed in art museums?

One of the major roadblocks in using bags created by students is getting legal permission to do so. Hopefully, the following release form will not be too much of a hurdle, and many schools will choose to Send In One Bag!

The first place the bags will be displayed will be in the front of Arbor Heights Elementary School, where The Earth Day Groceries Project began, way back in 1994!

Please read the form carefully.  It must be included with the bag you send in, and it must be filled out completely.  If you have any questions, drop me an email. Thanks - Mark

Release Form:
Word format
PDF format

Mark Ahlness
Project Manager and Founder
The Earth Day Groceries Project