Posters now available!!

Project posters are now available online. These are once again offered free, and there is a brand new design this year! Head to the Requests for Posters page. Many thanks again to the American Forest & Paper Association!
The official blog for the Earth Day Groceries Project
Great news! I just received word from the AF&PA (American Forest and Paper Association) that The Earth Day Groceries Project poster will again be available this year! They are in fact working on a new, updated version. This will continue to be distributed free to organizations participating in the Earth Day Groceries Project.
I've already received several requests for the Project poster, offered in years past by the American Forest & Paper Association. I do not yet know if the poster will be available, but I am checking on this now. I will say that international orders will probably not be possible, based on what has been offered before.
Here is what I hope will become a useful medium for conveying information about the Earth Day Groceries Project. Comments are open to anyone. I really hope many will take advantage of the rss feeds. This will be a much more dynamic line of communication. It also will be a lot easier for me, as the project manager and webmaster, to convey late breaking news.